Title: Are you HQ
1Are you HQ?
2NCLB Highly Qualified applies to anyone teaching
- History
- Geography
- Government Civics
- Economics
- Arts (music, theater, visual arts, dance)
- and . . .
3- Mathematics
- Science
- English
- Reading Language Arts
- Foreign Language
4Veteran Teacher
- Hired on or before July 1, 2005
- Must be HQ at the end of 2005-2006 school year.
5Veteran Teacher Route to HQ Status
- Must . . .
- Have full state certification
- Have minimum of bachelors degree
- Demonstrate subject area competency
6Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- There are three ways to demonstrate subject area
competency. . .
7Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- At least a college major or equivalent in
content area (National Boards count here) - ETS Praxis II Content Test
- Subject specific endorsement plus 200 HOUSSE
8Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- College major or equivalent
- A college major demonstrates subject area
competency. - 30 semester hours is the equivalent of a major
and demonstrates competency. - Taking and passing National Boards demonstrates
9Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- ETS Praxis II test
- If a teacher passes the ETS
- Praxis II content test, he or she
- has demonstrated competency.
10Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- ETS Praxis II test
- The state has not yet established acceptable
passing scores. We are using the National Median
Score, temporarily.
11Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- Endorsement HOUSSE
- Teachers with a minor in a subject they are
teaching can use HOUSSE points to show
12Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- Endorsement HOUSSE
- Teachers with an endorsement in a subject they
are teaching can use HOUSSE points to show
13Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- Endorsement HOUSSE
- Teachers with an exemption or a waiver CANNOT use
HOUSSE points to show competency.
14Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- HOUSSE is the
- High
- Objective
- Uniform
- State
- Standard of
- Evaluation.
15Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- HOUSSE is a licensing option provided to states
under Section 9101 of No Child Left Behind.
- Up to 100 points for
- successful teaching experience.
- 35 points for each year of successful teaching
in the subject-- documented by an evaluation for
each year.
- 100 or more points in professional development or
university courses directly related to the
subject for which the teacher seeks highly
qualified status documented by transcript or
CACTUS record.
- One semester hour of credit equals 18
renewal/HOUSSE points. A three semester-hour
course equals 54 renewal/HOUSSE points. - Teachers may use HOUSSE points for license
renewal as well as using renewal points earned
through appropriate professional
development/university courses for HOUSSE points.
- HOUSSE forms are available on the districts NCLB
website. - http//www.davis.k12.ut.us/district/nclb/complianc
20Veteran Teacher Subject Area Competency
- At this time, Special Education teachers follow
the same guidelines as content area teachers. - Law Conference (LRP) May 2-5 may give new
guidelines. Ellen Stantus Michelle Beus will
be attending.
21Newly-Hired Teacher
- Hired after July 1, 2005
- Many are already HQ. From this point, all will
be HQ before graduation.
22Newly-Hired Teacher
- If not currently HQ, a newly-hired teacher can
attain HQ status in one of three ways.
23Newly-Hired Teacher
- 1. Major in field
- 2. Major equivalent in field
- 3. Praxis II content test
24Newly-Hired Teacher
- A newly-hired teacher is considered HQ if he
or she has a major in the field.
25Newly-Hired Teacher
- A newly-hired teacher is considered HQ if he
or she has a major-equivalent in the field. (30
or more related semester hours)
26Newly-Hired Teacher
- A newly-hired teacher is considered HQ if he
or she passes the ETS Praxis II content test.
27Are you HQ?
For questions or more info, contact Bonnie
Flint Davis District NCLB Coordinator (801)
402-5608 bflint_at_dsdmail.net