Title: Artists Backgrounds
1Artists Backgrounds
- Jennifer Lewis
- Birth place London (UK)
- Current residence NE London
- Art training London
- Fatima Djabri
- Birth place Paris (France)
- has lived in Paris
- Current residence SW London
- Art training London
- Misako Okuyama
- Birth place Tokyo (Japan)
- has lived in Paris (France)- 1 year and half,
Montreal (Canada) 3 years - Current residence SW London
- Art training Tokyo Paris
- Teri Hylton
- Birth place London (UK)
- has lived in Florence (Italy)- 1 year
- Current residence
- NW London
- Art training London
- Meera Chauda
- Birth place Crawley (UK)
- Has lived in Mombasa (Kenya) - holidays
- Current resident
- SW London
- Art training London
Thurle Wright Birth place Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
has lived in , Sydney Tasmania (Australia),
(Germany), (Denmark), France and UK Current
residence SW London Art training London
- Teri Hylton
- Subject matter Female figures
- Media Photography, Printing, Painting
- Meera Chauda
- Subject matter Female figures (Kali English
girls - Media Collage with photo copied images
- Thurle Wright
- Subject matter Abstract (Form Language)
- Media Origami sculpture
Jennifer Lewis Subject matter Afro Caribbean
people and nature Media Painting, Jewellery,
Pottery and Sculpture Fatima Djabri Subject
matter Tatoos, Hena and Fabrics Media Textiles,
Collage Misako Okuyama Subject matter Snake
Letters Media Japanese mineral painting,
calligraphy, collage and craft
3Analysis of Meera and Teris Artworks
- Artists Statements
- Imagery
- Cultural Sources
- Symbolism
- Interpretation
4Misako Okuyamas Cultural Identity
- Imagery Cultural Sources
- Japanese cosmopolitan cultures
- Female snake
- Venus body combination
- of Japanese letters
- Symbolism of the Snake in Japanese culture
- one of the seven gods of
- good luck / love / beauty
- symbolic equivalence to Venus in European culture
- There are many traditional stories about snakes
from different parts of Japan, and often involve
women changing into snakes to accomplish a wish.
Venus RW (Myself) Media Japanese
Calligraphy Methods combination of letters
images using Japanese art techniques
5Meera Chaudas Cultural Identity (Asian British)
- Imagery Cultural Sources
- Indian (Hindu) British
- Head
- Kali the destroyer
- Body
- Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz (English)
- Artists Statement
- Questions of identity and place
- Where are they going?
- Many child stories in which girls embark upon
journeys and return home
Kali Media Collage Methods Enlarging
reducing images