Title: Olympic Chiropractic - Rehabilitation & Physical Therapist
1(No Transcript)
2About Us
Olympic Chiropractic was founded in 1997 by Dr.
Pat Calcagno. While attending Life University, in
Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Pat had a dream to one day
open his own clinic in the suburbs of Chicago
where he grew up. During the 1996 Summer Olympic
Games (Atlanta) he decided to open his clinic
under the name Olympic Chiropractic.
During the spring of 2003 Olympic Chiropractic
became a multi-disciplinary clinic with the
addition of physical therapy. During the summer
of 2004 Olympic Chiropractic opened the third
clinic of the Chicago Western suburbs in
Sycamore, Illinois. The clinic director and
treating physician of the Sycamore Clinic is Dr.
Justin Coop.
3Our Services
4Our Services
5Contact Us
Sycamore Office 610 Plaza Drive Sycamore, IL
60178 Phone (815) 899-6061
Bartlett Office 260 East Army Trail Road Suite
D Bartlett, IL 60103 Phone (630)
830-8600 Elmhurst Office 533 South York Road,
Suite D Elmhurst, IL 60126 Phone (630) 833-4437
6Thank You