Title: Contracts
1Contracts Procurement Open Forum
- February 15, 2006
- 10 1130 am
- UU - 220
- Introduction of CPS Staff
- Topics to be covered
- Website Updates
- New Campus Contracts
- P-Card Updates
- Copier Procurement
- Office Max
- Updates Overview
- Questions and Answers
3Website Updates
- Office Max
- Account profile set-up
- Updating your user profile
- Retail Connect Card Application
- Memos
- Office Max delivery
- Cartridge Recycle Program
- Risk Evaluation Form
- Campus Contracts
4Campus Contracts
- Campus Contracts are created for goods or
services that are generally required by multiple
departments. - Benefits
- Better discounts, due to higher volume
- You can purchase on an as needed basis.
- More timely
- No requisition/purchase order is necessary
5Campus Contracts
- Placing an order against a Campus Contract
- Orders can be placed by phone/fax,
electronically, or department pickup. - Department must identify the campus contract
number (PO), their department name and the
ordering individual's name. - Payments by "direct pay" type of transactions.
- Single transactions cannot be greater than 2,500
(exception Fisher Scientific).
- New Contact Val Maijala x62234
vmaijala_at_calpoly.edu - Qwest Conferencing Services
- Directions located at http//servicedesk.calpoly
.edu then choosing Telephone Support -- Audio
and Web conferencing - PaymentNet Features
- Changing chartfields for individual purchases
- Review charges as they post
- Print out monthly statements (current or past)
7Copier Procurement
- Contact Sarah Worley in CPS x6-5494
- Complete the Copier Request Form
- Assess what your department needs
- Decide on renting or purchasing
- CPS will request quotes from vendors
- Promotes fair competition
- Ensures a competitive price
- 4. CPS Evaluates Quotes Received
- Calculate total cost of operation
8Copier Procurement
(Yearly rental x 5) (annual service cost x 5)
rental TCO Purchase price (annual service cost
x 5) purchase TCO
9Copier Procurement
- Insure all copiers are within specifications
- Forward to department for final approval
- 5. Begin Purchasing Process
- Enter requisition
- Service Agreement executed between contractor
Cal Poly
10Updates Overview
- Automobile Purchases
- Processing Invoices/Payments
- Contracts Agreements for Events
11Vehicle Purchases
- New State law effective Jan 1, 2006
- All vehicle purchases must be pre-approved by DGS
prior to Cal Poly issuing PO - Forms to be filled out and mailed to DGS
- Review by DGS could take 2 - 4 weeks
- Total process could take 6 - 8 weeks even before
we go out for quote and issue a PO - Long term planning is a must
- Year-end process will require users to submit
their vehicle requirements to CPS by April 14 to
assure purchase in this FY
12Processing Invoices/Payments
- Departments are responsible for approving
invoices/payments and sending them to AP in a
timely fashion - Timely means 5 10 days max
- Our relationship with our suppliers and
contractors depends on us paying within 30 days
after invoicing - We have had many instances recently of approvals
being held up in departments - This results in an intervention on our part and
an upset supplier/contractor.
13Off-campus Events
- Reminder/tip sheet
- Off-campus facility use information
- Complexity of funding
- Oversight of student clubs
14Office Max
- Go Express Delivery Information
- 2006 Catalog (J9CATALOG-06)
- Personal Purchases
- Ex POW