Time Value Of Money

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Time Value Of Money


2. Money is no longer thought of in terms of one dimension (how much) but rather ... Money has a time value because if you have a dollar now it can be put into an ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Time Value Of Money

Time Value Of Money
You will learn 1. That money has a time value
which is defined by the interest rate. 2. Money
is no longer thought of in terms of one dimension
(how much) but rather is two dimensional (how
much and when). 3. A cash flow diagram (see
figure 2.2 page 34) is the best way to represent
an investment opportunity. 4. How a present sum
of money (P) can produce a future sum of money
(F) by earning interest (moving a single sum of
money forward in time).
5. How to find the present value (P) of a known
future value (F) by removing or discounting the
interest (moving a single sum of money backward
in time). 6. How to obtain the present worth (P)
or future worth (F) of a uniform series of cash
flows (A).
2.1 Introduction
  • When making a decision, you will usually consider
    criteria such as quality, safety, customer
    service, and return on investment.
  • Usually one of the most important criteria is
    economic performance.
  • Among the economic performance characteristics
    normally considered are initial investment
    requirements, return on investment, and the cash
    flow (CF) profile.
  • Since the cash flow profiles are usually quite
    different among the several design alternatives,
    in order to compare the economic performances of
    the alternatives, one must compensate for the
    differences in the timing of cash flows.

2.1 Introduction
  • A fundamental concept underlies much of the
    material covered in the text money has a time
  • The value of a given sum of money depends not
    only on the amount of money but when the money is
  • Money has a time value because if you have a
    dollar now it can be put into an investment (bank
    account, bond, stock, or other) and produce a
    value greater than one dollar at some time in the
  • The amount of the future value depends on the
    interest rate or rate of return earned on your

Example - Agreeing to pay, but never saying when
  • If someone agrees to pay you 1000 but does not
    state when the payment will be made the agreement
    has no validity.
  • Suppose ten, twenty or even thirty years from now
    the payment hasnt been made. The agreement
    hasnt been broken because the agreement did not
    specify when the payment was to be made.
  • Cash flow diagrams are so valuable in problem
    solving because they show how much money is paid
    or received and when the transfer takes place.

What About Inflation?
  • The value, economic worth, or purchasing power of
    money changes over time during periods of
    inflation or deflation. We will consider these
    effects later.
  • Example 2.2 on p. 32
  • Examine closely the two cash flow profiles given
    in Table 2.1. Both alternatives involve an
    investment of 100,000 in ventures that last for
    4 years.

Example 2.2 on p. 32
  • Alternative A involves an investment in a
    minicomputer by a consulting engineer who is
    planning on providing computerized design
    capability for clients. Since the engineer
    anticipates that competition will develop very
    quickly if the plan proves to be successful, a
    declining revenue profile is anticipated.
  • Alternative B involves an investment in a land
    development venture by a group of individuals.
    Different parcels of land are to be sold over a
    4-year period. The land is anticipated to
    increase in value. There will be differences in
    the sizes of parcels to be sold. Consequently, an
    increasing revenue profile is anticipated.

Example 2.2 on p. 32
Example 2.2 on p. 32
  • The consulting engineer has available funds
    sufficient to undertake either investment, but
    not both.
  • The cash flows shown are cash flows after taxes
    and other expenses have been deducted.
  • Both investments result in 160,000 being
    received over the 4-year period hence, a net
    cash flow of 60,000 occurs in both cases.

Example 2.2 on p. 32
  • Which would you prefer?
  • If you prefer Alternative B, then you are not
    acting in a manner consistent with the concept
    that money has a time value.
  • The 60,000 difference at the end of the first
    year is worth more than the 60,000 difference at
    the end of the fourth year.
  • Likewise, the 20,000 difference at the end of
    the second year is worth more than the 20,000
    difference at the end of the third year.
  • One of the goals of this book is to allow a
    person to evaluate alternatives such as these on
    the basis of sound time value of money principles
    and techniques rather than intuitive arguments.

Example 2.3
Example 2.3
Example 2.3
  • Which looks better, C or D?
  • C Why? You get your money back faster.
  • Why is it important to get your money back
  • You could invest it somewhere else making more
  • Less risk - the shorter the time period the more
    likely you will get you money back

2.2 Cash Flow Diagrams
  • What is a cash flow diagram?
  • A cash flow diagram has the time on the
    horizontal axis and dollars on the vertical axis.
    Revenues are generally represented by upward
    pointing arrows and costs are downward pointing

2.2 Cash Flow Diagrams
  • Why use a cash flow diagram?
  • It is easy to understand - A cash flow diagram
    presents a clear, concise, and unambiguous
    description of the amount and timing of all cash
    flows associated with an economic analysis.
  • Usually, a well-drawn cash flow diagram can be
    readily understood by all parties to an economic
    transaction regardless of whether they have had
    any formal training in economic analysis.
  • It is a visual tool that allows different
    alternatives to be quickly compared.
  • It helps identify significant cash flow patterns
    which might exist within an economic transaction.

2.3 Interest Calculations
  • How do we calculate the difference between the
    Present value of money P, and the Future value of
    money Fn?
  • Fn P In
  • Where In accumulated interest in borrowing and
    lending transactions and is a function of P, n,
    and the annual interest rate i.
  • How is the annual interest rate defined?
  • The annual interest rate is defined as the change
    in value for 1 over a 1-year period.
  • There are 2 approaches to calculating In
  • Simple interest
  • Compound interest.

2.3.a - Simple Interest
2.3.a - Simple Interest - assumes that In is a
linear function of time Simple interest is only
use on very short term financial transactions if
at all. The formula for simple interest is In
P i n Where P present principal sum I
Interest earned i interest rate n number of
2.3 Interest Calculations
For example How much simple interest would
accrue on a loan of 1000. The interest rate was
10 per year (not compounded) and the loan was
outstanding for six months. Then, I P i n
I 1000 ( 0.1/ yr.) (6 mon. / 12 mon./yr. )
50 (Note the change in units from months to
years.) The amount to be repaid after six months
is then F (6 months) P P i n P ( 1
i n) F (6 months) 1000 (1.05) 1050
2.3.b Compound Interest
  • Compound interest occurs when interest earned is
    added to the principal and the sum becomes the
    new principal. (thus interest is earned on
  • Principle changes every time it is compounded

2.3.b Compound Interest
  • Suppose that in the previous example the interest
    rate was compounded quarterly (every three
    months). Then what would the future amount be
    after six months?
  • At three months
  • F1 P P i n P (1 i n )
  • F1 1000 1 (0.1) (3 mon. / 12 mon./yr.)
    1000 (1 (.1)(.25))
  • F1 1000 1 (.1)(.25)
  • F1 1000 (1.025) 1025
  • Now, this amount becomes the principal for the
    second quarter (three months) and F2 P P i n
    P (1 i n ) but P is now F1 and not the
    original P
  • F2 F1 (1 i n ) 1025 (1.025) 1050.625.

2.3.b Compound Interest
  • The additional 62.5 cents is from interest earned
    in period 2 on interest that was compounded at
    the end of period 1.
  • After 2 periods (6 months), the principle is
  • F P I1 I2 1050.625
  • Over long periods of time compounding can have a
    dramatic effect on the future value. This effect
    is illustrated in Table 2.2 on page 38.
  • The formula for the future value of a present sum
    with compound interest is
  • F P ( 1 i )n
  • (Note that the number of years is now an
    exponential rather than just multiplied with the
    other values.)

2.3.b Compound InterestDeriving The Future Value
  • We have a present value P and want to know its
    future value F at an interest rate i.

F1 P I1 P Pin P(1 i) given that n
1 F1 becomes the P for the next period, now what
is F2? F2 F1 I2 F1 Pin where Pin
F1i(1) and n 1, now factor out F1 F2 F1
F1i(1) F1(1 i) where F1 P(1 i), so
substituting for F1 F2 P(1 i)2 , so what
would the equation be after 3 periods? F3 P(1
i)3 , thus for n periods Fn P(1 i)n
2.3.b Compound Interest - Example
  • Now suppose P 1000, i 10 per year compounded
    annually and n 30 years.
  • What is the future value?
  • Fn P(1 i)n
  • F 1000 (1.1) 30 17,449.40 .
  • If only simple interest was used then,
  • F 1000 ( 1 (0.1)(30) ) 4,000.00 .
  • The difference between 17,449 and 4,000 (13,449)
    is the interest earned on prior years interest
    (because of the compounding).

2.4 Single Sums of Money
  • How do we calculate the future value of a present
    sum of money P?
  • F P (1 i )n
  • Where I is expressed as a decimal. Or use
  • F P(F P, i, n)
  • Where i is expressed as a percentage amount.
  • The factor (1 i)n is called the Single Payment
    Compounded Amount Factor. This quantity can be
    found in Appendix A for various values of i and
  • Think about this formula as moving money through
    time. This equation tells you how to take P
    dollars now and move it into the future.
  • Conversely, if the equation is solved for F, then
    money can be moved from a future value to a
    present value, thus if we multiply by (1 i )-n
    then we can isolate P
  • P F (1 i )-n

2.4 Single Sums of Money - Example
  • Lets suppose that after graduation, that you
    want to deposit a single amount of money that
    will make you a millionaire when you retire. How
    much do you need to deposit?
  • How long do you plan to work? Lets say 40 years,
    so n 40
  • Say you earn 10
  • P 1,000,000 (1 .1 )-40 22,094.93
  • Most of this course is doing calculations related
    to moving money through time

Example Problem 2.3, p.72
How long does it take a deposit in a 4 compound
interest fund to double in value?   Looking
Appendix A  (FP,4,n) 2.00  17 18 between 17 and 18 interest periods
2.4 Single Sums of Money
  • How do we calculate the present value of a future
    sum of money F?
  • P F ( 1 i )-n
  • Or use
  • P F(PF, i, n)
  • The factor ( 1 i ) -n is called the Single
    Payment Present Worth Factor. See examples 2.6
    and 2.7 on pages 40
  • How do we calculate the future value of a present
    sum of money P?
  • F P ( 1 i )n
  • Or use
  • F P(FP, i, n)

Example Problem 2.6, p.72
(a) If a fund pays 12 compounded annually, what
single deposit now will accumulate 12,000 at the
end of the tenth year?   P F(PF, i, n)
12,000(PF,12,10) 12,000/(1.12)10
3,863.68   (b) If the fund pays 6 compounded
annually, what single deposit is required now in
order to accumulate 6000 at the end of the tenth
year?   P 6000(PF,6,10) 6000/(1.06)10
2.5 Series of Cash Flows
  • If the series has no pattern then each cash flow
    in the series can be considered as a single sum
    and treated according to the methods presented in
    the previous section.

2.5 Series of Cash Flows
  • For example, see figure 2.5 on page 41. There are
    five cash flows and the value of these is desired
    at the present time or at the end of period zero.
  • The present value of each flow is calculated
    using the formula for single sums of money.
  • These present values are than added together to
    obtain the present value of the series.

2.5 Series of Cash Flows
When more than one cash flow occurs it is
considered to be a series of cash flows. How do
we calculate the present value of a series of
cash flows? P A1(1 i) -1 A2(1 i) -2
An-1(1 i) -(n-1) An(1 i)-n Or where At
magnitude of cash flown at the end of time
period t. How do we calculate the future value
of a cash flow?
Example Problem 2.9, p.73
At the end of 8 years, the balance in the fund
is  F8 1000(FP,8,8) 3000(FP,8,6)
4000(FP,8,4)   1000(1.8509) 3000(1.5869)
4000(1.3605)   12,053.60 Principle 1000
3000 4000 8000 Interest 8000 - 12,053.60
4,053.60 4,053.60 is withdrawn and deposited in
the 10 fund it accumulates in 4 years to a
value of  F 4053.60(FP,10,4)
4053.60(1.4641) 5934.88 In the original fund,
the balance in 4 more years will be F
8000(FP,8,4) 8000(1.3605) 10,884.00
Special Structure
If the series has a special structure then
formulas are developed to expedite the
calculations. These types of series are of
particular interest Uniform Series (section
2.5.1) Gradient Series (section 2.5.2) Geometric
Series (section 2.5.3)
2.5.1 Uniform Series
  • What is a Uniform Cash Flow?
  • A cash flow series is uniform if
  • Each element in the series is for the same amount
  • The time interval is the same for each cash flow
  • The 1st cash flow occurs at the end of the 1st
  • Since the Uniform Cash Flow is used so much in
    the financial world, special formulas have been
    developed to make the calculations easier.

2.5.1 Uniform Series
Suppose you were saving for retirement, saving a
fixed amount every year for n years. Say you want
to know what F is.
What is the future value of that last term? Add A
n-1 to An, but how much is A n-1 worth at the
last payment (moving it 1 period) (1) F An
An-1 (1 i)1 An-2 (1 i)2 A5 (1 i)n-5
An (1 i) n-1
2.5.1 Uniform Series
(1) F An An-1 (1 i)1 An-2 (1 i)2
A5 (1 i)n-5 A1 (1 i) n-1 To get this
equation into a more useful form, multiply the
equation by (1 i) and subtract the equations (1
i) F An An-1 (1 i)1 An-2 (1 i)2
A5 (1 i)n-5 A1 (1 i) n-1 (1 i) (2) (1
i) F An (1 i) An-1 (1 i)2 An-2 (1 i)3
A1 (1 i)n
2.5.1 Uniform Series
Now subtract Equation 1 and Equation 2 (1)
F An An-1 (1 i)1 An-2 (1 i)2 A5
(1 i)n-5 A1 (1 i) n-1 (2) (1 i) F An (1
i) An-1 (1 i)2 An-2 (1 i)3 An (1
i)n iF - An A1 (1 i)n (since A is the same
every time, we can drop the subscript) iF A1
(1 i)n - An (factor the A and divide through by
i) F A (1 i)n - 1/i (uniform series
compound factor)
2.5.1 Uniform Series
To find the present worth of a future value, use
the following equations
(PA i, n) is referred to as the uniform series,
present worth factor To find the magnitude of a
cash flow from a present amount, use the
following equations (which are the reciprocal of
the equations above)
(AP i, n) is referred to as the capital
recovery factor This equation is often known as
the "loan equation".
2.5.1 Uniform Series
  • A positive value for A indicates a receipt and a
    negative value indicates a payment.
  • The interest rate is i and it must be the
    effective rate for the time period between the
  • If the cash flow occurs monthly then the interest
    rate must be a monthly rate.
  • n is the number of cash flow elements and also
    the number of interest periods.
  • The derivation of the above formula assumes that
    each cash flow occurs at the end of a period and
    the present time is the beginning of period one.
  • Therefore, the first cash flow in the series
    occurs one period later then the present time
    (see figure 2.6 on page 44 for an illustration).

2.5.1 Uniform Series
To find the future worth of a uniform series, use
the following equations
(FA i, n) is referred to as the uniform series,
future worth factor To find the magnitude of a
cash flow from a future amount, use the following
equations (which are the reciprocal of the
equations above)
(AF i, n) is referred to as the sinking fund
factor - used to determine the size of the
deposit one should sink into a fund in order to
accumulate a desired future amount.
2.5.1 Uniform Series - Example
Suppose that you make 40,000 when you graduate
and save 10 every year for retirement. So, you
save 4,000 per year for 40 years. How much will
you have in the account after 40 years assuming
that you make 10 interest? F 4000(1.1)40
1/.1 17,770,370 This problem can be solved
using tables starting on p.411 On p.424, look at
the 10 table. The table does not have n 40 ,
but has n 36 and n 42
Example - Problem 2.11, p.73
Five deposits of 500 each are made at t 1, 2,
3, 4, 5 into a fund paying 6 compounded per
period. (a) How much will be accumulated in the
fund at t 5?  F5 500(FA,6,5) (look in
Appendix A, 6 Table on p.420 under the uniform
series To find F given A where n 5  F5
500(5.6371) 2,818.55 (b) How much will be
accumulated in the fund at t 10? F10
2818.55(FP,6,5) 2818.55(1.3382) 3771.78
2.5.2 Gradient Series of Cash Flows
  • A gradient series occurs when each payment in a
    series differs from the previous payment by a
    constant amount , G.
  • The series can be represented by the sum of a
    uniform series and a gradient series. (See Figure
    2.10, p.48)
  • The gradient series is defined to have the first
    positive cash flow occur at the end of the second
    time period
  • The size of the cash flow occurring at the end of
    period t is
  • At (t 1)G
  • Examples
  • Increased maintenance every year
  • Increased bonus every year

2.5.2 Gradient Series of Cash Flows
P P1 P2
Figure 2.10 p.48
2.5.2 Gradient Series of Cash Flows
Figure 2.10 p.48
2.5.2 Gradient Series of Cash Flows
To find the present worth of a gradient series,
use the following equations
(PG i, n) is referred to as the gradient
series, present worth factor To find the uniform
series equivalent to the gradient series, use the
following equations
(AG i, n) is referred to as the gradient to
uniform series conversion factor
2.5.2 Gradient Series of Cash Flows
  • When a series does not start at zero but each
    payment differs from the previous one by G it is
    called a composite series ( see figure 2.11 ).
  • A composite series can be partitioned into a
    uniform series plus a gradient series to aid in
    finding its present or future value. ( see
    example 2.17 page 51 ).
  • Translation to use the tables in the Appendix,
    you must first separate the Uniform Series from
    the gradient series.

Example Problem 2.15, p.73
  • John borrows 15000 at 18 compounded annually
    he pays off the loan over a 5 year period with
    annual payments. Each successive payment is 700
    greater than the previous payment. How much was
    the first payment?
  • 15,000 A(PA,18,5) 700(PG,18,5)
  • For A(PA,18,5) look in Appendix A, 18 Table on
    p.427 under the uniform series To find P given
    A where n 5
  • For (PG,18,5) look in Appendix A, 18 Table on
    p.427 under the gradient series To find P given
    G where n 5
  • 15,000 A(3.1272) 700(5.2312)
  • 15000 - 700(5.2312) A(3.1272)
  • 11338.16 / 3.1272 A
  • 3625.66 A

2.5.3 Geometric Series of Cash Flows
  • A geometric series occurs when the size of a cash
    flow increases (or decreases) by a fixed
    percentage from one time period to the next
  • If j denotes the percentage change in the size of
    a cash flow from one period to the next, then
    size of the tth flow can be expressed as
  • At At-1 ( 1 j ).
  • If the first payment is designated as A1 then
    from page 52.
  • At A1 ( 1 j )t-1 for t 2 , .. , n
    Equation 2.33.p.52.
  • The geometric series is used to represent the
    growth (positive j) or decay (negative j) of
    costs and revenues undergoing annual percentage
  • Example labor costs or gasoline prices
    increasing 10 per year

2.5.3 Geometric Series of Cash Flows
  • The present value of a geometric series of cash
    flows is obtained from the following equations .

i not equal to j
i j
i not equal to j j 0
  • Where (PA1, i, j, n) is the geometric series,
    present worth factor

2.5.3 Geometric Series of Cash Flows
  • For the case of j greater than or equal to 0 and
    i not equal to j, the relationship between P and
    A can be expressed in terms of compound interest

i not equal to j j 0
2.5.3 Geometric Series of Cash Flows
  • The future worth equivalent of the geometric
    series is obtained by

i not equal to j
i j
i not equal to j j 0
  • Where (FA1, i, j, n) is the geometric series,
    future worth factor

2.5.3 Geometric Series of Cash Flows
  • What is the difference between a gradient series
    and a geometric series?
  • A gradient series differs by a constant amount,
    whereas a geometric differs by (1j).
  • Thus, there is no need to split a geometric
    series like you do a composite series.

Example - Problem 2.19, P.73
John borrows 15,000 at 18 compounded annually,
he pays off the loan over a 5-year period with
annual payments. Each successive payment is 10
greater than the previous payment. How much was
the first payment? P A1 (P A1 i, j, n) we
could use this if we had a table for i 18, but
since we do not have a table for 18, we are
forced to use
Example - Problem 2.19, P.73
John borrows 15,000 at 18 compounded annually,
he pays off the loan over a 5-year period with
annual payments. Each successive payment is 10
greater than the previous payment. How much was
the first payment? P A1 (P A1 i, j, n) we
could use this if we had a table for i 18, but
since we do not have a table for 18, we are
forced to use P A1 1 - ( 1 j )n ( 1 i
)-n / i - j 15,000 A11 - (1.10)5 (1
.18) -5/.18-.10 15,000 A1 1 -
(1.61051)(.43711)/.08 15,0000 A1 .2960/.8
A1 3.700 15,000 A1 (3.7004) A1 4053.62
2.6 Multiple Compounding Periods in a Year
  • What is the difference between the nominal
    interest rate and the effective interest rate?
  • The nominal rate occurs at the same interval as
    the payment, while the Effective interest rate
    does not.
  • How do we solve these problems?
  • Period Interest rate approach
  • Effective interest rate approach

2.6 Multiple Compounding Periods in a YearPeriod
Interest Rate
Now the interest period and the compounding
period are the same (monthly), so the factors in
the back of the book can be applied directly
2.6 Multiple Compounding Periods in a
YearEffective Interest rate Approach
  • If interest is compounded more than once, say m
    times, in a period of interest then the effective
    interest rate for that period is
  • ieff ( 1 r / m )m - 1
  • Where r is called the nominal rate and m is the
    number of times interest is compounded in the
    period for which i is desired.
  • You might pay once a year, but compounded monthly
    or pay monthly and compounded daily.
  • Either way you have payments and compounding
    occurring at different intervals.

2.6 Multiple Compounding Periods in a Year
  • All previous formulas are derived on the fact
    that each time there is a payment, there is a
  • Now we could have more frequent (or less
    frequent) compounding that payment.
  • For example, suppose the interest is 12 per year
    compounded monthly. Also, suppose that the annual
    effective rate is needed.
  • The nominal annual rate is 12 or 0.12. Interest
    is compounded 12 times in a Year. From the above
    equation the effective annual rate is
  • i ( 1 0.12 / 12 )12 - 1 0.1268 or 12.68 .
  • Consider the same situation but suppose the
    effective rate for a quarter is desired then
  • i ( 1 0.03 / 3 )3 - 1 0.0303 or 3.03 .

2.6 Multiple Compounding Periods in a
  • 12 per year compounded semiannually
  • Nominal annual interest rate 12/year/6 months
  • Period interest rate 6/6 month/6 month
  • Effective annual interest rate (1 .12/2)2 1
    .1236 or 12.36
  • 12 per year compounded monthly
  • Nominal annual interest rate 12/year/months
  • Period interest rate 1/month/month
  • Effective annual interest rate (1 .12/12)12
    1 .1268 or 12.68

2.6 Multiple Compounding Periods in a
YearExample from Test 1 2001
A local bank will lend Katy Conner 1000 on a
2-year car loan as follows Money to pay for car
1000 Two years interest rate at 7 2 (.07)
(1000) 140 24 monthly payments (1000140)/24
47.50 The first payment must be made in 30
days. What is the nominal annual interest rate
the bank is receiving? P A(PA, i, n) 1000
47.50 (PA, i, 24) 21.053 (PA, i, 24)
2.6 Multiple Compounding Periods in a
YearExample from Test 1 2001
For 1 (PA, i, 24) 21.2434 For 1.5 (PA, i,
24) 20.0304
Now interpolate y ? y0 .01 y1 .015 x
21.053 x0 21.2434 x1 20.0304
Nominal interest rate 12(1.077) 12.92
2.7 Continuous Compounding
  • As the frequency of compounding in a year
    increases, the effective interest rate increases
  • Continuous compounding implies that the time
    interval between compounding of interest is
    reduced to zero.
  • This also implies that interest is compounded an
    infinite number of times.
  • Where
  • n number of years
  • m number of interest periods per year
  • r nominal annual interest rate

2.7 Continuous Compounding
  • Where (FP, r, n) denotes the continuous
    compounding single sum future worth factor
  • The infinity subscript is provided to denote that
    continuous compounding is being used
  • The interest tables for continuous compounding
    are given in Appendix B

2.7 Continuous Compounding
  • The effective interest rate under continuous
    compounding using
  • Where (PF, r, n) denotes the continuous
    compounding single sum present worth factor
  • The infinity subscript is provided to denote that
    continuous compounding is being used

2.7 Continuous CompoundingExample 2.24
  • If 2000 is invested in a fund that pays interest
    at a rte of 12 compounded continuously, after 5
    years the cumulative amount in the und will
  • F P(FP, 12, 5)?
  • F 2000(1.8221)
  • F 3644.20

2.7 Continuous CompoundingExample 2.25
  • 1000 is deposited each year into an account that
    pays at a rate of 12 compounded continuously.
    Determine both the amount in the account
    immediately after the 10th deposit and the
    present worth equivalent for 10 deposits.
  • F A(FA, 12, 10)?
  • F 1000(18.1974)
  • F 18197.40
  • P A(PA, 12, 10)?
  • F 1000(5.4810)
  • F 5481

2.7 Continuous Compounding
  • For example, suppose the interest rate is 12 per
    year compounded continuously.
  • Q..1 What is the effective annual interest rate ?
  • Ans. i (annual) e 0.12 - 1 0.1274 12.74 .
  • Q..2 What is the effective quarterly interest
    rate ?
  • Ans. We must first get the nominal quarterly rate
    and then calculate i using equation 2.45.
  • r (quarterly) r (annual) / 4 0.12 / 4 0.03
  • i er - 1 e0.03 - 1 0.03045 3.045 .

2.7 Continuous Compounding
  • Formulas for continuous compounding are found in
    Table 2.4 on page 61. The formula to find F given
    A and the formula to find P given A may not be
    correct (depending on which printing of the book
    that you own).
  • What correction is needed ?
  • To answer this question go back to the equivalent
    formulas for discrete compounding in Table 2.3 on
    page 55 and substitute er - 1 for i in each
  • 2.7.2 Continuous Flow Skip this section.

2.8.1 Equivalence
  • Two cash flows are said to be equivalent at a
    specified interest rate i if they both have the
    same present value.
  • Consider the following cash flows

2.8.1 Equivalence
  • If P1 P2 then they are equivalent.
  • What is the future value at t 4 for P1?
  • F1 must equal F2 if they are equivalent.
  • F1 P1 (1 i)4
  • F2 P2 (1 i)4
  • We have already worked problems of this type.

2.8.2 Indifference
  • A decision maker is indifferent between two cash
    flows if they are equivalent (have the same
    present value).
  • Find the interest rate in which P1 P2
  • P1 100 (1 i) -1 50(1 i) -2 200(1 i)
  • P2 400 (1 i) -3
  • Then solve for i.

2.8.2 Indifference - Problem 2.54 p.77
  • A firm buys a new computer that costs 100,000.
    It may either pay cash now or pay 20,000 down
    and 30,000/year for 3 years. If the firm can
    earn 15 on investments, which would you suggest?
  • Pcash 100,000
  • Ppay 20,000 30,000(PA, 15, 3)
  • Ppay 20,000 30,000(2.2832) 88,496
  • Prefer payments
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