Title: Elections, Parties, and the Party System Malcolmson
1Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- The Canadian Party System
- Party System
- Number of parties
- Relative Size strength
- Number nature of Social Cleavages
- Parties ideological locations on cleavages
2Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- Social Cleavage A long-standing, salient social
division that receives organizational expression
(i.e., parties compete by offering positions on
this social division) - Examples
- Class (Economic, left-right)
- Centre-Periphery
- Church-State
- Urban-Rural
3Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- Evolution of the Canadian Party System
- The First Party System (1867-1911)
- Liberal Conservative Duopoly
- Quebec the key to electoral and parliamentary
dominance - The First Transition (1911 1935)
- WW 1, Conscription, the Liberal split and Union
government - The Progressive incursion (Western alienation)
- The Great Depression (Socialism)
4Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- Evolution of the Canadian Party System
- The Second Party System (1935 1963)
- Return to duopoly but with different geographic
patterns - The Second Transition (1963-74)
- Conservative weakness
- Incursion of NDP into federal politics
- Series of minority governments
5Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- Evolution of the Canadian Party System
- The Third Party System (1974 1993)
- Return to majority government
- A 2 ½ party system
- The Third Transition (1993-2008)
- Conservative demise reconstruction
- Liberals base now Ontario not Quebec
- NDP nearly wiped out challenged by Greens
- Series of minority governments
6Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
7Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- Parties Ideology
- Conservative
- Right Conservative Party
- Toryism traditional, organic view of society,
hierarchical - Classical Liberalism very weak tradition in
Canada - Progressive
- Left Liberals, NDP
- Social Democratic, Socialist
- Not the only cleavage in Canadian society or
politics - Regional (centre-periphery), urban-rural
8Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- Party Platforms
- Partys platforms are explicit statements of
their ideological positions - Liberals http//www.liberal.ca/default_e.aspx
- Conservatives http//www.conservative.ca/
- NDP http//www.ndp.ca/
- Greens http//www.greenparty.ca/
- Bloc http//www.presentpourlequebec.org/accueil.
9Elections, Parties, and the Party System
Malcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
Left (Progressive)
Right (Conservative)
10Elections, Parties, and the Party System
Malcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
Where do the Greens fall on this map?
Left (Progressive)
Right (Conservative)
11Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- Re-alignments De-alignments
- De-alignment when old social cleavages lose
their capacity to structure politics - Religion Catholic-Protestant divide used to be
an excellent predictor of political behaviour
(e.g., how a person voted) in Canada but much
less so today -
- Re-alignment when old social cleavages are
replaced by new social cleavages (often expressed
by new parties) - Environmentalism Green Party challenges all the
old parties on this new issue - NDP transformed from working-class to New Left
party - (Whether a single issue like environment is
strong enough to structure politics in the
long-run is an open question)
12Elections, Parties, and the Party
SystemMalcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- Re-alignments De-alignments
- Characterised by
- Rise of new issues (environment, free trade)
- Major events (World Wars, Depression, Oil Shocks)
- Change in number of parties (rise of new parties,
demise of old parties) - Electoral volatility
- Parliamentary instability (i.e., extended periods
of minority government)
13Elections, Parties, and the Party System
Malcolmson Myers, Chapter 9 10
- De-alignments Re-alignments
- Is the old 2-½ party system re-emerging
- Will the NDP be over-taken by the Greens?
- The impact of new financing rules
By-elections in early 2008