Title: Building Bridges Through Community Workshops
1Building Bridges Through Community Workshops
- Presenters
- Dean Fecher
- Rhonda Myers
- Jackie Nelson
2Contact Us
- Dean Fecher, 5th Grade Teacher
- fecherd_at_mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Rhonda Myers, Principal
- myersr_at_mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Jackie Nelson, Technology Integration Lead
Professional - nelsonj_at_mishawaka.k12.in.us
- LaSalle Elementary School
- www.mishawaka.k12.in.us/lasalle/
3Getting to know each other
- Name
- Position/School/Location
- Where are you at in the workshop process?
- What would you like to get from this workshop?
- Do you have any specific needs the group may be
able to help with today?
4Our Own Workshop Success Stories
- LCWS LaSalle Community Workshop Series
- Technology Focused (one topic per workshop)
- Goal was to educate parents and community members
on software being used by students at school
increase parental support capability at home,
community outreach service, showcase student
successes with technology (Student Facilitators)
5LCWS Continued
- Targeted to parents and community members
- Multiple workshops over the school year
- Funded through an Ed Tech grant from IDOE
- Video Clips
6Family Literacy Night and Family Math Night
- Each offered once per school year
- Target audience is parents and families
- Goal of both nights is to provide support for
parent involvement at home and encourage family
involvement at school - Concurrent Session format
- Slide Show of FLN
- Planning forms, etc.
7Resources for Information
- The Indiana Center for Family, School, and
Community Partnerships - www.fscp.org
- The Parent Institute
- www.parent-institute.com/pmd
- Home School Connection
- rfecustomer_at_aspenpubl.com
- Reading Connection
- rfecustomer_at_aspenpubl.com
8Workshop Topic Possibilities
- Informational
- Outreach
- Community Service
- Web
- Success Stories!!!
9Planning your own workshop
- Workshop Planning
- Logistics
- Content Planning
10Part 1, Number 1 Goal
- What is your overall goal for the workshop?
- School Improvement Goals
- Support curriculum
- Community needs
- Survey potential participants for needs
- Phone, paper, email, exit survey, web, how???
11Part 1, Number 2 Target Audience
- Who are you trying to reach with this workshop?
12Part 1, Number 3 Format
- Whole group session
- Open house
- Concurrent Session
- Assigned Session
- Others
13Part 1, Number 4 Topic Possibilities
- What are you going to talk about at the workshop?
14Part 1, Number 5 Overall Agenda
- What is the agenda for the entire workshop time
going to look like? - Is time needed for multiple sessions,
transitions, whole group introductory activities,
debriefing following sessions, refreshments,
breaks, other activities, etc.? - Our workshop agendas
15Part 1, Number 6 Logistics Planning
- Who will be responsible for planning and
implementing the logistics? - Can this be handled by one person? Planning team?
Delegated to teachers? Parent volunteers? Senior
volunteer programs (RSVP)? Local college or high
school consumer and family science course
16Part 1, Number 7 Activity Planning
- Who will plan the actual activity being presented
to the audience? - Small groups, individual or pairs, grade levels,
RSVP, administrators
17Part 1, Number 8 Collecting Feedback
- How will feedback be collected at the workshop?
- Feedback form
- On site
- Mailed after the workshop
- Random interviews
- Phone calls
- Email
18Part 1, Number 9 Analyzing Feedback
- How will feedback be analyzed?
- What do you hope to gain from collecting the
19Part 1, Number 10 Sharing Feedback
- How will the feedback be shared with all
stakeholders? - Who else does the feedback need to be shared
with? - Reflection and Celebration!!
20Part 1, Number 11 Other Considerations
21Part 2, Number 1 Date and Time
- What dates are good for the participants?
- Other scheduled events for school
- Outside sporting events (Little League)
- Holidays/common vacation times
- What times work for everyone?
- Evenings starting time depending on meals, etc.
- Weekends
- Daytime
- Variety??
22Part 2, Number 2 -- Location
- What are the needs of the audience and the
workshop goals? - Size limitations
- Outside location may be less intimidating
- Church rec room or gym
- Public Library
- Community Center
23Part 2, Number 3 Transportation
- Do you need to provide transportation to the
event to get attendance? - How can that happen?
- Car pools
- City bus discount/arrangements
- School bus
- Teachers and volunteer drivers
24Part 2, Number 4 Building Partnerships
- What financial/materials needs are there?
- Where can that funding come from?
- School funding
- Local business partnerships
- PTA/PTO support
- Other sources?
- Request Letter
25Part 2, Number 5 Financial
- What are the financial needs of the workshop?
- Supplies (folders, paper, refreshments, stipends,
supplies for activities, etc.) - Expenses how much do you need?
26Part 2, Number 6 Door Prizes
- What will it take to get participants to come?
- Where can door prizes come from?
- Local donations (about 12 response)
27Part 2, Number 7 Babysitting
- Increased participation
- Sources for babysitters
- Teachers or teachers older children
- Community Service Project (honor societies, etc.)
- Local Consumer and Family Science courses
28Part 2, Number 8 Marketing/Invitation
- Who is your target audience and how can you best
reach them? - Flyers home with students
- Internet
- Email
- Phone calls
- Community-wide posters/flyers
- Parent conferences
29Part 2, Number 9 Registration and/or Sign In
- Do you have space limitations or needs that
require pre-registration? - If so, how will that happen?
- How will you know who attends the workshop?
30Part 2, Number 10 -- Refreshments
- Food talks!!
- Snacks (cookies and punch)
- Snacks at each activity
- Meal for family
- Local donations?
- School district food services
31Part 2, Number 11 Video Taping
- Documentation
- Availability to those who could not attend
- Do you need parent permission to post clips to
32Part 2, Number 12 Name Tags
- Increased interaction
- Identify presenters, volunteers, helpers
33Part 2, Number 13 Student Facilitators
- How can current students support the workshop?
- Showcase current happenings
- Support presenters
- Troubleshoot
- Question/Answer assistance
34Part 2, Number 14 Other Considerations
35Part 3, Number 1 Goal
- Focus has to be on goal of the workshop
36Part 3, Number 2 Agenda
- Items for each activity if concurrent sessions
- Time limitations
37Part 3, Number 3 Printed Information
- Brochures
- Handouts
- Folders
- Tutorials (technology)
- Take-home games or books
38Part 3, Number 4 -- Activity
- What will participants do while they are at the
session/workshop? - What do they need to leave knowing?
- Please take 10-15 minutes to reflect on what you
have discovered this evening and where you need
to move to as you plan your own workshop.
40Additional Resources
- Websites for Math, Literacy, Science, Social
Studies, and Technology - All forms shared today available at