Title: Blended Learning Curriculum Design
1 Blended Learning Curriculum Design
Transforming Culture
Peter Bullen, Director of the
Blended Learning Unit Mark
Russell, Deputy Director of the Blended Learning
Unit Jon Alltree, Director of
Learning and Teaching
2Blended Learning Curriculum Design Transforming
- Introduction
- UH/BLU context
- CABLE (Change Academy for Blended Learning
Enhancement) - Group Activities
- CABLE, divergent thinking
- Accessing principles of good practice
3Blended learning - our definition
- Educational provision where high quality
e-learning opportunities and excellent campus
based learning are combined or blended in
coherent, reflective and innovative ways so that
learning is enhanced and choice is increased - Blended Learning Harnessing technology to
enhance Learning, Teaching and Assessment.
4 Seven Principles for Good Practice in
- Encourages contact between students and staff
- Develops reciprocity and co-operation among
students - Encourages active learning
- Gives prompt feedback
- Emphasises time on task
- Communicates high expectations
- Respects diverse talents and ways of learning
- Chickering and Gamson (1987)
5Blended Learning Harnessing technology to
enhance Learning, Teaching and Assessment.
- Enhancing
- Extending
- Replacing
- ..the classroom
6BLU Goals
- Minimising barriers
- Developing innovative practice
- Dissemination (Transforming practice)
- Evaluation
- BL Strategy
- Fit for purpose
- Partnerships (Individuals and Schools)
7Technology in the classroom
8Developing innovative practice
- Areas of interest
- Learning Materials
- Curriculum Design
9The Process
10Change Academy for Blended Learning Enhancement
11The Change Academy
- . helps teams from higher education
institutions develop the knowledge, capacity and
enthusiasm for achieving complex institutional
change. It provides unique opportunities for
team-based learning and professional development
that focus on the strategic interests and needs
of the participating institutions. - http//www.heacademy.ac.uk/changeacademy.htm
12The Change Academy
- . helps teams from higher education
institutions develop the knowledge, capacity and
enthusiasm for achieving complex School level
change. It provides unique opportunities for
team-based learning and professional development
that focus on the strategic interests and needs
of the participating Schools. -
(CABLE version)
13The CABLE process
Ongoing BLU support
- EOI ? 6 Selected
- Team Leaders meeting
- Individual team meetings
- 2 Day residential
Implementations (X6)
14Preparation for the Residential event
- Team building
- Within team
- With BLU
- Divergent thinking and identifying key issues
- Professional development
- Belbin
- Other
15Residential event
- Team building
- Within team
- With BLU
- Between teams
- Professional development
- Team working
- Managing Change
- Cross fertilisation between groups and BLU
- Critical friends
- Synergies/mutual support
- Finalising action plans
17 - The Deliverables
- A sustainable CABLE process
- Sustainable change in blended learning practice
- Collaborative working across Schools
- Impact on UH
- Impact on HE sector
- The Participants
- gt15 academic Schools
- 15 Students fully involved
- gt 100 Academic Staff
- 4 HE Institutions
CABLE 1, 2, 3
CABLE Transfer
18 - Lessons Learned
- Academic led process
- Students as part of the process
- Structured and supported process
- Staff development and team building
- Developing partnerships and collaborative practice
- Strategic Planning
- Effecting change
- Informing strategic business unit planning
- Developing culture and agents for change
- CABLE process in other applications
CABLE 1, 2, 3
CABLE Transfer
19Blended Learning Enhancement
elearning in staff induction
changing practice in elearning
managing large groups
learning technology skills
using virtual classroom technology
The CABLE Process
workplace learning
flexible learning
distance learning
elearning for CPD
enhancing lab activity
managing change
managing risk
20 CABLE Conclusion
- Sustainable change is possible
- Links between curriculum design and the CABLE
process - CABLE offers tools for change
- -curriculum design
- -project management
- -risk management
- -skills needs analysis
- Collaborative working as an outcome
21Summing Up
- More information
- www.herts.ac.uk/blu
- What do our students think? (video diaries)
- Active learning, feedback, co-operation among
students, diverse ways of learning, contact
between students and staff, high expectations..