Title: Theyve Got Mail
1Theyve Got Mail
2 Complicated Times
- Technology blurs lines
- Children's lives are media driven
- Exceptions to darker side of cyberspace grow
more common with more users
- Beyond not giving out your name and phone number
- Problems are nuanced and complex
3A Day on the Web Are We Talking Ethics,
Legalities or Technical Problems?
- Your kid
- gets a piece of chain mail to pass along to 10
friends or face death.
- sends an email telling a friend that he suspects
another classmate stole his iPod.
- posts a photo to their Myspace page showing
classmates guzzling beer.
- goes to a teacher ranking website and comments
that the teacher is gay.
- puts up a fake webpage posing as another
4Serious Peer Pressure
My third daughter accidentally failed in a
suicide attempt three years ago. She followed
instructions she got on the Internet as to how
much of what meds to use, how to get them down
long enough for them to work, and how best to
ensure "success." She bought most of those meds,
and a pill crusher, on the Internet. She got
succor in some sort of bulletin board system from
encouragers (who must therefore be living thus
not taking their own encouragements).
5When Hormones Meet Hi Tech
- Say things without thinking
- Practical Jokes
- Dares and Bets
- Shaky Self Esteem
- Posturing for Popularity
- Lack of Experience and Maturity
- Meets
- High Speed Global Communications
6Why Bother?
Why Bother?
7A Big Leap of Faith
- New skills
- New opportunities
- A collaborative global citizen
- A new definition of smart
- A safe training ground as prep for life
8 Being Digital
9Digital By Birth
- Dont think about tech
- Have never seen a typewriter
- Dont remember when the computer wasnt connected
- Web page are business cards blogs get the jobs
- Want their education personalized and SHORT
10An Outpost for Personal Expression
- Overscheduled lives
- Overly competitive
- Helicopter Parents
- A place to try on
- and act out
- Non-formalized
- Learn about tech. on the
- streets
11Particularly Perplexing The Tool At the Center
of the Universe
12The Center of Entertainment Life
13The Center of Social Life
14The Center of Academic Life
15 All Simultaneously
16An Uphill Battle for Parents
- Internet pumps all of our weak spots into your
living room
- Almost impossible not to multi-task
- As soon as youve got your arms around it it
- Busy parents prioritize Internet regulation is
seen as hard and non-life threatening
17What makes kids so tech savvy?
- Theyre NOT!
- They are risk takers
- They dont anticipate consequences
- Parents apply real-world experience to web-world
18The New Mobility Makes It Worse
- 65 of American children between 10 and 18 have
cell phones.
- Same problems with higher costs and less
protection than computers.
19 Where the kids are
20Where the Kids Are
- Community Xanga, Live Journal, NeoPets,
MySpace, ratemyteacher
- Entertainment real.com, quizilla,
cartoonetwork.com Miniclip teenfx.com,
- Content Lyrics.com, espn,
- Info Teenhealth.com goaskalice.com, sparknotes
21Some General Themes
- Mystery, quizzes, music , sports, games, quick
hits, grossology
- Quirky, graphic, immediate
- Most of the sites let you talk to other users
- compares you to others
- Can cost for premium services or points
22Trouble When Hormones Meet High Speed
- Inappropriate Sites Inappropriate
- PrivacyPiracy and Plagiarism
- Social Networking
23Theyve Got Mail Y
Inappropriate Content
24How Bad is It?
- SEX is 1 topic search McGraw-Hill
- Only 2 of the network (260 million pages) is
inappropriate. Its just very loud, vocal
and graphic.
- 41.2 million hits on Google compared with 194
million for "iPod" -- and 551 million for the
word "blog
- 7 in 10 15-17 year olds have found porn
- Most disturbing is the rise in teenage
Pornified Kaiser Foundation
25How do kids find this stuff?
- Searching (Porn-napping)
- Lolita/teens/ toys
- Typo-squatting
- mistyping and misspellings
- Curiosity
- Home page and free tours on most porn sites are
- Emailed messages to visit a site
- how they find your kids names?
- spiders/crawlers/software/lists
- Entrapment
- links, mouse trapping
26Searching without filtering
27Why do they want your kids?
- No credit cards but
- they count as traffic
- What are the effects of porn?
- varies with age
- internet porn is very graphic and often very
- body and self image defined by what they see
28Its Not Just Porn thats Inappropriate
- Hate
- Racism
- Weapons
- Suicide
- Witchcraft
- Violence
29Not just porn
30Tools Filtering/Blocking Software
- Block web sites Modify lists, control words kids
can type, and ease up on the reins.
- Limit access to areas Chat sites, shopping or
control time on computer activity
- Monitor activitiy sites visited, blocked or not.
- Inventory of your children's computer, and find
all pictures, movies, music files and web pages.
31Cyberpatrol Categories
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34Serious Issues/Serious Software
- Spectorsoft
- Logs keystrokes
- Chats
- IMs
- Downloads
35Parental Controls for P2P, Instant Messenger,
Video Games.
36Free and Low Cost Tools
- Built-in Parental controls (50 of families with
younger kids (and parents) use this)
- AOL, MSN, Earthlink
- Use Search engine filters Google safe search
- Know Your Browser Controls
- Browser Settings
- Bottom Line Something is better than nothing. If
you show kids you have your eye on it they are
more cautious.
- Click on options and preferences that come with
your service.
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38Problems with Technology
- A nuisance to maintain
- A false sense of protection
- Over and under blocking issues
- Where theres a will theres an easy way around
39No Tech Tools
- Computer in well trafficked area
- Pop in often
- Search history files
- Be a pain
- Protect and Defend
- Share we all make mistakes
- Use News as Conversation Starters
40Theyve Got Mail Y
Two Way Dangers Email, IM, Chat, Blogs
41Trends in Communications
- Younger participants
- Email is for parents and teachers! IM on the
- SMS on Phones
- Shorthand language
- Multimedia and photo growing
- Communicate while doing other things
42Natural Curiosity Meets Predatory Behavior
- 1 in 5 children encounter a sexual approach or
solicitation online. Youth Internet Survey
- 89 of solicitations occur in chat rooms or
Instant messages. Pew Study
43Shared Concerns
44Instant Messaging
- Instant does NOT mean it disappears instantly!
- Four in every 10 online Americans use IM (11
million of the 53 do it at work)
- Immediate does not mean anonymous
- Can save, edit and forward an IM
- A Pedophiles Playground
- Trojans, works and hackers proliferate
45Kids love the Immediate in IM
- Dont need to check it, It finds you.
- Add Voice and Video
- it will be the new phone in the home
- Send files, games, music
- Personalization
- Away Messages
- Emoticons, Unique Language
- Multiple Screen Names for Multiple Personalities
- Shared Buddy Lists
46Advice from the Pew Foundation
- Never post personal information on IM
- Never respond to an unsolicited message.
- Dont post your IM screen name on websites.
- Dont click on links in a message from people you
dont know.
- Set preferences on IM client to only accept
messages from buddy list.
47What else can kids do?
- No profile pages
- Learn to block buddies
- Dont feed the flames
- Dont use specific away messages
- Know every buddy on your list!
- Have an adult you can turn to
- Dont delete messages you may need to show an
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49Red Flags
- People who
- can't keep their story straight
- initiate sexual conversation
- don't know the answers to teen pop culture
- pressure to send photos or meet in person
- ask for more information than you're comfortable
giving out
50Social Networking
- Combination of a blog/diary, a personal ad and
cyber-dating combined (20 of teens keep them
38 read them (Pew)
- Unwittingly involve others in their candor
- Need to be counted
- No differentiation between low value and high
value friends
- Kids need to be aware of the dangers of revealing
too much.
- For now Drive by in cyberspace
52Rate my teacher
53The Facebook Site of the Moment
- Need a .edu address/creates an aura of safety
- Version for high school and college
- Personal Profile
- Profile Fields are Searchable
- who did I go to high school with
- who lives in my town
- who likes Franz Ferdinand
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55Picture of a Facebook Page
56Facebook cont
- You must invite friends to be in your group
their friends become your friends
- The Wall posts comments about you
- Photos can create a photo diary with tags that
others can search
- Scrutiny by adult community is fair game and
should be expected
57What You Should Know
- False sense of safety in the .edu
- Teachers, College Counselors, Marketers,
Predators have become hip to the Facebook
- 75 percent of recruiters use search engines to
uncover information about candidates, and 26
percent of recruiters have eliminated candidates
because of information found online. - Kids are not using built in safety features
- You should have access to their passwords and
- Google and Search within these sites
58User Generated Content.
- Sadly, the biggest worry today is not from
pornographers, pedophiles or intruders but from
kids whove can act differently on the Internet
than they would in the real world
- Actions
- Being mean
- Name calling
- Spreading rumors or lies,
- Being intentionally or repeatedly hurtful.
- Tools
- email,
- cell phone/messaging,
- pager,
- websites
- Blogs and journals
- online polls
- Instant messages
- chat rooms
60 Dimensions of the Problem
- 58 of kids say someone has said something mean
or hurtful to them online
- 53 says theyve said something mean of hurtful
to someone
- 58 of kids have not told their parents about
Cybersmart Curriculum
61Is this a cyberbully?
- A boy receives a provocative picture from a girl
who likes him. The boy shares it with a friend,
who shares it with the world.
- The Numba Numba boy.
- A class votes for the ugliest girl in school on a
web site.
- A boy writing on MySpace says his teacher is gay
and hitting up on the students.
- A group of girls IM each other about which girl
in class theyll pick on tomorrow in gym.
- Speed and Persistence of Communications
- Higher Income Families
- Im going to kill you if you tell someone
- Perceived anonymity
- Tracking can be difficult and misleading
- Complex motives and personalities of the bully-ers
63What Can You Do?
- Drive By
- Use Technology like IM
- Work with School to Update Code Of Conduct to
include Electronic Behavior
- Be a Role Model
- Teach how to Take 5
- Is Privacy a Generational Artifact?
- Is it Valued?
- 40 of thefacebook students list phone (BWeek)
- Expect invasions
- Something you trade for a good prize
- Studies show a disbelief and lack of concern
65Kids receive SPAM and SPIM
- Asked to divulge info, buy drugs, have sex
- 67 of all computers are Spyware infected. IDC
- Internet related fraud in 2004 cost US consumers
over 265 million. Consumer Sentinel
66Spam filters
68Rules for Keeping Junk Out
- Dont reply
- Dont open unknown attachments or emails
- Study address
- Look at company names, foreign countries, asking
too much info
- Ask parental permission before entering contests
- Anytime you give your email name to a site it
will travel
69Piracy and Plagiarism
- Illegal downloading of music, software, games,
- Take mentality
- March 05 275 million songs were downloaded
illegally versus 25 million online song purchases
- Random Excuse Generators
- I have no money
- They make too much money
- Everyone does it
- My Dad does it
- Ill pay when I grow up
70Peer to Peer Networking
- What is it?
- Why is it scary?
- theft of intellectual property
- spread of viruses
- identity theft
- porn-filled
- legal ramifications
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72What can you do ?
- Listen to their arguments but be firm.
- Be a role model.
- Dont play ostrich.
- Consider a digital allowance .
- Look at cost alternatives MusicNow, emusic,
napster, musicmatch
- CinemaNow
- Watch out for iPorn
73A Word on Mobile Phones
- What they do?
- SMS messaging
- Photos sharing
- Ringtones
- games
- MP3
- Organize
- Browse
74What Can Go Wrong
- Porn
- Spam (SPIM)
- Viruses
- Cyberbullying
- Photo Mischief
- Phones Have less protection than computers and
keep records for less time
- You can look at
- Pay for play
- Look at phone buddies
- Limit monthly charges
75A Graduated Approach
- A 6 year old should have a limited list
- Gauge responsibility award privilege
- AOL, MSN and Earthlink support age appropriate
- Use IM and Other Tech with your family
- Know whos on your childs buddy list, where they
- Watch for signs of unhealthy behavior and REACT
- Its fine to take Internet privilege away
76Your High Tech Arsenal
- Anti-virus
- Anti-spam
- Spyware Blockers
- Pop Up Blockers
- Personal Firewall
- Look at Control Panel Internet Options, Firewall
Options, Security
- Optional Parental Controls
- One Stop Shopping?
- MSN Premium
- Symantec
- Macafee
77Your Most Important Job?Cultivating Healthy
Digital Family Rituals
- Communicating newsletters, emails, chat rooms
- Keeping Organized Family Calendars
- Preserving Memories Digital Photography and
- Planning Vacations, Purchases, College
- Internet Trivia Games
- Family Favorite Sites
- School Website as a Parent/Teacher/Student bond
78New Internet Safety Technologies
- Biometrics
- Voice, Eye, Thumb
- Smart Cards
- Black GPS Devices
- RFID Devices
79 Know Your Resources
- Visit sites like wiredsafety.org NetSmartz.org,
safekids.com, isafe.org,consumerwatch.org
- Know where to report problems
- Local authorities save records
- NCMEC CyberTipline, FTC.org
80The Swimming Pool Analogy
- Can protect kids from pools by putting up fences
- Can deploy pool alarms
- Can legislate laws holding pool owners
- But the best strategy is teaching kids to swim