Title: MS Mass Spectrometry
1MS Mass Spectrometry
2Centro de espectrometría de masa (Harvard)
- General Information
- The word that best describes the mass
spectrometry of inorganic and Organometallic
molecules is "difficult". - Many species are intractable to mass spectrometry
for one of a number of reasons. To see our
recommendations for Organometallic, click here.
Recommendations We recommend you confer with
your friendly local mass spectrometrist before
preparing any organometallic or inorganic samples
for mass spectrometry.
3Métodos de Ionización (los más usuales)
- EI (Impacto Electrónico) se volatiliza la
muestra y se ioniza con un haz de electrones. M.
y fragmentos - FAB (Fast Atom Bombardment) se coloca la muestra
en una matriz líquida (un alcohol) y se impacta
con un haz de átomos de Xe. (MH) (MNa),
(Mmatriz), fragmentos, etc - MALDI (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization
) se coloca la muestra en una matriz sobre un
metal y se impacta con un laser. Muy usado para
péptidos y proteínas. - ESI (ElectroSpray Ionization) se disuelve la
muestra, se pasa por un capilar a 5 kV, que la
dispersa en microgotas. MnHn, MNa, etc.
4Isotope patterns
Aluminium Bromide
AlBr 27Al 100 79Br 51 81Br 49
5Isotope patterns
63Cu 69.1
35Cl 75.5 37Cl 24.5
65Cu 30.9
Abundance of first isotope peak M .691 x .755
For next isotope peak M2 .691 x .245 .169
.309 x .755 .233
For next isotope peak M4 .309 x .245 .076
6Poly-isotopic metals
Metal isotope pattern are distorted by 13C and 2H
7Poly-isotopic metals
When more than one metal is present pattern is
affected in a predictable way
9Reacciones ion-molécula
Se producen ocasionalmente, dando lugar a iones
de MAYOR masa que el ion molecular.
Cr(CO)6 Cr(CO)6 --gt Cr(CO)10 2 CO
- The charge is likely to remain on
Metal-containing fragment
M Ln-1 L
L M Ln-1
Less likely
- Rearrangement involving hydrogen migration are
(M gt Si, Ge, Sn, Pb)
- Migration of Halogens is very common
M (C6F5)3
(C6F5)2 Sn F C6F4
M gt Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
- Migration of Alkyl to metal is also common
Transfer of R is influence by electronegativity
of the R group
12Rearrangement process
McLafferty type of rearrangement involving
metal instead of H
This rearrangement depends on readiness of metal
to become pentacoordinate (using its d-orbitals)
13Metal Carbonyls (Co)
14Metal Carbonyls (Fe)
15Metal Carbonyls (Fe)
16Carbonyl halide compounds
17Carbonyl halide compounds
Loss of CO and X occur with equal ease
Loss of CO occur stepwise with retention of M2X2
than further X loss can occur
18Cs2IrCl5CO (ESI-MS(-))
19MSMS 199 (IrCl5CO2-)
- Fourier transform mass spectrometry, is a type of
mass spectrometer for determining the m/z of ions
based on the cyclotron frequency of the ions in a
fixed magnetic field. - The ions are trapped in a magnetic field with
electric trapping plates where they are excited
to a larger cyclotron radius by an oscillating
electric field perpendicular to the magnetic
field. The excitation also results in the ions
moving in phase (in a packet). The signal is
detected as an image current on a pair of plates
which the packet of ions passes close to as they
cyclotron. The resulting signal is called a free
induction decay (FID), transient or interferogram
that consists of a superposition of sine waves.
The useful signal is extracted from this data by
performing a Fourier transform to give a mass