Title: ESPON Seminar 2122 Nov' 2002
1ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
2Structure of the Presentation
- GISCO project
- GISCO mandates
- Current GISCO database
- New System Architecture
- INSPIRE initiative
- NUTS Regulation
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
3- Origin CORINE project
- 1990 Task force on spatial statistics
- 1992 GISCO as a permanent Eurostat project
- Eurostat has recognised the importance of a GIS
to integrate data from different statistical
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
4- Mandate
- Within Eurostat
- Within the Commission
- Within the European statistical system
- International co-operation
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
5GISCO Mandate Activities
- manage the GISCO reference database including its
structure, architecture, data transfer, etc. - ensure quality control of the contents
- act as a reference centre for Eurostat and the EC
- chair the meetings of the COGI
- express and support users needs in terms of
software and hardware - pursue the harmonisation of EU and broader
international activities in GI
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
6ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
7- Hierarchical structure of themes, layers and
datasets - Coverages storing vector data
- Grids for raster data (land cover, DEM)
- Attribute tables in INFO format
- File based structure
- Metadata as HTML pages and as Access database
- Equal Area Projection system on a sphere
- Distribution on CD-ROM
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
8ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
9ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
10Infrastructure for Spatial Information in
Europe The INSPIRE Vision is to make
harmonised and high quality geographic data and
information readily available for formulating,
implementing, monitoring and evaluating Community
policy and for the citizen to access information
about the environment, whether local, regional,
national or international
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
11- Data should be collected once and maintained at
the level where this can be done most effectively - It should be possible to combine seamlessly
spatial information from different sources across
Europe and share it between many users and
application - It should be possible for information collected
at one level to be shared between all the
different levels, detailed for detailed
investigations, general for strategic purposes
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
12INSPIRE Common principles
- geographic information needed for good governance
at all levels should be abundant under conditions
that do not refrain its extensive use - it should be easy to discover which geographic
information is available, fits the needs for a
particular use and under which conditions it can
be acquired and used - geographic data should become easy to understand
and interpret because it can be visualised within
the appropriate context selected in a
user-friendly way
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
13(No Transcript)
14INSPIRE timeline
- Position papers until September 2002
- Expert group meeting end of october 2002
- INSPIRE concept paper end of year
- Draft of legislation beginning 2003
Information at http//www.ec-gis.org/inspire
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
15- Proposal adopted by the Commission on 14
February 2001 - Discussion in the Council and Parliament since
March 2001 - Decision of Parliament October 2001
- Second reading in 2002
- Common position of the Council in October 2002
- Discussion in Parliament end of 2002 (?)
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
16- Assure comparability and impartiality of regional
statistics - fix (more or less) the current state of the NUTS
in the MS - set-up objective criteria for the definition of
regions - define clear rules for future amendments
- stability of the classification over time
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
17- Comitology procedure
- Changes only every 3 years
- in addition 2 years transition period
- Aim reduction of the dispersion of region sizes
ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
18ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002
19ESPON Seminar 21-22 Nov. 2002