Title: Pr
Encuentro Tarificación
Infrastructure chargingXavier DELACHE
Madrid, 25 de octubre de 2004
2Infrastructure charging
- Overview of european practices
- Some issues in France
CEDEX Seminar Madrid, 25 de octubre 2004 Xavier
DELACHE Views expressed dont reflect the
Ministrys position
3Overview of european practices
- Available instruments for cost-internalisation
can be summarized as fuel taxes vehicle taxes
charges - Historically, main charging instruments used by
governments are fuel and vehicle taxes - Fuel and vehicle taxes have been recently
eco-redesigned - But re-designing these instruments prove to be
difficult - Fuel taxes are a key EU competition debate (road
and aviation) and become sensitive in the oil
price context - Vehicle tax policies are long term policies
(stock) and prove to be also competition-sensitive
(cf. french project in 2004) - Environmental fuel / vehicle tax policies need to
be fine-tuned - And taxes are not always relevant to the cost
structure - Geographical differenciation
- Time differenciation
- Vehicle and generation differenciation
4Overview of european practices
- Relevance of pricing instrument to cost structure
5Overview of european practices
- Congestion is a central issue and an increasing
precursor of pollution
6Overview of european practices
- Recent european initiatives have focused on
charging instruments, e.g. - Urban ( cars)
- London 5 per vehicle entering the 21 km2 toll
zone (impact after 1 year traffic -20 time
lost in congestion -30 average speed 20) - Randstadt (NL - project surrendered in 2001)
2,5 per vehicle - Rome inner city vignette
- ( N.B Parking charging is always somewhere
under revision in EU) - Road ( trucks)
- Germany (law of 2003) average charge of 12,4 c
/ km for vehicles gt 12 t (cf. implementation
issues) - Austria (law of 1996 implementation 2004)
charge of 13 to 27 c / km for vehicles gt 3,5 t
- NL (project surrendered in 2002)
- Air(ports)
- Swizerland landing charges based on air
emissions (40 when pollution index is 100
higher) - Various countries landing charges
differenciated on noise level
7Overview of european practices
8Overview of european practices
9Overview of european practices
- Nethertheless, recent european initiatives /
experiences have faced implementation issues - Monitoring technologies / costs
- Low social acceptability
- Poor awareness / misunderstanings on
environmental impacts - Incoherence / competition / conflict between
local and national levels - ? Some guidelines
- Shared assessment of cost and pricing principles
(cf. France) - Cross-incentives between geographical policy
levels - Acceptability of pricing schemes
- Focus on transport policy not only on environment
- Raise awareness and promote the project by
alternatives scoping - Assess distributive issues, activities
re-localisation and citizens expectations
(declared preferences revealed through traffic
models) - Implement step by step under-price at the
10Some issues in France
- From an assessment point of vue, main pricing
issues cover - Road traffic
- Vehicle taxes
- Urban traffic
- Air traffic
- There is a common basis and language for project
appraisal and pricing policies ? consistency
among instruments - Boiteux report 2001 common value for
external costs - Well documented price-elasticities (fuel and
charges) - Less available assessment on
- landscape / fragmentation costs
- urban issues
- aviation external costs
- elasticities of vehicles taxes subsidies
11A common assessment basis 2001
- Interministerial report based on litterature
review and independant expertise - Covers
- Value of life
- Value of time
- External costs air noise climate
- Transcripted in appraisal rules in march 2004
- Used to assess road pricing policy in 2003
- Used to assess vehicle taxes polices in 2004
12A common assessment basis 2001
- Life values
- Death avoided 1500 K
- Heavy injured avoided 225 K
- Injured avoided 33 K
- Road abatment (self insurance) -33
- Increase over time value of consumption per
capita - Green house gases value 100 / tonC
- Increase over time 3 annual
13A common assessment basis 2001
- Noise values lost of asset value
- Increase over time value of consumption per
Level of noise (dB) 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 gt 75
Loss of value 0,4 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1
14A common assessment basis 2001
- Air Pollution
- Increase over time value of consumption per
( / 100 Veh-km) Urban Semi-urban Countryside Average
Cars, vans 2,9 1,0 0,1 0,9
Trucks 28,2 9,9 0,6 6,2
Buses 24,9 8,7 0,6 5,4
( / 100 train-km)
Rail freight 458 160 11 100
Rail passengers 164 57 4 36
15A common assessment basis 2001
- Comparaisons with INFRAS and Marco-Polo
( / 100 Veh-km) Boiteux (average) INFRAS 2004 Marco-Polo
Cars, vans 0,9 1,8
Trucks 6,2 26 6,9
Buses 5,4 24,7
( / 100 train-km)
Rail freight 100 444 276
Rail passengers 36 33,7
16A common assessment basis 2001
- Comparaisons with INFRAS and Marco-Polo
Differenciations Boiteux INFRAS 2000
Zones field versus urban (cars) 1 to 30 1 to 6
Zones field versus urban (trucks) 1 to 30 1 to 10
Pollution Euro 4 versus Euro lt 1 (cars) NA 1 to 3
Pollution Euro 4 versus Euro lt 1 (trucks) NA NA
17Some issues in France (ctd)
- Road traffic
- To what extent is (truck) traffic under-priced ?
- To what extent is geographical and peak-off peak
differenciation needed ? - Vehicles taxes
- Can incorporation of technical progress in fleets
be fastened at a reasonable costs while avoiding
opportunistic behaviours ? - Urban
- Can scarce-space policies avoid or only postpone
congestion charges ? - Air traffic
- Can airport charges be a substitute to
international fuel taxes or en-route charges ?
18Road traffic prices and costs
- Study on prices and marginal costs (2003) on the
road network - for different vehicles
- on various types of infrastructures (motorways
trunck roads local roads) - in various locations (urban field mountain)
- in peak or off-peak periods
- Marginal costs infrastructure maintainance
congestion accidents noise air climate - External costs based on 2001 report
- Prices fuel excice duties taxes on vehicles
taxes on insurance tolls
19Road traffic prices and costs
20Road traffic prices and costs
21Road traffic prices and costs
22Road traffic
- Traffic on non-toll network is underpriced
- ? opportunity for a charging scheme ?
- But monitoring costs are significant
- ? need to balance two contradictory objectives
- revenue raising approach (limit to
monopolistic sections of the network) - welfare maximisation approach (benefit from
cross elasticities) - N.B Peak - off peak pricing has proved to have
significant impacts on car behaviours with
communication - (A1 North motorway A10 Atlantic motorway
A5-A6 South-east motorway).
- Context significant technical progress on new
vehicles and turn over of vehicle fleets slowdown - ? opportunity for incentives to accelerate
innovation diffusion ? - Assessment of various tax-subsidy schemes to new
less polluting vehicles - Particle filters on cars, buses or trucks
- Electric cars
- CO2 bonus-malus on new cars
- Replacement of old cars, vans, trucks to new
(Euro IV)
- Assessment based on 2001 external costs
- Net present value of external costs avoided
/ Net present value of
accelerated replacement of vehicles
Technology External cost avoided / extra cost
Particulate filters buses 400
Electric cars 0,2
LPG cars 0,6
Particulate filters cars, trucks forthcoming
Replacement of old cars, vans, trucks forthcoming
- Main pricing instruments (fuel vehicle taxes)
are not available at the local level - Parking pricing is a classical instrument, but
distorted by private parking development, which
is hardly regulated - Welfare benefits of congestion charges are well
documented (cf. London) - But local authorities are reluctant to congestion
charges unless infrastructure-based - ? Is there a correct incentive to local
authorities ? - Externalities are both
- internal (congestion, noise and local
pollution) - external (regional pollution and climate
change) - ? No incentive to reduce CO2 and regional
- Relevance of issues
- Relevance of instruments ( to )
- Availability of instruments or ()
- ? would an incentive to local authorities on CO2
help implement congestion charges (e.g. tradable
permits, subsidies) ?
Cost Instrument Congestion Noise Local pollution CO2
Fuel taxes () () ()
Vehicle taxes / subsidies () () ()
27Air traffic
- Fuel taxes or en route charges are first best
instruments to deal with climate and regional
pollution - Welfare surplus is well documented, namely thanks
to technical progress on fleets (cf. EU study,
2001) - But International coordination is difficult (cf.
ICAO) - Noise, air pollution, and congestion also become
problematic at the local level (airports) - Available assessments show that incentives on
noise and air pollution (landing charges) have an
impact on fleets structures, even though not
harmonized internationally - ? Local pollution and CO2 win-win policies
- ? Trafic competition and aircrafts competition
trade-offs -
28Issues pricing and cost assessment
- Marginal versus average costs and revenue raising
- pricing optimality is based on marginal costs
- (with the condition that ? revenues gt stand
alone costs) - Revenue raising and earmarking not a pricing
issue - unless expenditures portfolio becomes the basis
for tax policy - if so, the risk is to focus on revenue raising
low rate broad base - Infrastructure (capacity) versus congestion
- If prices and investments are optimal, congestion
capacity costs - otherwise, congestion costs should be prefered
unless prices are meant to regulate over
investment - Peak - off peak costs need to be differenciated
based on congestion costs - Landscape fragmentation costs fixed or
traffic-sensitive ? - Cf. debate on capacity costs
29Issues pricing and cost assessment
- Accidents specific value of life ?
- Age specificities
- Higher willingness to pay to avoid accident
(violent) - Self-internalisation (30 assumed on raod trafic
in France) - Behavioural trends / inflexions (cf. France)
- Revenue-influence
- Noise
- Abatment versus protection versus perception
housing markets are not
perfect, especially for poor people willigness
to pay to reduce noice gt real expenditures - Urban areas average traffic versus
infrastructure-based - Climate change
- Kyoto (national ceiling) or early acions
approach value of CO2 tends to be higher in the
short term - Adaptability approach prices must increase
with time - But no specific discount rate
30Issues pricing and cost assessment
- Air pollution
- Unit value of years losts inflence of age
- (in France 0,6 when gt 60 years)
- Unit value of morbidity years quality-adjusted
life - Number of years losts epidemiological
controversy - Specificities of dense zones density is the
main cost driver - Specificities of confined areas density
topography are costs drivers - (in France estimated adjustment factor 15 in
valleys) - Norms and costs
- Emissions even below norms are still external
31Main references
- Report to the Commission, joint expert group on
transport and environment, january 2004 (Angel
Aparicio Xavier Delache) - European environmental agency, price signals
report, september 2004 - Choix des investissements et coût des nuisances,
Commissariat général du Plan, 2001 - Instruction cadre pour lévaluation des projets
dinfrastructures de transports, mars 2004 - Couverture des coûts et des infrastructures
routières, septembre 2003 (Xavier Delache alii) - Commission for Integrated Transport, congestion
charge, 2002 - Thank you