Title: 1' Standards for data structures and semantics
1Metadata Standards - Types
- 1. Standards for data structures and semantics
- metadata element sets e.g., Dublin Core Metadata
Element Set (DCMES) - 2. Standards and Guides for data content
- created to guide the practices of metadata
generation e.g., AACR2, DACS, CCO, Using DC - 3. Standards for data values
- value encoding schemes (link to list)
- e.g., DCMI Type Vocabulary RFC 4646 Tags for
Identifying Languages AAT LCSH - 4. Standards for data exchange
- may be separately designed or bound together
with the element sets - e.g., MARC 21
2Standards for data structures and semantics
element sets Example 1 Dublin Core Metadata
Element Set
3Components of an element set Elements,
definitions, best practices, recommended encoding
Standards and Guides for data content rules
and guides Standards for data values value
encoding schemes
-- from Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version
4Content Standards and Guidelines
5Standards for data structures and semantics
element sets Example 2 VRA Core 4.0 Element
6Example from VRA Core 4.0 Specification for
element DATE
7Cont. Example from VRA Core 4.0 Specification
for element DATE
8Content Standards and Guidelines
- Chapter 1 Object Naming
- Chapter 2 Creator Information
- Chapter 3 Physical Characteristics
- Chapter 4 Stylistic, Cultural and Chronological
Information - Chapter 5 Location and Geography
- Chapter 6 Subject
- Chapter 7 Class
- Chapter 8 Description
- Chapter 9 View Information
- Plus
- Examples
- Vocabularies