Title: Faculty Senate Meeting
1Faculty Senate Meeting
Timothy O'Rourke, Vice President Computer and
Financial Services CIO
3Five Dynamics of Change
- People are at different levels of readiness for
change. - People feel awkward, uncomfortable and
self-conscious while changing. - People initially focus on what they have to give
up. - People feel alone even if everyone else is going
through the same change. - During the change process, people can be at
different levels of change.
- Introduction the Nature of Change
- Background A Look Behind the Scenes
- Progress Laying the Groundwork
- Timeline Whats Coming Next?
- Preview of Changes
- What is My Role?
- Questions?
5A Look Behind the Scenes
6A Look Behind the Scenes
- 1997- Student Information Website evolved into
OWLnet in 1999 - 1999 Graduate Applications
- 2000 - Undergraduate Applications, OWLink,
Diamond Dollars, Report to Web - 2002 My Housing
- 2003 Ultimus - online requisitioning
- 2005 Employee Self Service Peformance
Development System - 2008 Online grading
- 2008 DARSWeb for advisors students
7A Look Behind the Scenes
- Human Resources System (HRS) 15 years old
- Financial Management System (FMS)21 years old
- Integrated Student Information System (ISIS)
25 years old
8A Look Behind the Scenes
- Limitations
- Programming language outdated
- Information not centralized
- Aging workforce - Average age 52 (retirement
25 in 4 years, 40 in 6 years) - No vendor support
- Many functional problems
- Limited ability to support new technology
- Very complex infrastructure
9Current Mainframe Environment
Position Control
10A Look Behind the Scenes
Urban 13 (21)
- University of Alabama Birmingham ? SunGard
Banner - University of Cincinnati ? SAP Finance HR,
elsewhere for Student - Cleveland State University ? PeopleSoft
- Florida A M ? PeopleSoft
- Georgia State University ? SunGard Banner
- University of Houston ? PeopleSoft
- University of Illinois Chicago ? SunGard Banner
- Indiana/ Purdue U. _ Indianapolis ? SunGard
Banner - University of Massachusetts Boston ? PeopleSoft
- University of Memphis ? SunGard Banner
- University of Missouri Kansas City ? PeopleSoft
- University of Missouri St. Louis ? PeopleSoft
- University of New Orleans ? PeopleSoft
- City College of New York ? PeopleSoft
- University of Pittsburgh ? PeopleSoft
- Portland State University ? SunGard Banner
- Temple University ? Approved, Beginning
Implementation - University of Toledo ? SunGard Banner
- Virginia Commonwealth University ? SunGard Banner
11A Look Behind the Scenes
- Established a Steering Committee
- Hired a consultant
- Set guiding principles
- Evaluated solutions
- Obtained Board and Presidential approval
- Selected SunGard Banner System
12Gartners Magic Quadrant
13A Look Behind the Scenes
- Banner Advantages
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) framework
- Information centralized and standardized
- Greater access to data
- Improved reporting capability
- Streamlined business processes
- Web interface
- 24 by 7 availability
- Regular system upgrades
14Extreme Makeover Integrated Environment - 2012
15Laying the Groundwork
Lynne Zullo, Project Enterprise Manager
16Laying the Groundwork
- Engaged SunGard specialists
- Organized teams
- Hired a Project Manager
- Named project
- Developed implementation plan
17Executive Steering Committee Members
- Thomas Kupp
- Larry Lemanski
- Vicki Lewis McGarvey
- Timothy ORourke (Chair)
- Theresa Powell
- Lisa Staiano-Coico
- Stuart Sullivan
- Karen Turner
- Anthony Wagner
- Frank Annunziato
- James Bausman, Jr.
- William N. Black
- Barbara Dolhansky
- Joanne A. Epps
- Stephanie Gillin
- Deborah Harnett
- Peter Jones
- Susan Karakantas
18Laying the Groundwork
19Laying the Groundwork
- What have we been doing?
- Research visits to other Universities
- Self-evaluation
- current processes
- current data
- current reports
- Banner configuration training
- System configuration
20Laying the Groundwork
- Accomplishments
- Chart of Accounts draft
- Crosswalk table of old FMS centers
- to the new Banner FOAPAL
- Data standards documents
- Reporting inventory
21Laying the Groundwork
- Accomplishments
- Infrastructure
70 servers installed and configured, 30 more
coming over the next three years
22Laying the Groundwork
- Accomplishments
- Network Security
Setup network infrastructure and performed
security analysis on the servers
23Laying the Groundwork
With a database of over 10,000 records
24Laying the Groundwork
3,921,163 logins since September 2nd Visitors
from 127 countries, including the US
25Laying the Groundwork
- Accomplishments
- TUmarketplace
1,724 orders placed since release
- Search for products from Temple contracted
vendors - Compare prices
- Combine orders from different vendors
27Whats Coming Next?
- Student Recruiting/Enrollment Management
- 9/2010 (Fall 2011)
- Adm/Fin.Aid/Catalog/R25
- 10/2010 (Fall 2011)
- Grading/Transcripts6/2011
- Finance/
- TUmarketplace
- 7/2009
- Decommission Mainframe 6/2011
- Housing Faculty Info
- 11/2010 (Fall 2011)
- Reg/Cashiering/Billing
- 3/2011
- (Summer/Fall 2011)
- Interim TUmarketplace
- 8/2008
29 Preview of Changes
- New policies procedures
- New online screens
- New way to access systems
- Familiar framework
- Organizational jobresponsibility changes
30 Preview of Changes
- One place to change your address
- 24 by 7 availability
- Data entry standards
- Personal Data names, addresses phone numbers
- Building codes
- Department names
- Chart of Accounts
- Cognos - report writer
- Purchasing - TUmarketplace
31 Preview of Changes
- Financial Aid
- New e-grading
- Pre co-requisite checking
- Room scheduling Resource 25
- E-print report distribution
- Kronos time entry attendance
- Expense distribution
- Extender imaging
- Grants management
32 Preview of Changes
- Cashiering system
- Online budget submission
- Forms
- Check request and PC jets
- Treasurers receipt
- Expense distribution
33 What is my role?
- Training precedes release of each module
- Training dates announced Spring 09
- Swat Team support during major go-live periods
34 What is my role?
35 What is my role?
36 What is my role?
- Join the Banner News list
37- Questions for Panel Members?