Title: FRBR: Coming Soon to YOUR Library
1FRBR Coming Soon to YOUR Library?
Jennifer Bowen University of Rochester jbowen_at_libr
ary.rochester.edu New York Library
Association October 23, 2004 Rochester, New
2A Visual FRBR Example
- Results Display of a Keyword Search for Susan B.
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4Susan B. Anthony Keyword Search Top Relevance
- Biography
- Biography
- Biography
- Susan B. Anthony Preservation District
- Her Writings
- Biography
- Biography
- Biography
- Correspondence
- Virgil Thomson opera recording
- Biography
- Proceedings of her Trial
- Virgil Thomson opera recording
- Music from the Ken Burns film
- The Ken Burns film
- Biography
- Biography
- Analysis of her writings
- Womens Studies Newsletter
- Her papers
- Biography
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12Why is this better?
- Collocation materials with the same or related
content are grouped together. - Easier navigation through search results
- Precise results with simple search queries.
- What could help us to achieve this?
13FRBR What is it?
14FRBR Functional Requirements for Bibliographic
- IFLA publication, 1998
- Published by K.G. Saur
- Also available on the Web
- Conceptual model
- How do users use
- bibliographic information?
- Relates bibliographic
- data to user tasks
15Significance of FRBR
- Sheds new light on current practices, standards
- AACR, MARC, etc.
- A clearer way to communicate about how catalogs
should function - Based on needs of catalog users
16Entity-Relationship Model
- Entities
- Relationships
- Attributes
Entity 1
Entity 2
17FRBR Entities
- Group 1 Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item
- Products of intellectual or artistic endeavor
- Group 2 Person, Corporate Body
- Those responsible for intellectual or artistic
content - Group 3 Concept, Object, Event, Place
- Serve as subjects of works
18FRBR Group 1 Entities
- Goethes Faust
- L. Filmores English translation of Faust
- As published by W. Smith, 1847
- The copy owned by my library
- Work
- Expression
- Manifestation
- Item
FRBR Group 1 Entities
is realized through
is embodied in
is exemplified by
20FRBR Entity Levels
21FRBR Entity Levels
Copy 1 Autographed
Copy 2
22FRBR Entity Levels
Family of works
Copy 1 Autographed
Copy 2
23 Attributes of Group 1 Entities
- Manifestation
- ID
- Title
- Statement of responsibility
- Edition
- Imprint (place, publisher, date)
- Form/extent of carrier
- Terms of availability
- Mode of access
- etc.
- Item
- ID
- Provenance
- Location
- etc.
- Work
- ID
- Title
- Date
- etc.
- Expression
- ID
- Title
- Form/mode of expression
- Date
- Language
- etc.
- Inherent among the entities
- Content relationships among works
25FRBR User Tasks
- Find
- through searching
- Identify
- Is this what I was looking for?
- Select
- Which best suits the users needs?
- Obtain
- How do I get this?
26What does FRBR mean for catalogs?
- Collocation Bring like things together in the
catalog - Expressions of the same work
- Manifestations of the same expression
- Show relationships between records in the catalog
- Help users navigate search results
27Where is FRBR most useful?
- Classics of literature vs. scientific studies
- Examples in the OCLC database
- Stephen King
- 102 works, 231 manifestations
- Shakespeares Hamlet
- 1 work, 2696 manifestations
- Rowling, J.K. (Harry Potter stories)
- 28 works, 300 manifestations
28FRBR and Cataloging
29Group 1 Entities vs. MARCOr, What are we
- CAVEAT This is vastly oversimplified!
- Work Authority record
- Expression ????
- Manifestation Bibliographic Record
- Item Holding Record
- Current bibliographic records may contain
attributes of all four entities! See Library of
Congress (Tom Delsey) mapping of FRBR and MARC
Bibliographic and Holding Formats
30Expression vs. Edition Same thing? No!
- Some editions are the same expression, but
different manifestations - Reprint editions, simultaneous publications
- Some editions are different expressions
- If content has been revised (Rev. ed., 1st ed.,
2nd ed.) - Some editions are different works altogether (but
publisher calls them editions)
31FRBR and Cataloging
- Works
- We already use uniform titles for collocation
- Expressions
- Not currently creating headings for expressions
- Attributes of expressions now buried within
bibliographic records
32When do we care about Expressions?
- Bibliographic families
- When a work exists in multiple expressions
- When an expression exists in multiple
manifestations - Represent a small percentage of all catalog
records, but these represent the core of our
cultural heritage
33FRBR and Cataloging Incorporating FRBR into AACR
- Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR
(JSC) - FRBR terminology work, expression,
manifestation, item. - Incorporating the entity expression into AACR
- Format Variation Working Group
34 Can We Catalog an Expression?
- Is it feasible to change the basis for a catalog
record from a manifestation to an expression?
35Problems with Cataloging Expressions
- Not the way most libraries operate
- We start by purchasing, and then cataloging, a
manifestation. - Not enough info. at the time of cataloging
- May needlessly complicate the cataloging process
- Only useful for a subset of library materials
36Cataloging an Expression?
- Working Group Recommendation
- Libraries should keep cataloging manifestations
(mostly) - Expressionlevel access can be achieved through
collocation of search results
37Expressions From Cataloging to Collocation
- Cataloger-created collocation
- Propose new rules for AACR for constructing
headings for expressions - System-created collocation
- Explore what systems can do with
expression-level data already in MARC records
(e.g. VTLS, OCLC, RLG)
38Rules for Creating Headings for Expressions in
- Add elements to the end of a work heading
(uniform title) to identify and differentiate an
expression - Possible additions
- Language
- Edition statement
- Mode of expression (e.g. Sound)
- Date of expression date of performance,
translation, etc. - Name of editor, translator, performer (show
relationship to Group 2 entity)
39Possible Headings for Expressions
- Melville, Herman. Moby Dick. Abridged ed.
- Homer. Iliad. English (Pope)
- Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Symphonie
fantastique. Sound (Solti) - Order of elements, punctuation
- being discussed
40Rules for Creating Headings for Expressions in
- Show relationships between records
- Move toward rules for how a catalog should
function - Demonstrates that collocation at the expression
level is an important function of the catalog - Force an online system to collocate expressions
if system wont do it any other way
41Specific Uses of Headings for Expressions
- Useful for small, but important, subsets of
library materials - Large collections in a specific area
- Local research interest
- Many expressions of the same work
- Many manifestations of the same expression
- More specific related-work headings (related
expression headings)
42Problems with Headings for Expressions
- How to make the rules clear and easy to use?
- What elements to add? In what order? What
punctuation? - Predetermined strings are limiting
- Every possible solution eliminates all of the
others - Different users have different needs
43Alternative System-Based Collocation of
- System can identify expression-level data already
in the records - Use this data to collocate (sort) displays
- More flexible than assigning headings
- Some system vendors are already working on this
44FRBR and Systems Vendors
- What can library systems do now to implement
45Possibilities of System-Based FRBR Collocation
- Works
- Can do now, if good uniform titles, clean data
- Expressions
- Possible, but needs work!
- Can collocate by format, language
- Can improve collocation without explicitly
identifying every expression
46Collocation by Family of Works and Expressions
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet.
- Texts
- Motion Pictures
- Sound Recordings
47Collocation by Expressions
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet.
- Texts Danish
- Texts Dutch
- Texts English
- Texts French
- Texts Spanish
- Motion Pictures English
- Sound Recordings - English
48Collocation of Manifestations
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet.
- Motion pictures English
- 1964 Director, Bill Collegan
- 1990 Director, Kevin Kline, Kirk Browning
- 1990 Director, Franco Zeffirelli
- 1992 Director, Maria Muat
- 1996 Director, Kenneth Branagh
- 2000 Director, Campbell Scott, Eric Simonson
49FRBR-ize MARC records
- OCLCs FRBR Work Set algorithm
- http//www.oclc.org/research/software/frbr/
- LCs FRBR display tool
- http//www.loc.gov/marc
50System-Based Collocation Potential for
- Relator Information
- Identify roles of entries in a predictable place
in the record - Proposed revision to AACR2 Rule 21.0D to allow
expanded use of relator terms - Linking Entries
- Show relationship between records
- Pat Riva, article in April 2004 Library Resources
Technical Services
51Assigned Headings or System-Based Collocation?
- Both!
- Libraries will demand more of systems to show
structure of catalog and collocate search results
- Catalogers will be able to assign headings for
expressions when necessary.
52FRBR Interface Questions for Your System Vendor
- What does the FRBR user interface look like?
- Will users see a FRBR-like structure?
- How do users navigate search results?
- Is vendor doing usability testing on a FRBR user
53More Questions for Your System Vendor
- What record structure do you use FRBR-Like
(e.g. VTLS) or MARC? - Can MARC records be extracted?
- How will FRBR affect cataloging interface?
- How are links made and maintained between
54What if Your System Vendor Isnt Implementing
- Lobby them! Get other institutions interested!
- Make a list of problems that FRBR would help
solve - Restate old problems in terms of FRBR
- Look for other ways to incorporate FRBR or parts
of it at your library
56FRBR at the University of Rochester
- or, Why wait for your System Vendor to implement
57University of Rochester Web Projects
- User-centered web design
- Alternatives to cumbersome online catalog
searches - Use data already in our MARC records to create
websites designed to meet specific UR users
58Example 1 UR Video/DVD Collection
- Circulating collection for research AND casual
viewing - What directors do you have represented in your
collection? - Use relator info., etc. in MARC records to create
browse lists - http//www.library.rochester.edu/index.cfm?pagevi
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61Example 2 UR Audio Recordings
- Relator Information
- Users choose performers or composers
- Problematic 4 cmp not used for composers so
- Absence of 4 composers
- Some false drops, more data cleanup.
- http//www.library.rochester.edu/index.cfm?PAGE13
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64Other Useful FRBR Data
- Browse by Primary Language (videos and DVDs)
- expression-level attribute
- Browse by Genre
- work-level attribute
- videos and DVDs mostly LC genre list
- audio CDs local list (record store
categories Jazz, Classical, etc.)
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67The Real Truth
- UR website project designers didnt know about
FRBR! - Project concept based on user needs
- Demonstrates viability of FRBR model regarding
user tasks/needs
68FRBR May Already be at Your Library!
- Catalogs already contain some elements of FRBR
- Theres more to FRBR than entities and
attributes emphasis on the user - User tasks find, identify, select, obtain
- What are our users trying to achieve?
- User-centered design
69Is FRBR Really Coming?