Title: M
1Mäori Participation in Community Health
2One Hundred Years of Progress
- Rotorua 1903
Mäori Health
Inspectors - Rotorua 1931
Te Ropü o te Ora - Rotorua 1994
Hui Ara Ahu Whakamua - Rotorua 2002
Whänau Ora
3Mäori Health Inspectors
- Pomare
- Department of Public Health
- Mäori Councils 1900
- Community leaders as leaders in health
- Housing,
water supplies,
registration births, deaths,
incidence of illness
4Mäori Women Health Leadership
- 1931 Te Ropü o te Ora
Nurse Cameron - community energies
marae based
child care
health of mothers
Tipu Ora - 1952 Mäori Womens Welfare League
Whina Cooper - regional and district branches
- urbanisation
identification of major
health issues (remits)
advocacy for health
consumer perspectives
5Dedicated Community Health Workers
- 1985
- Community knowledge
- Cultural knowledge
- Cross-sectoral
- Cross-disciplinary
- Liaison
- Health promotion
- Support
6Mäori Community Health Workers at the Interface
- Community Health institutions
- Whänau professionals
- Health science mätauranga Mäori
- Sickness wellness
- Health sector Social Policy sector
- Mäori health Mäori development
- Treatment care and support
7Mäori Community Health Workers in the 21st century
- Build on gains made in the previous century
Mäori health inspectors,
Te Ropü o te Ora,
Community health
workers - Maintain a broad approach to health
- Retain community base
- Gain expertise at the interface
- Advocate for Mäori health
8The Key Tasks
- Scan the environment
- Strengthen the foundations of health
- Support the sick and infirm
- Negotiate access
- Promote healthy lifestyles
9Key Tasks
- 1 Scan the Environment for threats to health
- a Natural environment
- water air
- waste management
- b The domestic environment
- homes
- roads, streets, cars
- c The social environment
- schools
- hotels, clubs
- workplace
- shopping malls, leisure centres
10Key Tasks
- 2 Strengthen the Foundations of Health
- a access to Te Ao Mäori
- te reo
- marae
- whenua tipu
- whänau
- b access to society
- sound education
- employment
- technology
- c access to nuturing
- parenting
- arrangements for care
- facilitation of growth development
11Key Tasks
- 3 Support the Sick and Infirm
a Those at risk - elderly, children
- chronic illness
- disability
- b Care and treatment
- arrange care and treatment for individuals
and their whänau - c Encourage self management
- diabetes
- asthma
- dialysis
12Key Tasks
- 4 Negotiate Access to
- a Health disability services
- primary health care
- secondary health care
- disability support services
- b Iwi, Mäori services
- health
- social servcies
- legal servcies
- c Community services
- social agencies e.g. CYFS
- justice
- financial servcies
13Key Tasks
- 5 Promote Healthy Lifestyles
a nutrition -
- b substance misuse
- alcohol drug
- smoking
- c exercise
- sport
- leisure
- recreation
14Key Skills knowledge and experience in
- 1 Mäori networks
- 2 Health Networks
- 3 Mätauranga Mäori
- 4 Community knowledge
- 5 Health knowledge
15Key Skills knowledge and experience in
- 1 Mäori networks
Able to access - whänau
- hapü
- Mäori community organisations
- rongoa services
- Able to appreciate Mäori diversity
- Able to gain recognition in Mäori community
16Key Skills knowledge and experience in
- 2 Health Networks
to provide access to health agencies - ability to work with health agencies
- sound knowledge of the health system
- experience in shared case management
17Key Skills knowledge and experience in
- 3 Mätauranga Mäori
Competent to work in Mäori situations - te reo
- tikanga
- local kawa
- appreciation of Mäori perspectives
18Key Skills knowledge and experience in
- 4 Community knowledge
- Aware of community resources and facilities
- First hand knowledge of community dynamics
- Appreciation of cultural and ethnic
divides - Identification of commmunity
decision- makers -
19Key Skills knowledge and experience in
- 5 Health knowledge
- Familiar with practice of health promotion
- Understanding of health and disease
- Knowledge of health policy, regulations
- Principles underlying treatment
- First aid
20Key Outcomes
- Community health work should contribute to health
gains for Mäori - Health gains best measured by outcomes that
reflect improvements in - Wairua
- Hinengaro
- Tinana
- Whänau
21A Framework forMäori Community Health
Key Tasks
Scan the environment
Strengthen health foundations
Support the sick infirm
Negotiate access
Promote healthy life-styles
22A Framework forMäori Community Health
Key Skills
Mäori networks
Health networks
Mätauranga Mäori
Community knowledge
Health knowledge
Key Tasks
Scan the environment
Strengthen health foundations
Support the sick infirm
Negotiate access
Promote healthy life-styles
23A Framework forMäori Community Health
Key Skills
Mäori networks
Health networks
Mätauranga Mäori
Community knowledge
Health knowledge
Key Tasks
Scan the environment
Strengthen health foundations
Support the sick infirm
Negotiate access
Best Health outcomes for Mäori
Promote healthy life-styles