Title: Single Robot Motion Planning II
1Single Robot Motion Planning - II
- Liang-Jun Zhang
- COMP790-058
- Sep 24, 2008
2Review C-space
Configuration Space
A 2D Translating Robot
3Review Computing C-obstacle
- Difficult due to geometric and space complexity
- Practical solutions are only available for
- Translating rigid robots Minkowski sum
- Robots with no more than 3 DOFs
- Approximate cell decomposition
- Sampling-based motion planning
5Approximate Cell Decomposition (ACD)
- Not compute the free space exactly at once
- But compute it incrementally
- Relatively easy to implement
- Lozano-Pérez 83
- Zhu et al. 91
- Latombe 91
- Zhang et al. 06
Octree decomposition
6Approximate Cell Decomposition
Configuration Space
- Full cell
- Empty cell
- Mixed cell
- Mixed
- Uncertain
- Cell labelling algorithms
- Zhang et al 06
7Finding a Path by ACD
8Connectivity Graph
Gf Free Connectivity Graph
Gf is a subgraph of G
9Finding a Path by ACD
10Finding a Path by ACD
L Guiding Path
- First Graph Cut Algorithm
- Guiding path in connectivity graph G
- Only subdivide along this path
- Update the graphs G and Gf
11First Graph Cut Algorithm
L Guiding Path
Only subdivide the cells along L
new Gf
12Finding a Path by ACD
- A channel
- Can be used for path smoothing.
13ACD for Path Non-existence
14ACD for Path Non-existence
Connectivity Graph
15ACD for Path Non-existence
Connectivity graph is not connected
No path!
A sufficient condition for deciding path
16- Live Demo
- Gear-2DOF
- Gear-3DOF
17Five-gear Example
roadmap in free space
18Two-gear Example
no path!
Cells in C-obstacle
Roadmap in F
19Motion Planning Framework
- Continuous representation
- Discretization
- Graph search
20Summary Approximate Cell Decomposition
- Simple and easy to implement
- Efficient and practical for low DOF robots
- Inefficient for 5 or more DOFs robot
- Resolution-complete
- Find a path if there is one
- Otherwise, report path non-existence
- Up to some resolution of the cell
- Approximate cell decomposition
- Sampling-based motion planning
- Geometric complexity
- Space dimensionality
23Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM)
free space
Kavraki, Svetska, Latombe,Overmars, 95
24Basic PRM Aalgorithm
Input geometry of the moving object
obstacles Output roadmap G (V, E) 1 V ? ?
and E ? ?. 2 repeat 3 q ? a configuration
sampled uniformly at random from C. 4 if
CLEAR(q)then 5 Add q to V. 6 Nq ? a set
of nodes in V that are close to q. 6 for
each q? Nq, in order of increasing d(q,q) 7
if LINK(q,q)then 8 Add an edge
between q and q to E.
25Two Geometric Primitives in C-space
- CLEAR(q)Is configuration q collision free or
not? - LINK(q, q) Is the straight-line path between q
and q collision-free?
26Query Processing
- Connect qinit and qgoal to the roadmap
- Start at qinit and qgoal, perform a random walk,
and try to connect with one of the milestones
nearby - Try multiple times
27Two Tenets of PRM Planning
- Checking sampled configurations and connections
between samples for collision can be done
efficiently. ? Hierarchical collision
checkingHierarchical collision checking methods
were developed independently from PRM, roughly at
the same time - A relatively small number of milestones and local
paths are sufficient to capture the connectivity
of the free space.? Exponential convergence in
expansive free space (probabilistic
28Why does it work? Intuition
- A small number of milestones almost cover the
entire free space.
29Two Tenets of PRM Planning
- Checking sampled configurations and connections
between samples for collision can be done
efficiently. ? Hierarchical collision
checkingHierarchical collision checking methods
were developed independently from PRM, roughly at
the same time - A relatively small number of milestones and local
paths are sufficient to capture the connectivity
of the free space.? Exponential convergence in
expansive free space (probabilistic
30Narrow Passage Problem
- Narrow passages are difficult to be sampled due
to their small volumes in C-space
Narrow passage
Alpha puzzle
Configuration Space
- Many small connected components
32Strategies to Improve PRM
- Where to sample new milestones?
- Sampling strategy
- Which milestones to connect?
- Connection strategy
- Goal
- Minimize roadmap size to correctly
answermotion-planning queries
33Sampling Strategies
34Poor Visibility in Narrow Passages
- Non-uniform sampling strategies
35But how to identify poor visibility regions?
- What is the source of information?
- Robot and environment geometry
- How to exploit it?
- Workspace-guided strategies
- Dilation-based strategies
- Filtering strategies
- Adaptive strategies
36Workspace-guided strategies
- Identify narrow passages in the workspace and map
them into the configuration space
37Dilation-based strategies
- During roadmap construction, allow milestones
with small penetration - Dilate the free space
- Hsu et al. 98, Saha et al. 05, Cheng et al. 06,
Zhang et al. 07
A milestone with small penetration
- If a path is returned, the answer is always
correct. - If no path is found, the answer may or may not be
correct. We hope it is correct with high
39Weaker Completeness
- Complete planner ? Too slow
- Heuristic planner ? Too unreliable
- Probabilistic completenessIf a solution path
exists, then the probability that the planner
will find one is a fast growing function that
goes to 1 as the running time increases
40Kinodynamic Planning
41RRT for Kinodynamic Systems
- Rapidly-exploring Random Tree
- Randomly select a control input
42More Examples
- Car pulling trailers (complicated kinematics --
no dynamics)
43Summary Sampling-based Motion Planning
- Efficient in practice
- Work for robots with many DOF (high-dimensional
configuration spaces) - Has been applied for various motion planning
problems (non-holonomic, kinodynamic planning
etc.) - Narrow passages problems (one of the hot areas)
- May not terminate when no path exists
- Configuration space
- Visibility graph
- Approximate cell decomposition
- Decompose the free space into simple cells and
represent the connectivity of the free space by
the adjacency graph of these cells - Sampling-based approach
- High-dimensional Configuration Spaces
- Capture the connectivity of the free space by
- Books
- J.C. Latombe. Robot Motion Planning, 1991.
- S.M. LaValle, Planning Algorithms, 2006
- Free book http//msl.cs.uiuc.edu/planning/
- H. Choset et al. Principles of Robot Motion
Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations, 2005 - Conferences
- ICRA IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation - IROS IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent RObots and Systems - WAFR Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of