Title: Nailport
2About VCC
- Started in 1978 with two partners and one
- 26 Partners
- 200 people in total
- 2nd fastest growing CPA firm in the country (1)
- 58th largest CPA firm in the country (2)
- Largest regional firm in New England (1)
(1) Source Practical Accountant, March 2003
(2) Accounting Today
3About Our People
- We make them feel important and appreciated
- We give them challenging and rewarding work
- We take away the mundane tasks
- We allow them to balance their personal and
business lives and achieve work life balance
4As A Result
- We have professionals who are motivated to
deliver the most sophisticated and highest level
of service possible
- We have an incredibly low turnover rate
- Recruiting is a lot easier
- We have a lot of fun
5Economic Justification
- For any professional service firm it ought to be
- Our most important asset is having the right
people servicing the right clients
- We make a markup when the right people service
the right clients
- We lose when the wrong people service any client
- Do what you have to do to keep the right people
and you will be more profitable
6The Economics of Obvious Work Life Balance
- Flex Time Can we make our normal margins on
flex time people? If so, why not?
- Family Leave Why not? Its better to have an
experienced person return happy than to leave the
firm or be forced into a difficult lifestyle
- Telecommuting With todays technology, it can
work to an extent and we can make our normal
margins, so why not?
- Vacation 4 weeks standard, more possible at
reduced pay
- These are easy to monitor, control and measure,
so why wouldnt we do it?
7The Economics of Obvious Work Life Balance
- MOST IMPORTANT Everyone needs to live within
the values of the firm
- Stay abreast of professional developments
learn a lot!
- Service the right clients the right way
- Produce outstanding results
- Work as a team
- Have a sense of urgency
8What are the Less Obvious Work Life Balance
- Establish support positions within the firm so
that everyone is working at their highest and
best use
- Do whatever you can to make your peoples lives
more efficient
- Provide the best technology tools available
(fastest laptops, communication devices, software
tools, network support, technology experts)
- Provide convenience benefits
- The Soup to Nuts Tax Preparer
- If you do, people will be happier doing what
they do, spend less time at it and produce much
better results.
- Here are some of the outrageous things that we
do . . .
9Outrageous Services - Whatever/Whenever
- Errands, transportation to appointments,
delivery/pick up, car repairs and maintenance,
- Whatever
- File retrieval, mail, office necessities, etc.
- Conference room set-ups
- Whenever
10Outrageous Services - Whatever/Whenever
11Outrageous Facilities - Whatever/Whenever
- WORK/LIFE BALANCE BENEFIT - people are spending
their time on challenging and rewarding work
instead of routine tasks
- For every hour the firm gains, we estimate that
our employees families/personal life gains 2
12Outrageous Snacks
- Free Daytime Energy Sources
- Firm provides daily fresh supply - no cost to
employee - all year
- Bagels and muffins
- Gourmet coffee, including fresh-brewed espresso
and cappuccino
- Soda and juice
- Fresh fruit bananas, apples, oranges, grapes,
seasonal fruits
- Biscotti
13Outrageous Snacks
- Huge convenience
- Healthy and happy employees
- Atmosphere
- Contributions to VCC Charitable Foundation
14Outrageous Meals
- The firm has a full-service, in-house kitchen
staffed by a chef.
- Made to order sandwiches, burgers and a salad bar
are available every day. In addition, each day
the chef puts out a menu which includes a Soup of
the Day as well as an Entrée of the Day. - During busy season, we have a guest chef prepare
dinner Monday through Thursday and lunch on
- Employees are able to eat together at the tables
15Outrageous Meals
16Outrageous Meals
- Lower cost to employees, which makes them happy
- Healthy and more interesting food alternatives
than area lunch spots
- During overtime hours, employees get to eat
together in a team atmosphere
- Time savings goes to either client service or
ability to leave office in time to do something
17Outrageous Daycare
- The firm provides free Saturday daycare
throughout the busy season as well as one weekend
a month during the off season.
- The daycare is located in a 1,000 sq ft facility
in our office.
- Each day has its own theme, such as Fort
Building, etc., so the children come prepared
for the days special activities.
18Outrageous Daycare
- Employee recruiting and retention benefit
- Work/Life Balance - at home spouses love the "day
off" so much that they encourage their working
spouse to work more.
- Camaraderie, teamwork - getting to know each
- Considering doing this full time
19Outrageous Support Staff
- Every professional staff person is assigned to an
administrative assistant. This is a "best use"
of each employee philosophy.Staff members are
being utilized to their fullest because they are
doing the work that they have been specifically
trained to do.
20Outrageous Support Staff
- Reduced costs to clients (lower bill rates, same
- Professional staff feel more important
- Professional staff are more motivated by
performing challenging work instead of routine
- Frees up time to have a life
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22Outrageous Communications Firm Day
- The entire staff is taken off-site for a full day
of informational and educational sessions.
- The feedback from the staff has been that they
have learned a lot about the Firm and the
individual members of the Firm in a fun
23Outrageous Communications Firm Day
2 are on workdays, 2 on Saturdays
24Outrageous Communications
- Allows employees to remain updated and educated
on the services provided by the Firm
- Also lets employees know who in the Firm provides
which services
- Excellent for building a teamwork environment and
a sense of belonging
- Usually includes a session on work/life balance
- Assists with efficiency and therefore work/life
25Outrageous Artwork
- Common areas, hallways, individual offices, and
conference rooms are all adorned with at least
one piece of contemporary African or Native
American art.
26Outrageous Artwork
- Effect on attitude in the office
- Clients are wowed
- Sense of pride in the collection
- Cultural embracement
27Outrageous Advantage
- The economic advantages are used for
- Higher than average employee pay scale (life is
a lot easier to balance with more earnings)
- Cutting edge technology, which improves
efficiency. Efficient technology promotes greater
balance in life
- Infrastructure for growth (less stress on legacy
people)(7 person marketing department, 5 person
HR department)
- Investment in new areas of practice (provides
challenge and opportunity)
- Partner earnings (which allows us to enjoy life
more too!)
29The (real) Bottom Line
Each benefit can be analyzed individually for a
return on investment. However, its the
intangibles - the things you cant actually put a
dollar value on commitment security
happiness with ones ability to
balance their work with their life
- that add the most to our bottom line. And it
is the entire package that creates the
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