Jim Fawcett CSE686 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jim Fawcett CSE686


Java is nifty, but growing too complex for a lot of the jobs we need to do. ... Java is nifty, has lots of tools that let me do interesting research. I love it! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jim Fawcett CSE686

Jim FawcettCSE686 Internet ProgrammingSummer
Ruby And Ruby on Rails
  • Brown-Bag Seminar Presentation, Beyond Java
    Chapters 4 and 5, Jim Fawcett, Spring 2006
  • Brown-Bag Seminar Presentation, Beyond Java
    Chapters 6 and 7, Taylan Yamliha, Spring 2006
  • Beyond Java, Bruce Tate, OReilly, 2005
  • Programming Ruby, Dave Thomas, PragmaticProgrammer
    , 2005
  • Agile Web Development with Rails, Dave Thomas,
    David Hansson, PragmaticProgrammer, 2005

A Useful Definition for this Presentation
  • Spin from WordReference.com
  • A distinctive interpretation (especially as used
    by politicians to sway public opinion) the
    campaign put a favorable spin on the story.
  • When spun, your job is to
  • Listen, but be somewhat skeptical
  • Make up your own mind

Some Spins
  • Bruce Tate - Author of Beyond Java
  • Java is nifty, but growing too complex for a lot
    of the jobs we need to do. Enter Ruby?
  • Kanat Bolazar one of my Ph.D. candidate advisees
  • Java is nifty, has lots of tools that let me do
    interesting research. I love it! Im skeptical
    of what the author says.
  • Jim Fawcett - pragmatist
  • Windows world is where most of the jobs are.
    There are lots of interesting, but complicated,
    technologies to use there. But windows
    development isnt the only game in town Its just
    the one I have most interest in.
  • I think the author is smart, has lots of
    interesting things to say, and will give us a
    view into another world, if we let him.

(No Transcript)
Chapter 4 Glass Breaking
  • Javas new job description
  • Early use to develop quick applications
  • Then moved server-side
  • Web site applications
  • Enterprise Systems
  • Mapping objects into relational model
  • Distributed transactions
  • Messaging middleware
  • Java is flexible, so its been able to accommodate
    these changes.

Typical Requirements
  • Good fit to middleware development because of its
    existing packages
  • Servlets and web programming is not as productive
    as PHP
  • Java just isnt very good for the simplest and
    most typical applications.
  • Better alternatives exist for XML processing.
    Javas strings are too verbose.
  • Natural fit to large enterprise projects due to
    its libraries and large number of Java developers.

The Learning Curve
  • Most Java-based web applications use Java Server
    Pages (JSP) technology, probably through Tomcat.
  • There are more steps, now, in using Tomcat, which
    take longer to learn.
  • But thats not all. Youll need to understand
  • Ant build and deploy web applications
  • Tapestry or Struts organize user interface code
  • Hibernate object relational mapper
  • Spring organize application resources and
    support testing

  • See the End Notes for summaries of
  • PHP Hypertext PreProcessor
  • JSP Java Server Pages
  • J2EE Java, Enterprise Edition
  • EJB Enterprise Java Beans
  • Apache Apache web server
  • Tomcat Containers for Java Server Pages
  • Struts Model-View-Controller application
  • Tapestry Simpler MVC application management
  • Spring Frmwrk Framework for building containers
    of Java Server Pages
  • BeeHive Builds object model on top of J2EE and
  • Hibernate Object-Relational mapper
  • Ibatus Data mapper framework
  • Maven Manage build, reporting, and documentation

Java for the Typcial Application
  • For the basic problem, a web-based user interface
    for a relational database, you have to learn a
    lot more today than you did five years ago.
  • The advanced frameworks will drive the Java
    language away from the base that made it popular

Agile Development
  • Simplicity
  • Use the simplest thing that will work
  • Automated Unit Testing
  • Junit framework is recommended
  • Shortened Iterations
  • Shorter schedules, better integration of customer
    feedback, and smaller iterations

Development Processes Java
  • Javas community and tools provide excellent
    support for agile programming
  • Java is not such a good language for agile
  • Not the simplest language
  • Not friendly to very short iterations
  • Because of the need for frameworks (implied)

Basic Java Limitations
  • Frameworks make experienced Java developers more
    productive but make a steep learning curve for
    new developers.
  • Compile-time type checking adds safety at the
    cost of additional time and syntax.
  • Java is not able to express structured data
    leading to over-dependence on XML.
  • Javas many compromises, like primitives
    (different than user types) make Java harder to
    learn and more complex to write.
  • Java is nowhere near as dynamic as Smalltalk and
  • Javas long compile/deploy cycle is much longer
    than interpreted, dynamic alternatives.

  • Are the Java community and large code base worth
    sacrificing the productivity of other
  • The waters are rising.
  • A clean, dynamic language could gain footing in
    the gap between Visual Basic (6.0) and Enterprise
  • The lions share of Java development, even in the
    enterprise, is not full of distributed
    transaction and backbreaking loads.
  • Developers want a way to baby-sit a big
    relational database with a web-based user

Chapter 5 Rules of the Game
  • Portability
  • Must have a virtual machine for
  • Security, portability, extensibility,
  • Internet Focus
  • The internet has two interfaces, for people and
  • The next language should build better interfaces
    more easily, using a component model.
  • It should deal with XML productively and
  • Enterprise Integration
  • The next language will should interoperate with
    the existing code base.
  • Database Integration
  • The language should access relational data in a
    natural, productive way.
  • Transactions and Security
  • Needs to integrate with existing enterprise
    security frameworks.

Generating Buzz
  • Technically superior languages have failed
    because they didnt generate buzz.
  • Walter Brights D is probably superior to C,
    but its generating little interest among the
    developer community.
  • Without buzz there is no community
  • Now is a good time for a new language
  • Open source software makes it easier for smaller
    companies to become a force by virtue of numbers.
  • Web services and other protocols make it easier
    to interoperate between languages.
  • A JVM (or CLR) can support other languages.
  • But generating buzz is more art than science, and
    perhaps more luck than art.

Necessary Ingredients
  • Economics
  • Someone has to pay the check, and superior
    productivity makes that likely.
  • Approachability
  • New language needs to grab new users quickly to
  • You should be able to get started quickly, and
    solve a problem that is important to you quickly.
  • C was approachable because you could solve
    low-level problems with a high-level language.
  • C was approachable because you could add C
    features to C, as you needed them.
  • Java was approachable because the syntax was
    familiar and it had a clear path to internet
  • The killer App
  • A language needs an active community to prosper.
  • A killer application can quickly draw new users.
  • Applets and servlets did that for Java.

Language Features
  • Dynamic typing
  • Static typing promotes safety through
    compile-time checks, at the cost of productivity.
  • Dynamically typed languages are easier to explore
    and build prototypes.
  • Code blocks
  • Code blocks are anonymous functions that are used
    to quickly assemble callbacks, provide thread
    processing, and do repetitive operations on
    databases and collections.
  • Theyre useful anywhere you need a once-only
    small function, and thats lots of places.
  • They also reduce the remoteness factor.
  • The function body is defined right where it is
  • Continuations
  • Saved stackframe hierarchies re-applied to go
    back to a prior state.
  • Purported to be very useful for supporting
    backtracking in the stateless web model.
  • Rapid feedback
  • Reduce the time between making a change and
    seeing the result.
  • The interpreted languages Smalltalk, Lisp, Perl,
    Ruby, and VB 6.0 all have rapid feedback and are
    very productive languages.

More Language Features
  • User Interface Focus
  • User interface focus demands more than Java has
    to give.
  • Dynamic Class Model
  • A Java successor should be much more dynamic and
  • Javas reflection API is verbose, partly because
    of the distinction between primitives and user
  • It has to deal differently with primitives,
    arrays, and classes.
  • Tate gives two examples where a dozen lines of
    Java code are replaced with one or two lines of
    Ruby code.
  • With Ruby you can also change classes, at
    runtime, on the fly. You can change a method on
    an object and leave the class untouched. Also,
    interceptions are childs play.
  • Sound Foundations
  • The next language should be object oriented and
    purer than Java.
  • Here, the author means that primitives are first
    class objects.
  • Consistency is important.
  • Languages with consistent naming and behavior are
    far easier to learn.

Potential Suitors
  • Perl
  • Productive scripting language
  • Write only language with cryptic syntax
  • Python
  • A successful dynamic programming language, close
    to Ruby in syntax and power and supports the
    specified features.
  • Syntax depends too much on white space.
  • Has weak web development tools.
  • Ruby
  • Object oriented dynamic language, created in
    Japan, and just now becoming popular in US
  • Beautiful syntax that stays out of your way.
  • Highly dynamic
  • Educated core of Ruby community works hard to
    produce clean, simple APIs.
  • Has strong web frameworks, good support for XML
    and web services.
  • Ruby has a couple of high profile frameworks,
    like Ruby on Rails.
  • Ruby has good commercial backing in Japan, but
    not in US.
  • JVM support is immature, though improving rapidly.

More Suitors
  • PHP
  • Scripting language.
  • Start with html and mark up with tags for
    scripted actions with databases and request and
    response objects.
  • Easy to understand and learn.
  • Good for controlling a database from a web page.
  • Technically awful
  • Couples user interface and database together.
  • Method names are inconsistent.
  • C and .Net Languages
  • C is a Java clone with many of the same benefits
    and drawbacks.
  • Microsoft languages are a closed ecosystem. They
    succeed or fail with the Microsoft platforms,
    rather than on their own merits.
  • Smalltalk
  • Never caught on commercially, despite attempts by
    IBM as late as 1995.
  • Hughly productive, slightly awkward, and quirky
    to the extreme.
  • Clean object model, incredible expressive power,
    and an intelligent design and community.
  • Not seen as a credible alternative.
  • It just wasnt ever approachable enough.

A Random Quote from the Web
  • I've been developing web apps for years, in both
    PHP and Java. You really notice how much stuff
    is repeated and unnecessary.  How many times do
    you enter the same variable or field name in the
    database, in the classes, in the HTML/view? It's
    a waste of time.I had developed some helper
    utilities that are basically a crude form of
    ActiveRecord (a Ruby on Rails construct).  I
    used to do a lot of Java development. J2EE
    _at_. Servlets, entity beans, etc. The amount
    of garbage you have to go through just to get
    something deployed made me angry.Seeing Rails
    was wonderful. It was all my "good ideas"
    implemented cleanly with none of the PHP hacks or
    Java verbosity.
  • NoteThere are many quotables about Ruby on
    Rails that are favorable, and many that are not.

Next UP
  • Chapter 6 - Ruby in the Rough
  • Chapter 7 Ruby on Rails

End Notes Chapters 4 and 5
  • PHP, JSP, Java Beans, EJB, J2EE
  • Apache, Tomcat, Spring Framework
  • Struts, Tapestry
  • BeeHive, Hibernate, IBatus
  • Maven

PHP - http//us3.php.net/manual/en/introduction.ph
  • (recursive acronym for "PHP Hypertext
    Preprocessor") is a widely-used Open Source
    general-purpose scripting language that is
    especially suited for Web development and can be
    embedded into HTML.
  • Simple answer, but what does that mean? An
  • Example 1-1. An introductory examplelthtmlgt  
    ltheadgt       lttitlegtExamplelt/titlegt  
    lt/headgt   ltbodygt       lt?php        echo "Hi,
    I'm a PHP script!"        ?gt  

JSP - http//www.webdevelopersjournal.com/articles
  • If you've ever used Microsoft's very popular
    Active Server Pages (ASP) then you'll have a good
    idea of what JSP is. It consists of HTML or XML
    markup into which special tags and code blocks
    are inserted. The code is executed on the server
    and the result is a dynamic page that is returned
    to the client browser. Although JSPs are simple
    to build they have at their disposal the full
    power of object-oriented Java and the Java Server
    API. JSPs make heavy use of Java Beans, which are
    classes that follow a standard pattern of a
    no-argument constructor (required in JSPs) and
    public GET and SET methods.

Java Beans - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Bea
  • JavaBeans are software components written in the
    Java programming language.
  • The JavaBeans specification by Sun Microsystems
    defines them as "reusable software components
    that can be manipulated visually in a builder
  • In spite of many similarities, JavaBeans should
    not be confused with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB),
    a server-side component technology that is part
    of J2EE.
  • In order to function as a JavaBean class, an
    object class must obey certain conventions about
    method naming, construction, and behavior. These
    conventions make it possible to have tools that
    can use, reuse, replace, and connect JavaBeans.
  • The required conventions are
  • The class should be serializable (able to
    persistently save and restore its state)
  • It should have a no-argument constructor
  • Its properties should be accessed using get and
    set methods that follow a standard naming
  • It should contain any required event-handling
  • Because these requirements are largely expressed
    as conventions rather than by implementing
    interfaces, some developers view Java Beans as
    Plain Old Java Objects that follow certain naming
    conventions. However, this view is misleading for
    Java Beans that support event handling, because
    the method conventions and associated support
    classes for event handling are fairly intricate,
    and require the use of specific base classes and

EJB - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EJB
  • The Enterprise JavaBeans specification is one of
    the several Java APIs in the Java 2 Platform,
    Enterprise Edition. EJB is a server-side
    component that encapsulates the business logic of
    an application.
  • The specification details how an application
    server provides server-side objects known as
    Enterprise JavaBeans, or EJBs, with
  • persistence
  • transactions
  • concurrency control
  • events using Java Message Service
  • naming and directory services
  • security
  • deployment of components in an application server
  • remote communication using CORBA
  • Additionally, the Enterprise JavaBean
    specification defines the roles played by the EJB
    container and the EJBs as well as how to deploy
    the EJBs in a container.

J2EE - http//www.webopedia.com/TERM/J/J2EE.html
  • Short for Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition.
    J2EE is a platform-independent, Java-centric
    environment from Sun for developing, building and
    deploying Web-based enterprise applications
    online. The J2EE platform consists of a set of
    services, APIs, and protocols that provide the
    functionality for developing multitiered,
    Web-based applications. Some of the key features
    and services of J2EE
  • At the client tier, J2EE supports pure HTML, as
    well as Java applets or applications. It relies
    on Java Server Pages and servlet code to create
    HTML or other formatted data for the client.
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) provide another layer
    where the platform's logic is stored. An EJB
    server provides functions such as threading,
    concurrency, security and memory management.
    These services are transparent to the author.
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), which is the
    Java equivalent to ODBC, is the standard
    interface for Java databases.
  • The Java servlet API enhances consistency for
    developers without requiring a graphical user

J2EE - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J2EE
  • Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE
    (formerly also J2EE) is a programming platform
    part of the Java platform for developing and
    running distributed multi-tier architecture
    applications, based largely on modular components
    running on an application server. The Java EE
    platform is defined by a specification. Java EE
    is also considered informally to be a language or
    standard because providers must agree to certain
    conformance requirements in order to declare
    their products as Java EE compliant albeit with
    no ISO or ECMA standard.
  • Java EE includes several API specifications, such
    as JDBC, client-side applets, RPC, CORBA, and
    defines how to coordinate them. Java EE also
    features some specifications unique to Java EE
    for components. These include Enterprise Java
    Beans, servlets, portlets (following the JSR 168
    specification), JavaServer Pages and several web
    service technologies. This allows the developer
    to create an enterprise application that is
    portable between platforms and scalable, while
    integrating with legacy technologies.

Apache - http//httpd.apache.org/
  • The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to
    develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server
    for modern operating systems including UNIX and
    Windows NT. The goal of this project is to
    provide a secure, efficient and extensible server
    that provides HTTP services in sync with the
    current HTTP standards.
  • Apache has been the most popular web server on
    the Internet since April 1996. The November 2005
    Netcraft Web Server Survey found that more than
    70 of the web sites on the Internet are using
    Apache, thus making it more widely used than all
    other web servers combined.
  • The Apache HTTP Server is a project of the Apache
    Software Foundation.

Tomcat - http//java.sun.com/products/jsp/tomcat/
  • is a free, open-source implementation of Java
    Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
    developed under the Jakarta project at the Apache
    Software Foundation.
  • Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is
    used in the official Reference Implementation for
    the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages

Spring Framework - http//www.springframework.org/
  • The most complete lightweight container,
    providing centralized, automated configuration
    and wiring of your application objects.  The
    container is non-invasive, capable of assembling
    a complex system from a set of loosely-coupled
    components (POJOs) in a consistent and
    transparent fashion.  The container brings
    agility and leverage, and improves application
    testability and scalability by allowing software
    components to be first developed and tested in
    isolation, then scaled up for deployment in any
    environment (J2SE or J2EE).
  • A common abstraction layer for transaction
    management, allowing for pluggable transaction
    managers, and making it easy to demarcate
    transactions without dealing with low-level
    issues. Generic strategies for JTA and a single
    JDBC DataSource are included. In contrast to
    plain JTA or EJB CMT, Spring's transaction
    support is not tied to J2EE environments.
  • A JDBC abstraction layer that offers a meaningful
    exception hierarchy (no more pulling vendor codes
    out of SQLException), simplifies error handling,
    and greatly reduces the amount of code you'll
    need to write. You'll never need to write another
    finally block to use JDBC again. The
    JDBC-oriented exceptions comply to Spring's
    generic DAO exception hierarchy.
  • Integration with Toplink, Hibernate, JDO, and
    iBATIS SQL Maps in terms of resource holders,
    DAO implementation support, and transaction
    strategies. First-class Hibernate support with
    lots of IoC convenience features, addressing many
    typical Hibernate integration issues. All of
    these comply to Spring's generic transaction and
    DAO exception hierarchies.
  • AOP functionality, fully integrated into Spring
    configuration management. You can AOP-enable any
    object managed by Spring, adding aspects such as
    declarative transaction management. With Spring,
    you can have declarative transaction management
    without EJB... even without JTA, if you're using
    a single database in Tomcat or another web
    container without JTA support.
  • A flexible MVC web application framework, built
    on core Spring functionality. This framework is
    highly configurable via strategy interfaces, and
    accommodates multiple view technologies like JSP,
    Velocity, Tiles, iText, and POI. Note that a
    Spring middle tier can easily be combined with a
    web tier based on any other web MVC framework,
    like Struts, WebWork, or Tapestry.

Struts - http//struts.apache.org/
  • The goal of the Apache Struts project is to
    encourage application architectures based on the
    "Model 2" approach, a variation of the classic
    Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm.
    Under Model 2, a servlet (or equivalent) manages
    business logic execution, and presentation logic
    resides mainly in server pages.
  • The Apache Struts project encourages Model 2
    designs in two ways. First, by providing open
    source frameworks and toolkits that help
    developers build applications for the web.
    Second, by providing friendly and honest mailing
    lists where both newcomers and veterans discuss
    how to use Struts software in their own Model 2

Tapestry - http//jakarta.apache.org/tapestry/inde
  • Tapestry is an open-source framework for creating
    dynamic, robust, highly scalable web applications
    in Java. Tapestry complements and builds upon the
    standard Java Servlet API, and so it works in any
    servlet container or application server.
  • Tapestry divides a web application into a set of
    pages, each constructed from components.
  • Developing Tapestry applications involves
    creating HTML templates using plain HTML, and
    combining the templates with small amounts of
    Java code using (optional) XML descriptor files.
  • In Tapestry, you create your application in terms
    of objects, and the methods and properties of
    those objects -- and specifically not in terms of
    URLs and query parameters. Tapestry brings true
    object oriented development to Java web

BeeHive - http//beehive.apache.org/
  • The Beehive goal is to make J2EE programming
    easier by building a simple object model on J2EE
    and Struts. Using the new JSR-175 annotations,
    Beehive reduces the coding necessary for J2EE.
    The initial Beehive project has three pieces.
  • NetUI An annotation-driven web application
    programming framework that is built atop Struts.
    NetUI centralizes navigation logic, state,
    metadata, and exception handling in a single
    encapsulated and reusable Page Flow Controller
    class. In addition, NetUI provides a set of JSP
    tags for rendering HTML / XHTML and higher-level
    UI constructs such as data grids and trees and
    has first-class integration with JavaServer Faces
    and Struts.
  • Controls A lightweight, metadata-driven
    component framework for building that reduces the
    complexity of being a client of enterprise
    resources. Controls provide a unified client
    abstraction that can be implemented to access a
    diverse set of enterprise resources using a
    single configuration model.
  • Web Service Metadata (WSM) An implementation of
    JSR 181 which standardizes a simplified,
    annotation-driven model for building Java web
  • In addition, Beehive includes a set of system
    controls that are abstractions for low-level J2EE
    resource APIs such as EJB, JMS, JDBC, and web

Hibernate - http//www.hibernate.org/
  • Hibernate is a powerful, high performance
    object/relational persistence and query service.
  • Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes
    following object-oriented idiom - including
    association, inheritance, polymorphism,
    composition, and collections.
  • Hibernate allows you to express queries in its
    own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in
    native SQL, or with an object-oriented Criteria
    and Example API.

iBatis - http//ibatis.apache.org/
  • The iBATIS Data Mapper framework makes it easier
    to use a database with Java and .NET
    applications. iBATIS couples objects with stored
    procedures or SQL statements using a XML
  • This framework maps classes to SQL statements
    using a very simple XML descriptor.

Maven - http//maven.apache.org/
  • Maven is a software project management and
    comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a
    project object model (POM), Maven can manage a
    project's build, reporting and documentation from
    a central piece of information.

End of End Notes Chapters 4 and 5
  • Dynamic
  • Fully object-oriented
  • Interpreted

  • Everything is an object (ints, strings, etc.)
  • irb(main)0020gt 7
  • gt 7
  • irb(main)0030gt 7.class
  • Fixnum
  • irb(main)0110gt 7.5.round
  • gt 8
  • irb(main)0120gt nil.class
  • gt NilClass

  • Dynamically typed
  • irb(main)0130gt n1
  • gt 1
  • irb(main)0140gt n.class
  • gt Fixnum
  • irb(main)0150gt n"bbs"
  • gt "bbs"
  • irb(main)0160gt n.class
  • gt String

  • Strongly typed
  • irb(main)0170gt n3
  • TypeError cannot convert Fixnum into String
  • from (irb)17in '
  • from (irb)17

  • irb(main)0200gt def silence?(b)
  • irb(main)0211gt puts "aaaa" if b
  • irb(main)0221gt end
  • gt nil
  • irb(main)0230gt silence? true
  • aaaa
  • gt nil
  • irb(main)0250gt silence? false
  • gt nil
  • irb(main)0260gt silence? 0
  • aaaa
  • gt nil
  • irb(main)0280gt silence? nil
  • gt nil

  • irb(main)0300gt puts line while line gets
  • "aaa"
  • "aaa"
  • one
  • one
  • two
  • two
  • three
  • three
  • Z
  • gt nil

  • irb(main)0310gt range 1..3
  • gt 1..3
  • irb(main)0320gt range.class
  • gt Range
  • irb(main)0330gt ('a'..'z')'h'
  • gt true
  • irb(main)0340gt ('a'..'z')'H'
  • gt false
  • irb(main)0350gt (1..10) 5
  • gt true

  • irb(main)0360gt for c in 'g'.. 'j'
  • irb(main)0371gt print c '-'
  • irb(main)0381gt end
  • g-h-i-j-gt "g".."j"
  • irb(main)0390gt for c in 'g'.. 'j'
  • irb(main)0401gt puts c
  • irb(main)0411gt end
  • g
  • h
  • i
  • j
  • gt "g".."j"

Regular Expressions
  • irb(main)0420gt regex /better/
  • gt /better/
  • irb(main)0430gt regex.class
  • gt Regexp
  • irb(main)0440gt "Mine is bigger" regex
  • gt nil
  • irb(main)0450gt "Mine is better" regex
  • gt 8

Containers - Hashes
  • irb(main)0460gt numbers0gt"zero", 1gt"one",
    2gt"two", 3gt"three"
  • gt 0gt"zero", 1gt"one", 2gt"two", 3gt"three"
  • irb(main)0470gt 4.times i puts numbersi
  • zero
  • one
  • two
  • three
  • gt 4

Containers - Arrays
  • irb(main)0480gt stack 1,2,3
  • gt 1, 2, 3
  • irb(main)0490gt stack.push "cat"
  • gt 1, 2, 3, "cat"
  • irb(main)0500gt stack.pop
  • gt "cat"
  • irb(main)0510gt stack
  • gt 1, 2, 3

  • A simple GREP
  • File.open(ARGV0) do file
  • rx Regexp.new(ARGV1)
  • while linefile.gets
  • puts line if line rx
  • end
  • end
  • ruby grep.rb filename regex

Applying Some Structure
  • Inside-out Refactoring
  • Group common code in libraries
  • Call them in your methods
  • Outside in refactoring
  • Your methods can
  • take code-blocks as parameters
  • call them
  • even pass parameters to them

Outside-in Refactoring
  • def threeTimes
  •   yield
  •   yield
  •   yield
  • end
  • threeTimes  puts "Hello" 
  • produces
  • Hello
  • Hello
  • Hello

  • calculator.rb
  • class Calculator
  • def initialize
  • _at_total 0
  • end
  • def add(x)
  • _at_total x
  • end
  • def subtract(x)
  • _at_total - x
  • end
  • end

  • irb(main)0010gt require calculator
  • NameError undefined local variable or method
    calculator' for mainObject
  • from (irb)1
  • irb(main)0020gt require 'Calculator'
  • gt true
  • irb(main)0030gt c Calculator.new
  • gt ltCalculator0x2bd2500 _at_total0gt
  • irb(main)0040gt c.add 100
  • gt 100
  • irb(main)0050gt c.subtract 40
  • gt 60

  • irb(main)0060gt class Calculator
  • irb(main)0071gt def reset
  • irb(main)0082gt _at_total 0
  • irb(main)0092gt end
  • irb(main)0101gt end
  • gt nil
  • irb(main)0110gt c.reset
  • gt 0

  • irb(main)0120gt class IrsCalculator lt Calculator
  • irb(main)0131gt def add(x)
  • irb(main)0142gt x x/2 if xgt0
  • irb(main)0152gt super
  • irb(main)0162gt end
  • irb(main)0171gt end
  • gt nil
  • irb(main)0180gt c IrsCalculator.new
  • gt ltIrsCalculator0x2bba038 _at_total0gt
  • irb(main)0190gt c.add 100
  • gt 50

  • irb(main)0200gt Class.superclass
  • gt Module
  • irb(main)0210gt Module.superclass
  • gt Object
  • irb(main)0220gt Object.superclass
  • gt nil

  • Interfaces with implementation
  • Can access the including classs methods
  • Partly adds the benefit of multi-inheritance
  • Implemented using Modules

  • You can rename methods on-the-fly
  • class Class
  • alias_method orig_new, new
  • def new(args)
  • result orig_new(args)
  • print Unattended laptop error!
  • puts result
  • return result
  • end
  • end

  • irb(main)0010gt require "Class"
  • gt true
  • irb(main)0020gt a1,2,3
  • ltRubyTokenTkIDENTIFIER0x2941d40gt
  • ltRubyTokenTkASSIGN0x2941b48gt
  • ltRubyTokenTkLBRACK0x2941950gt
  • ltRubyTokenTkINTEGER0x29416c8gt
  • ltRubyTokenTkCOMMA0x29414d0gt
  • ltRubyTokenTkINTEGER0x2941278gt
  • ltRubyTokenTkCOMMA0x29410b0gt
  • ltRubyTokenTkINTEGER0x2940e70gt
  • ltRubyTokenTkRBRACK0x2940c60gt
  • ltRubyTokenTkNL0x2940438gt
  • gt 1, 2, 3

Ruby On Rails
  • What is it?
  • Rails is a full-stack, open-source webframework
    in Ruby for writing real-worldapplications with
    joy and less code thanmost frameworks spend
    doing XML sit-upsDavid H. Hansson

Some Numbers
  • The authors test case gives shows impressively
    superior numbers for Rails over
    Java/Spring/Hibernate solution in development
    time/code size as well as performance in most

Under the Hood
  • Active RecordIts a wrapper around a db table,
    with domain logic built into the wrapper. You can
    also do inheritance and manage relationships.
  • Action PackSplits the request into a controller
    part and a view part.

  • RubyBB by Russ Smith
  • http//rubybb.readbim.com/
  • 384 Lines of Code
  • StoryCards Web app to support XP style dev. by
    Jim Weirich
  • http//onestepback.org3030/
  • 1,250 Lines of code 8 hours of development time
  • Basecamp A commercial Rails web-app with over
    10,000 users.
  • Web-based project management
  • http//www.basecamphq.com/
  • Launched after 4,000 Lines of Code.
  • 2 man-months of months of programming by a single

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