Title: GEOG 300 Geographic Information Systems
1GEOG 300Geographic Information Systems
- Health and Health Care Applications
- Dr. Neil Hanlon
- Geography Program
- 4 February 2008
- What is health geography?
- Health and GIS
- GISystems - GIScience applications
- Other applications
- Discussion
- Further reading
3What is health geography?
- Study of spatial perspectives on health and
health care issues - Origins
- Disease ecology
- Health care planning and distribution
- Environment health
- Close connection to public health
- Disease surveillance
- Illness prevention and health promotion
- Prioritization and planning
4What is health geography?
- Long history of cartographic and spatial science
applications in health geography - E.g., cholera maps of 19th century London
5Health and GIS
- Advances in data storage, CPU capacity and
geo-referencing of health-related data - GISystems applications means of organizing and
displaying routinely collected health data - Moving towards greater geo-information processing
(incl. more comprehensive geo-coding) - GIScience greater use of spatial analytic
capacities to examine health issues (Rushton
6GISystems - GIScience applications
Dot distribution map using traditional techniques
Population cartogram
Source Shaw et al. 2002
7GISystems GIScience applications
Estimated area densities based on block coded
data and kernel smoothing
Disease cases reported at census tract level
Source Pettit et al., 2003
8GISystems GIScience applications
Buffer vs. Route Network Approaches to Distance
and Travel Times
Source Oliver et al. 2007
9GISystems GIScience applications
Buffer vs. Route Network Approaches to Distance
and Travel Times
Source McGregor et al. 2007
10Other applications
- Vector-borne disease transmission (e.g., malaria,
lyme disease) - Hazards exposure
- Disease / health events clusters (e.g., urban
heat island effects) - Health systems planning evaluation
- Access and utilization studies
- Limitations
- Data quality, availability
- Costs
- Small numbers and variability
- Unrealized potential
- Basis for decision support in public health
- Towards a Health GIScience?
12Further reading
- Cromley EK, and McLafferty SL (2002). GIS and
Public Health. London and New York Guilford
Press. - McGregor J, Hanlon N, Emmons S, Voaklander D and
Kelly K (2006). If all ambulances had wings
putting provincial standards of emergency service
accessibility to the test in northern British
Columbia. The Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine
10(3) 163-168. - Oliver, L, Shuurman, N and Hall, A (2007)
Comparing circular and network buffers to examine
the influence on walking for leisure and errands.
International Journal of Health Geographics 6, 41
(online). - Pettit, K, Kingsley, G and Coulton (2003)
Neighborhoods and Health Building Evidence for
Local Policy (excerpts). Washington The Urban
Institute - Shaw, M, Dorling, D, and Mitchell, R (2002)
Health, Place and Society Harlow Prentice-Hall. - Rushton G (2003). Public health, GIS and spatial
analytic tools. Annual Review of Public Health
24 43-56.
13Further reading
- Journals
- Health and Place
- Social Science and Medicine
- International Journal of Health Geographics