California Coordinated School Health Leadership Institute
People Skills, Relationships and Leadership. February 20, 2004 ... People Skills. School Health Council. School Health Team. School Health Coordinator ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Title: California Coordinated School Health Leadership Institute
1 California Coordinated School Health Leadership Institute
People Skills,
Relationships and Leadership
Lola Hiroko Irvin
2 People Skills, Relationships and Leadership
School Health Council
School Health Team
School Health Coordinator
People Skills
3 Resources
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook Strategies and Tools for Building Learning Organizations. Peter M. Senge, et al., 1994.
Step By Step To Health Promoting Schools A Guide to Implementing Coordinated School Health Programs in Local Schools and Districts. Joyce V. Fetro, 1998.
Good to Great. Jim Collins, 2001.
4 Leadership
What does it look like?
What does it feel like?
What words would you use to describe it?
What do you want to create of your world?
5 Leadership
What does it look like?
What does it feel like?
What words would you use to describe it?
What does the team want to create of the world?
6 Leadership
What does it look like?
What does it feel like?
What words would you use to describe it?
What does the council want to create of the world?
7 Creative Tension
School Health Improvement Plan
Goals and objectives
Action items
8 Partnerships - Relationships
Who do you need
Who is missing
School Health Improvement Plan
9 Partnerships - Relationships
Who do you need
Who is missing
Understanding your potential partner
Permeable and seasonal partnerships
What will be their roles
10 Partnerships - Relationships
What is their organizational mission
Do you have intersecting missions
Understanding your potential partner
Permeable and seasonal partnerships
What will be their roles
11 Partnerships - Relationships
What are their objectives
Do you have common objectives, does coordinating school health reach their objectives
Understanding your potential partner
Permeable and seasonal partnerships
What will be their roles
12 Partnerships - Relationships
What do they do best
How can working together make them better
What resources do they have
Understanding your potential partner
Permeable and seasonal partnerships
What will be their roles
13 Partnerships - Relationships
Private vs. public
For profit vs. non-profit
How can their needs be met in a partnership
14 Partnerships - Relationships
Celebrate and recognize
Earned or paid media
Logos and branding
Publish work
15 Partnerships - Relationships
Use symbolism to recognize
Frame publications
Recognize leadership in joint events
Commemorate relationship
Nominate and recognize with organizational awards
16 People Skills
Using mental models
Reflection - slow down our thinking process
Inquiry openly sharing views and developing knowledge about each other
Now that you have
them around the
table . . .
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, Peter Senge 17 Balancing Reflection and InquiryThe Left Hand Column
Left Hand
What Im thinking and feeling
What do I want
Right Hand
What is being said
What is the data
18 Balancing Reflection and InquiryThe Left Hand Column
Also use in the
moment to create
self-awareness to
create transparency
for yourself and your
Left Hand
What Im thinking and feeling
What do I want
19 Balancing Reflection and InquiryThe Left Hand Column
Also use in the
moment to inquire
into others
thinking and
make their
thinking visible
Right Hand
What is being said
What is the data
20 Balancing Reflection and InquiryThe Left Hand Column
Right Hand
What is being said
What is the data
Use chart paper
or board to write
out what people
are saying
21 Balancing Reflection and InquiryThe Left Hand Column
Right Hand
What is being said
What is the data
Document notes
or minutes of
meeting and
22 Ladder of Inference
More aware of your thinking and reasoning
Making your thinking and reasoning visible to others
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