Title: Kansas Rehabilitation Services
1Kansas Rehabilitation Services
- Payment-for-Performance
- Contracted Service Regional Training
- June 11, 2008
2Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation
ServicesTo protect children and promote adult
- Kansas Rehabilitation Services
- Working in partnership with Kansans with
disabilities to achieve their goals for
employment and independence
3Two Major Organization Initiatives
- Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation
Services (SRS) - Strategic Plan
- Kansas Rehabilitation Services (KRS)
- FFY 2008 2010
- State Plan
4SRS Strategic direction leads to
- keeping customer outcomes at the core of all our
efforts. - improving productivity nurtured by changes in
technology and intentional capacity-building of
employees. - promoting innovative and integrated approaches to
customer needs. - using evidence-based practices to foster success
in all arenas. - empowering staff to exercise appropriate
professional - judgment to serve customers holistically.
- supporting customers self-determination as the
guide for decision-making.
5KRS State Plan Goals and priorities
- Kansans with disabilities will achieve quality
employment and self-sufficiency - KRS, its providers and partners will be
accountable for achievement of employment and
effective use of resources - KRS will emphasize the employment potential of
students with disabilities and improve
outreach and outcomes for transition-aged
students - KRS will emphasize meaningful involvement of
people with disabilities, public/private
partners, employers and other stakeholders in KRS
programs, services and activities
6KRS Payment for Performance modifications
- Made systemic changes to meet consumer needs
while addressing the Federal standards - Clarification of roles and responsibilities for
the consumer, contractor and counselor - Collaboration with community partners
- New services developed to improve
individualization - Development of accountability benchmarks
- Increased and built in required communication
points - Â
- Â
- All services are intended to lead to, support or
enhance successful employment - Services are individualized, variation may be
approved through the RS exception process - Referral for one service does not guarantee any
other services will be authorized to the
contractor. - With a 15 day written notice either party can
withdraw from individual services
- Vocational Assessment
- Independent Living Assessment
- Community Based Work Assessment
- Assistive Technology Assessment
- Assistive Technology Services
- Rehabilitation Engineering
- Job Preparation
- Guided Placement
- Customized Placement
- Job Coaching
- Community-Based Job Try Out
- Vocational Assessment - CODE 150
- Independent Living Assessment CODE 160
- Community Based Work Assessment CODE 155
- Assistive Technology Assessment CODE 180
- (3 LEVELS)
- Assistive Technology - CODE 417
(3 LEVELS) - Rehabilitation Engineering CODE 417
(3 LEVELS) - Job Preparation Level 1 CODE 555
- (Action Plan, Monthly Payment)
- Job Preparation Level 2 CODE 556
(Action Plan, Monthly payment)
- Use when developing IPE and not clear level of
placement service need - Use to identify Self-Directed Placement
- Guided Placement CODE 609
- (Action Plan and Monthly Payment)
- Customized Placement 6 Component Codes
- 614 Job Development/Action Plan
- 615 Placement
- 616 Stabilization (SE IPE Only)
- 617 45 Days
- 618 Extended Plan (SE IPE Only)
- 619 Closure
- Job Coaching CODE 575
- (Two
levels) - Community-Based Job Try Out CODE 655
14(No Transcript)
15KRS Payment for Performance Referral Process
- Consumer and counselor
- decide on type of service to meet the consumers
need - review providers that can provide the service
- Consumer and counselor make selection of
service provider - Counselor completes KRS Referral Form
- Contractor agrees to accept referral
- Â
16KRS Payment for Performance Referral Process
- Contracted Service Referral Form
17KRS Payment for Performance Referral Process
18KRS Payment for Performance Referral Process
- Action Plan Report Format
19KRS Payment for Performance Case Study
- Jason
- Information
- Referral Form
20KRS Payment for Performance Case Study
21KRS Payment for Performance Case Study
22Payment-for-Performance Contracted Services
23How do I determine who is a candidate for SE
level of service need?
- If you can answer yes to the following
questions - Does the individual have a severe disability?
- Does the individual require specialized placement
services in order to gain employment? - Does the individual require on-going support
services to maintain employment?
24Other things to consider. . .
- Has competitive employment not traditionally
occurred for this individual? - Has competitive employment been intermittent for
this person? - Remember, an individual might need placement
training support without on-going follow-along. - Note Do you need more information?
- Conduct a supplemental evaluation for
rehabilitation potential of SE, such as a
community-based work assessment.
25What is the role of the RC in supported
employment services?
- Marketing SE services
- Referring the correct persons
- Coordinating service needs
- Providing leadership and participating in
problem-solving - Monitoring the quality of each placement and
amount/use of dollars - Selecting the best on-going support arrangement
- Evaluating satisfaction
- The more active role that the counselor
takes..the better the chance the placement will
run smoothly and immediate replacement will not
be an issue.
26How can I critically analyze SE vendor services?
- Develop an action plan with clear objectives
- Understand intervention patterns
- Become knowledgeable of instructional techniques
- Request implementation data
- Task analysis
- Instructional plan
- TA and production data
- Supervisor evaluations
- Fading schedule (preset level/no. of trials)
- Plan for transitioning to follow-along
- Summary and progress reports
27How do I know whether to add or modify services
or hours or if it is an inappropriate placement?
- Look at the data!!!!
- Go back to the objectives in the individualized
plan - What is keeping them on (or off) the job?
- What type of training and job coach hours have
been provided? - What is the nature of the problem?
- What is the plan to address the problem?
- Is the outcome and criteria for success clearly
stated? - Actively participate in brainstorming solutions
28How do I address job retention beyond the point
of closure?
- Remember job retention services through on-going
support are the hallmark of SE - Look at an SE vendors follow-along services and
retention track record - Build retention strategies in all phases of the
SE process - Be sure to place an emphasis on the front end of
service delivery insure a good job match - Make sure systematic training approaches are
utilized be consistent - Develop an Extended Service Plan
29For more information, contact
- Wendy Parent
- Kansas University Center on Developmental
Disabilities - University of Kansas
- 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Room 1052
- Lawrence, KS 66045
- (785) 864-1062
- wparent_at_ku.edu
30KRS Payment for Performance
- Provider Agreements
- Transition from current services
- RS Listserve
31KRS Payment for Performance
32- Payment-for-Performance
- Contracted Services
- Review the new service descriptions and updated
information at - http//www.srskansas.org/rehab/text/Contractor/Ser
vice_descriptions-July08.htm - Email specific questions to Mike.Ahlers_at_srs.ks.go