Title: Mapping UML Associations into Java Code
1Mapping UML Associations into Java Code
- Marco Bär
- baerm_at_student.ethz.ch
- Motivation
- Problems
- Multiplicity
- Navigability
- Visibility
- Interface
- Conclusion
- Associations are key concepts of OO
- No language support
- Implementing Associations is repetive and error
prone - Constraints and Invariants left to programmer
- Code is difficult to maintain
- Multiplicity
- Navigability
- Visibility
works for
- Specifies the number of target instances that
may be linked to a single object of the source
class - denotes many
- Any subset of nonnegative integers allowed
- Paper deals only with intervals (min..max)
- Multiplicity Constraints are Invariants
6Minimum Multiplicity
- Most common minimum multiplicities
- 0 optional
- 1 mandatory
- Remember the previous example
- Person ? Company is optional
- Company ? Person is mandatory
- What happens if a Company is created?
- It needs to be linked immediately to a Person!
7Possibilities of creating a Company instance
Person p new Person(personData) Company c
- With an instance of Person as parameter
Person p new Person(personData) Company c new
Company(companyData, p)
- Creation of a Company instance issues the
creation of a Person instance
Company c new Company(companyData, personData)
8Changing Links Example
- Mandatory associations pose unsolvable problems
- Solution
- Dont check the minimum constraints when
modifying links (e.g. mutator methods, or
setters) - Check the minimum constraints when accessing
links (e.g. accessor methods, or getters)
10Maximum Multiplicity
- Most common maximum multiplicities
- 1 single
- Single associations can be stored in a simple
variable - multiple
- A Collection has to be used to store the
association references - Choices for Adder Methods
- Reject additions that violate constraints
- Perform additions that violate constraints (like
remove) - Single associations have to reject additions that
violate the multiplicity constraints
g1 Game
12Summary of Multiplicity
- Adders
- Check maximum constraints
- Reject operations that violate maximum
constraints - Ignore objects already linked to the source
instance - Removers
- Dont check minimum constraints
- Ignore objects not linked to the source instance
- Getters
- Check both maximum and minimum constraints
- Raise exeptions if constraints are violated
- Users Responsibilities
- Use Remove and Add Methods in the right order
- Restore valid system state before accessing
- Multiplicity
- Navigability
- Visibility
Navigability specifies the ability of an
instance of the source class to access the
instances of the target class through the links
that connect them.
15Unidirectional Associations
- Single
- A simple attribute is used to store the reference
- Multiple
- A Collection is used to store the references
16Bidirectional Associations
- Cannot be implemented with a single attribute
- Three possible combinations of multiplicities
- Single Single
- Single Multiple
- Multiple - Multiple
17Single - Single
18Synchronization Example
19Multiple - Multiple
- Multiplicity
- Navigability
- Visibility
- UML Standart says
- specifies the visibility of the association end
from the viewpoint of the classifier on the other
end. - Possible visibilities
- public, protected, package, private
- package has different semantics in UML
22What about Bidirectional Associations?
- No reciprocal update from Subject side!
- Private-private relations cannot be managed!
- Indirect access through public methods
- Similiar considerations for package and protected
- Accesor methods (get())
- min. or max. constraint violated ? exception
- Mutator methods
- add(Collection links), remove(Collection links)
- add(Type link), remove(Type link)
- none or all semantics
- maximum constr. violated ? cancel op return
false - type(link) type(target) ? cancel op exception
- Ups
- Reduces amount of coding
- Introduces automatic Invariant checks
- Additions/Modifications of associations possible
- Downs
- Add/Remove have to be invoked in the right order
- Valid system state has to be re-established after
modifiers were called
25Thank you for your attention!