Title: Community
2Classified Senates
- At the State and Local Levels
3Classified SenateLocal Participation
- Training for governance participation on
committees - Developing professional leaders
4Classified SenateLocal Participation
- Sharing responsibilities by making valuable
contributions to the governance process. - Providing an organized structure for
participation in governance and dissemination of
information to classified employees and the
campus community.
5Classified SenateLocal Participation
- Educating classified employees in local and state
processes - Contributing to state issues concerning community
colleges through the statewide classified senate
organization and individually
6Classified SenateLocal Participation
- Working with local Unions to balance governance
and union responsibilities - Working with faculty, management, administration,
and students to promote institutional excellence
and student success
7Classified SenateLocal Participation
- Promoting a positive environment for the public
and the campus community - Improving the quality of educational services of
the community college system
8Classified Senates at the State Level
- 4CS - California Community Colleges Classified
Senate 21 member board of experienced senate
members - 4CS - attend meetings of The California Community
College Board of Governors and Consultation
Council meetings
9Classified Senates at the State Level
- 4CS - Member CCLC Board of Directors
- Providing a neutral classified voice in community
college governance affairs.
10Classified Senates at the State Level
- 4CS - Annual Legislative Conference
11Classified Senates at the State Level
12Classified Senates at the State Level
- 4CS - Presenters
- Annual CCLC Convention
- 4C/SD Conference
- Classified Leadership Institute
- Workshops and Presentations upon invitation
13Classified Senates at the State Level
- Co-Sponsor with CCLC of the Annual Classified
Leadership Institute, Granlibakken, Tahoe City - Celebrating 12 successful years June 2004!
14Classified Senates at the State Level
- Recognizing classified leadership at the local
and state level - Keeping classified staff informed on local and
state issues concerning community college
15Classified Senates at the State Level