Title: Evolutionbased leastsquares fitting using Pythagorean hodograph spline curves
1Evolution-based least-squares fitting using
Pythagorean hodograph spline curves
- Speaker Ying .Liu
- November 29. 2007
2Institute of Applied Geometry, Jphannes Kepler
University ,Linz, Austira
Bert Juttler
Martin Aigner
- Martin Aigner
- Dr. Mag., research assistant
- Email martin. aigner _at_ jku .at
- Zbynek Sir
- Dr. research assistant at FWF-Projekt P17387-N12
- Alumni
4Author Bert Juttler
- Selected scientific activities
- Since 2003associated editor
- of CAGD
- Organizer of various Mini symposia
- Member of program committees
- of numerous conferences
- Research interests
- CAGD, Applied Geometry, Kinematics,
Robotics, Differential Geometry
- Using PH spline curves to evoluted fitting a
given set of data points or a curve - For example
- Introduce a general framework for abstract curve
fitting - Apply this framework to PH curves
- Discuss the relationship between this method and
Gauss-Newton iteration
7An abstract framework for curve fitting via
- Parameterized family of curves
- (s, u)-gt
- u is the curve parameter
- s is the vector of shape parameters
- Let s depend smoothly on an evolution parameter
t, s( t)( ) - Approximately compute the limit
8An abstract framework for curve fitting via
- Each point travels with the velocity
- Normal velocity of the inner points
9An abstract framework for curve fitting via
- Assume a set of data points is given.
- Let and
- Expected to toward their associated data points
10An abstract framework for curve fitting via
11An abstract framework for curve fitting via
- Time derivatives of the shape parameters
satisfied the following equation in least-squares
Necessary condition for a minimum
12An abstract framework for curve fitting via
- Definition
- A given curve
- a set of parameters U is said to be regular
- A set parameters that
and - Unit normal vectors
- That the matrix has a
maximal rank
13An abstract framework for curve fitting via
- Lemma in a regular case and if all closet points
are neither singular nor boundary points, then
any solution of the usual least-squares fitting
- is a stationary point of the differential
equation derived from the evolution process
14Evolution of PH splines
- Ordinary PH curves c (u)x ( u) ,y (u)
satisfied the following conditions - Regular PH curves let w1.
- The difference gcd (x ( u ),y (u)) is a
square of a polynomial - called preimage curve
15Evolution of PH splines
- Proposition if a regular PH curve c (u) and
then - Smooth field of unit tangent vectors for all u
- Parametric speed and arc-length are
polynomial functions - Its offsets are rational curves
16Evolution of PH splines
- Let an open integral B-spline curve,
and - Let
17Evolution of PH splines
- In the evolution we fix the knot vector, so the
shape parameters are - the velocity
- The unit normals
18Evolution of PH splines
- The length of PH spline
- The regularization term
- Which forces the length to converge to some
constant value
19Examples of PH splines evolution
- Simple example
- fitting two circular arcs with radius 1.
- Two cubic PH segments depending on 8 shape
parameters - Initial position straight line
20Examples of PH splines evolution
21Examples of PH splines
- Initial two straight segments For the global
shape 8, - Gradually raised length to 14
- Fix end points
- Insert knots
22Examples of PH splines
- Initial two straight segments For the global
shape 8, - Gradually raised length to 14
- Fix end points
- Insert knots
23Examples of PH splines
- Initial two straight segments For the global
shape 8, - Gradually raised length to 14
- Fix end points
- Insert knots
24Examples of PH splines
- Initial two straight segments For the global
shape 8, - Gradually raised length to 14
- Fix end points
- Insert knots
25Examples of PH splines
- Initial two straight segments For the global
shape 8, - Gradually raised length to 14
- Fix end points
- Insert knots
26Example of PH splines
- Initial two straight segments For the global
shape 8, - Gradually raised length to 14
- Fix end points
- Insert knots
27Examples of PH splines
- Initial two straight segments For the global
shape 8, - Gradually raised length to 14
- Fix end points
- Insert knots
28Examples of PH splines
- Initial two straight segments For the global
shape 8, - Gradually raised length to 14
- Fix end points
- Insert knots
29Examples of PH splines
- Initial value by Hermite interpolation
- Split data points at estimated inflections
30Speed of convergence
- Lemma the Euler update of the shape parameters
for the evolution with step h is equivalent to a
Gauss-Newton step with the same h of the problem - Provided that
31Speed of convergence
32Speed of convergence
- Quadratic convergence of the method
33Concluding remarks
- Least-squares fitting by PH spline cuves is not
necessarily more complicated than others - Future work is devoted to using the approximation
procedure in order to obtain more compact
representation of NC tool paths
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