Title: Dr' William H' Glick
1Plenary Session Three
Thought Leadership onRisk and Change
Dr. William H. Glick Dean and H. Joe Nelson III
Professor of Management at the Jesse H. Jones
Graduate School of Business Rice University
2Perfect Storm
- Is the current storm good or bad for your firm?
3Returning to Normal Profits
- Are you trying to be the first in your sector to
return to normal profitability?
4Silver Lining in Storm Cloud
- Watch out for emergencies. They are your big
chance. - Fritz Reiner
- Symphonic Conductor
5Dont waste a crisis
- "Never let a serious crisis go to wasteit's an
opportunity to do things you couldn't do before.
- Rahm Emmanuel
- White House Chief of Staff
6Crisis is an Asset
- When you have a crisis, the crisis itself
becomes one of your biggest assets Everyone
gets very modest and humble and listens. If you
need to do rough things, you do rough things. - Carl-Henric Svanberg
- President and CEO of Ericsson
- Incoming Chairman of BP
7Crises Force Us to Think
- " Crises and deadlocks have at least this
advantage, that they force us to think. - Jawaharlal Nehru
- First Prime Minister of India
8Academic Perspective
- There is no crisis to which academics will not
respond with a seminar. - Old saying
9Crises Stimulate Change
Great Depression
Paperback Books
Jet Engine
10Crises Stimulate Change
Car Radio
Crises Stimulate Change
iTunes 99 Solution
12Reinvention as Competency
- Seismic Exploration to Submarine Detection
- Cell Phones to Embedded Processors
13Capacity to Change
- Energy Industry has Demonstrated Capacity to
Change -
- Deep sea exploration
- Sugar based ethanol
14Confronting Change
- Mergers National Oil Companies
15What happens to you?
- Disrupted or Disruptive Innovator?
- How can you survive and thrive as the change
16Simple Model of Change
17Challenge of Change
- Knowing when to change
- Challenging beliefs
18(No Transcript)
19Supply Chain Volatility AmplificationThe
Bullwhip Effect
Tier 1 Supplier
Information lags Delivery lags Over- and under
ordering Misperceptions of feedback Lumpiness in
ordering Chain accumulations
SOLUTIONS Countercyclical Markets Countercyclical
Technologies Collaborative channel mgmt.
(Cincinnati Milacron Boeing)
Source Fine, MIT
20Feeling the Crack of the Whip
- Are you on the wrong end of the bull whip?
- Is Scapegoating effective?
22Unfreezing Beliefs
- Lead, follow, or get out of the way
- We have a winning team, but game has changed
- Compelling case for action/ burning platform
- Reframing context as opportunity rather than a
23Opportunities for Change
- Creative exploration
- Thriving on knowledge of others
- Crafting a vision
- Communicating a vision
24Reinforcing Change
- Small wins
- Positive reinforcement
- Creating heroes
25Simple Model of Change
26Which Crisis?
- Which crisis will give you the greatest
opportunity? - Access to reserves (4)
- Uncertain energy policy (6)
- Price volatility (new)
- Cost containment (3)
- Worsening fiscal terms (2)
- Human capital deficit (1)
- Climate environmental concerns (8)
- Competing services from IOCS OFS (new)
- Supply shocks (9)
- Aging infrastructure (new)
2009 (2008) Ernst Young Business Risk Report
Oil Gas
27Legacy of 1980s
- Lessons from the past
- Dramatic down-sizing
- Inability to predict long-term prices
- Bullwhip effects on supply chain
- Talent supply chain
28Rebuilding Talent Supply
- Executive Education
- Executive, Professional, and Full-time MBAs
- Undergraduates
- K-12 focus on science and math
29Energy at Rice
- Center for Energy Education Leadership
- Jones Graduate School of Business
- Rice MBA concentration in energy management
- Fulbright Jaworski Energy Directors Conference
- Energy Finance Forum
- Baker Institute for Public Policy
- Richard E. Smalley Institute for Nanoscale
Science Technology /AEC - Rices Energy Environmental Systems Institute
- Strategic change starts with an idea
- The winner in the next decade will be the
smartest investor, not the first to turn a profit