Species Interactions III Herbivory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Species Interactions III Herbivory


Invertebrate herbivores often have a lifelong association with a plant (due to small size) ... generally reduces plant fitness (although many plants produce ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Species Interactions III Herbivory

Species Interactions IIIHerbivory
  • Definition Focus on insects
  • Characteristics of invertebrate herbivores
  • Fossil history
  • Types of insect feeding
  • Nutritional requirements
  • Nutritional obstacles
  • Plant defenses 1. Physical 2. Chemical
  • Herbivore responses
  • Herbivore specialization
  • Herbivore diversification
  • Coevolution
  • Ecological impacts of herbivory

  • consumption of plants by animals
  • Basis of all food chains, important
  • for fundamental ecosystem processes
  • like nutrient cycling
  • Seed seedling herbivory more
  • like predation i.e. individual plant
  • is often killed outright
  • Herbivores that feed on leaves or other plant
    parts usually do not kill the plant but can
    reduce growth reproduction
  • When herbivory is lethal - generally takes quite
    a while
  • Herbivores can feed externally (leaf, bud,
    flower feeders) or internally (leaf miners,
    gallers, stem borers)

Invertebrate herbivores
  • Differ from vertebrate herbivores in their size,
    numbers, and the type of damage inflicted
  • Invertebrate herbivores often have a lifelong
    association with a plant (due to small size)
  • Short generation times --gt rapid rates of
  • Invertebrates generally more specialized than

History of herbivory
  • Plant-insect interactions common in fossil record
  • Evidence of herbivory since Paleozoic (400 mya)
  • All insect feeding types except leaf-mining
    established by Late Pennsylvanian (300 mya)

Types of insect feeding
  • Chewing
  • Lepidoptera (160,000 named species) almost
    entirely herbivorous, larvae are mainly leaf
    chewers, adults feed on nectar
  • Orthoptera (20,000 species)
  • Coleoptera (350,000 species)
  • Hymenoptera (150,000 species), also include
    pollen and nectar feeders

  • Sucking
  • Hemiptera (112,000 species) sucking mouthparts,
    feed on plant sap
  • aphids (feed on sugar-rich, protein-poor plant
    sap, consume excess sugars for their needs,
    excrete excess as honeydew via anus)
  • Superfamily Cicadoidea, feed on xylem sap eg
    17-yr periodic cicadas, spittle bugs
  • Whiteflies, feed on contents of mesophyll cells

  • Gall-making
  • Gall makers manipulate host tissues to provide
    themselves with rich source of nutrients and a
    protective shelter.
  • Females lay eggs in specific part of plant,
    induces plant tissue around eggs to divide very
    rapidly, produces a gall.
  • Larvae emerges from gall as an adult.
  • Galling has evolved many times, common way of
    life amongst wasps, flies, aphids and thrips

  • Leaf-mining
  • Female lays eggs in or on leaf
  • Larvae develop through most or
  • all instars within leaf
  • Emerge as adults
  • Miners vulnerable to predation
  • parasitism while in mine
  • Also vulnerable to leaf drop

Nutritional requirements of insect herbivores
  • All animals require fats, proteins, carbohydrates
    , vitamins and mineral
  • Insects cannot synthesise essential amino acids,
    sterols, linolenic acid and vitamins, must obtain
    these from food
  • Digestive process
  • Saliva, containing digestive enzymes such as
    amylase secreted by labial glands
  • Food passed to foregut, may act as temporary
    storage area
  • Bulk of digestion occurs in midgut, digestive
    enzymes (proteases, lipases and carbohydrases)
    convert complex nutrients into simpler compounds.
    Most digestion and detoxification of harmful
    chemicals occurs here
  • More water and nutrients absorbed in the hindgut
  • Waste frass eliminated from rectum

A big ecological question Why is the world green?
Herbivores rarely consume all plant resources
available, why not?
  • 1. Herbivore populations limited by other factors
    (eg weather, predators, competitors) rather than
    by food availability (top-down vs bottom-up
  • 2. Not all plant food is available for herbivores
  • Herbivore chemical composition different from
    plants, many components of plants are
  • (ii) Plant defend themselves

  • Plant-feeding insects live in a world dominated
    on the one hand by their natural enemies and on
    the other hand by a sea of food that, at best, is
    often nutritionally inadequate and at worst is
    simply poisonous

  • Lawton McNeill (1974)

The small fraction of insect orders that have
adapted to feed on green plants is remarkable
because plants are the most obvious and readily
available food source in terrestrial
communitieslife on higher plants is a formidable
evolutionary hurdle that most groups of insects
have conspicuously failed to overcome.

Strong et al. (1984)
Nutritional obstacles for herbivores
  • Ecological efficiency
  • Only about 10 of plant material available to
    next trophic level (ie herbivore).
  • Partly due to presence of indigestible
    compounds such as cellulose and lignin.
  • Some insects house symbiotic bacteria
    that can digest these compounds

Nutritional obstacles (cont)
  • Chemical composition of plants and herbivores
    dissimilar. In particular, protein in short
    supply in plant material nitrogen content of
    leaves typically 2, but 30-40 of insect tissue
  • Some herbivores can increase their consumption
    rate in response to N-content of plant tissue eg
    xylem feeders can consume 100-1000 times their
    body weight per day because amino acids comprise
    only tiny proportion of the sap
  • Plants may protect their N in the form of
    non-protein amino acids that are toxic (many are
  • Micronutrients such as Na may also be in short
    supply in plant tissue (Na is 2.5 x higher in
    animal tissue than plant tissue, insects like
    butterflies compensate by feeding on salt in
    mineral licks, animal urine, bird droppings, male
    moths incorporate large amounts of Na in their
    sperm packets - part of nuptial gift to female
    during mating)

Nutritional obstacles (cont)
  • 3. Distribution of nutrients seasonally and among
    plant parts
  • Macro-and micronutrients distributed unevenly
    among plant parts so herbivores often adapted to
    feeding on a subset of the plant
  • Different types of feeding apparatus can also
    limit plant parts used eg mouthparts adapted for
    sucking phloem or xylem sap cant be used to chew
  • Many plant parts (eg fruits, flowers, pollen)
    only available for limited parts of the year
  • Age of plant part also affects feeding eg young
    leaves more nutritious than mature ones

Plant defenses against herbivory
  • I. Physical defenses
  • Tough epidermis, may prevent feeding, or induce
    mandible wear
  • Cuticular deposits, wax, sticky resins
  • Spines, thorns, prickles, stinging hairs
  • Strategic (eg placement of meristems,
    underground reproduction

Physical defenses (cont)
  • Bursera schlechtendalii shrub native to Mexico
  • Squirt gun defence
  • Possesses a network of pressurized terpene
  • When canal is severed by a herbivore, shoots a
    stream of terpenes up to 150 cm
  • Defence effective against many but not all
  • Chrysomelid beetles in genus Blepharia can still
    feed on shrub, experiences only slightly reduced
    growth on only the most responsive plants

Physical defenses (cont)
  • Abscission defence plant drops leaves infested
    by herbivores
  • Effective against relatively immobile herbivores
    such as leaf miners
  • Can be costly to plant due to loss of
    photosynthetic area and stores of nutrients

Physical defenses (cont)
  • Third party defence Eg. Ant-acacias
  • Acacia ant Pseudomyrmex ferruginea and closely
    related species actively defends Acacia host form
    other herbivores and clear away surrounding,
    competing vegetation
  • In return, plants provide ants with swollen
    thorns in which to nest, plus carbohydrates from
    Beltian bodies and extrafloral nectaries
  • Potential disadvantage is that potential
    pollinators may also be repelled its been
    found that a chemical signal produces by the
    flowers during pollen production repels ants

Plant defenses against herbivory (cont)
  • II. Chemical defenses
  • Production of toxins, repellents, anti-feedants
  • Secondary metabolites generally derived from
    metabolites involved in primary physical
    processes such as respiration, photosynthesis etc
  • Many have medicinal value
  • These compounds were traditionally regarded as
    waste products
  • Fraenkel (1959) seminal paper discussed idea
    that they were herbivore defenses

Plant toxins
  • All green plants have the potential to be toxic
    to herbivores
  • Toxicity dependent on
  • Dose taken over time
  • Age health of herbivore
  • Mechanism of absorption excretion
  • Detoxification system
  • Not all parts of plants necessarily toxic
  • Fruits usually toxin free
  • Seeds usually protected

Major classes of plant toxins
Plant toxins (cont)
  • Many secondary metabolites have multiple
  • Eg.
  • Alkaloids repel or deter herbivore feeding but
    are also used in antimicrobial defense
  • Phenols protect against UV damage
  • Secondary metabolite production is costly
  • Eg.
  • Production of N-based compounds can be limited
    by N-availability
  • Despite presence of defensive compounds most
    plants are fed upon by a suite of specialized
    herbivores adapted to use these compounds as
    attractants, feeding stimulants or as a source of
    toxins for use in defense against enemies

  • Third party defence
  • Other groups of organisms may be involved
  • Eg Fungal endophytes live inside plants, produce
    toxins such as the ergot alkaloids
  • Endophyte of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea)
    produces toxic alkaloids that result in gt600
    million worth of livestock losses in US p.a.

Plant defense mechanisms
  • Constitutive defenses
  • Defense mechanism is always present,
    toxins or physical structures localized at plant
  • Eg.
  • 50 angiosperms have secondary compounds at leaf
    surface mixed with wax
  • Latex in gt12,000 plant species, viscous white
    fluid, contains rubber particles which act as a
    feeding deterrent terpenoid toxins

Plant defense mechanisms (cont)
  • 2. Induced defenses
  • Defenses produced only in response to herbivore
    attack, include both physical and chemical
  • Plants put off defense until needed -may be
    cheaper, example of adaptive phenotypic

  • Example 1 Increased synthesis of toxins
  • May be short term, disappear after insect has
    stopped feeding or may persist over whole season
    or into next year
  • Caterpillar larvae feeding on Nicotiana
  • induce 220 increase in alkaloids
  • (nicotine nicotinamine) over
  • next 5-10 days
  • Alkaloids synthesized in roots,
  • transported to leaves
  • If veins damaged, alkaloid production
  • can increase up to 400

  • Example 2 De-novo synthesis of proteinase
  • Colorado beetle feeding on potato or tomato
  • Proteinase inhibitor inducing factor (PIIF) is
    released into vascular system
  • Inhibitor has an adverse effect on the insects
    ability to digest and use plant proteins
  • Beetle stops feeding

  • Example 3 Release of predator-attracting
  • Cucumbers attacked by spider mite Tetranychus
    urticae release compounds that attract the
    predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis

Herbivore responses to plant defenses
  • Herbivores must continually adapt to the
    barriers imposed by their host plants
  • No physical or chemical defense is absolute
  • 1. Behavioural defenses - herbivores avoid parts
    of plant that are defended
  • Eg. Monarch butterfly caterpillars
  • feed on latex-producing milkweeds
  • Larvae cut the leaf veins before
  • feeding, releases latex as a series of
  • white blobs along the veins, larvae
  • eat between the veins to avoid the
  • latex

2. Sequestration of plant toxins
  • Widespread phenomenon, especially in herbivorous
  • Many species that use this technique are
    aposematic (see Lecture18)
  • Examples
  • Monarch butterflies (see Lecture 18)
  • Arctiid moth Utetheisa ornatrix larvae sequester
    pyrrolizidine alkaloids from their host palats,
    toxins retained by adults and passed on by
    females to their eggs. Male transfers unusually
    large spermatophore during mating containing
    nutrients plus alkaloids as a nuptial gift,
  • correlated with male size.
  • Females select larger males
  • and so may reduce the risk
  • of predation of their
  • offspring

  • 3. Detoxification
  • Herbivore uses enzymes to convert toxins to less
    toxic forms
  • Often microbial symbionts do the converting
  • Many plant toxins are hydrophobic ie do not
    dissolve in water. Detoxification involves
    converting them to more water-soluble substances
    that are more readily eliminated.
  • Cytochrome P450s - enzymes used by many
    herbivores in first phase of detox
  • Detoxification systems costly --gt most
    herbivores are only adapted to feeding on a few
    species of related plants
  • 4. Conjugation
  • Herbivore produces a compound that binds to the
    toxin and renders it less harmful
  • Eg. gut glycines in lepidoptera act to counter
    the effect of plant tannins (that normally act as
    defensive compounds by binding protein and
    therefore interfere with digestion)

Herbivore specialization
  • Long debated question Why are most herbivores so
  • Eg. Dan Janzen collected gt60,000 species of
    Lepidoptera from 725 plant species in Costa Rica,
    gt half the species fed exclusively on one plant
    species, many others fed on only a few species
  • This is a general phenomenon ie most insect
    herbivores are oligophagous (feed on a few
    species of related plants)
  • Disadvantage
  • If host plant unavailable,
  • herbivore risks starvation
  • (extinction in extreme case)

  • 3 main arguments for the existence of

(i) Jack of all trades and master of none
specialists are better at finding and extracting
resources from their hosts than generalists,
selection has fine-tuned physiological and
behavioural mechanisms for maximal efficiency.
Related idea is that the limited neural ability
of insects to process information means that
specialists may be better at finding and using
  • 3 main arguments for the existence of

(i) Jack of all trades and master of none
specialists are better at finding and extracting
resources form their hosts than generalists,
selection has fine-tuned physiological and
behavioural mechanisms for maximal efficiency.
Related idea is that the limited neural ability
of insects to process information means that
specialists may be better at finding and using
(ii) Value of some plants as hosts lies in their
ability to provide enemy-free space, rather
than just nutritional quality (may explain why
some insects are found on only a subset of plants
on which they are capable of feeding)
  • 3 main arguments for the existence of

(i) Jack of all trades and master of none
specialists are better at finding and extracting
resources form their hosts than generalists,
selection has fine-tuned physiological and
behavioural mechanisms for maximal efficiency.
Related idea is that the limited neural ability
of insects to process information means that
specialists may be better at finding and using
(ii) Value of some plants as hosts lies in their
ability to provide enemy-free space, rather
than just nutritional quality (may explain why
some insects are found on only a subset of plants
on which they are capable of feeding)
(iii) Specialization is not an adaptive trait but
an evolutionary dead end ie direction of
selection in many herbivore groups is toward
increasing specialization until its too late
Herbivore diversification
  • Orders of primarily herbivorous insects are rich
    in species, contribute disproportionately to
    global biodiversity
  • Study by Mitter et al (1998) Comparison of 13
    sister taxa where one member of each pair was
    mainly herbivorous and the other non-herbivorous
  • 11/13 pairs showed the herbivorous taxa to have
    at least twice the number of species as the
    non-herbivorous partner
  • ie the herbivorous way of life has resulted in
    evolutionary specialization and diversification

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Returning to coevolution
  • Coevolution reciprocal adaptation
  • Defence and counter-defence of plants and their
    insect herbivores thought to underlie diversity
    of both plant and insect species
  • Idea first put forward by Ehrlich Raven
  • (1964) noticed that phylogenetically
  • related butterflies tended to feed on
  • phylogenetically related host plants

  • Hypothetical sequence of events
  • Unique genetic event (mutation or recombination)
    occurs in a plant species, confers resistance to
    all or most of its herbivores
  • Released from herbivory, plant is able to occupy
    new adaptive zones and radiate
  • Insect species experiences unique genetic event
    that confers upon it the ability to overcome the
    novel plant defence
  • Released from competitors, the insect undergoes
    adaptive radiation and eventually, derived
    species will use many if not all of the plant
  • and so on

Resulting phylogenies
Herbivore species
Plant species
  • Problems with reciprocal coevolution concept
  • Difficult to test (cannot directly observe these
    evolutionary events because they occur over very
    long time)
  • More evidence that secondary chemicals affect
    herbivores than the other way around
  • ie relationship often seems very asymmetric and
    the classic co-evolutionary type hypothesis may
    simply not be appropriate in most cases.

Alternative view Sequential evolution
  • Evolution of flowering plants largely driven by
    factors like climate and soil resources (rather
    than insect attack). This has created a
    chemically diverse trophic base for the evolution
    of herbivores.
  • Central idea is that plants loom large in the
    lives of herbivores, but not vice versa.

Ecological impacts of herbivory
  • Tissue removal by herbivores generally reduces
    plant fitness (although many plants produce
    compensatory growth)
  • Herbivores remove an average of 18 terrestrial
    plant biomass and 51 aquatic biomass
  • Study by Morrow LaMarche (1978) sprayed
    eucalypts with insecticide for several years,
    after 3 yrs sprayed trees were 100 taller than
    unsprayed trees

Ecological impacts of herbivory (cont)
  • Herbivores may also affect plants by being
    disease vectors
  • Eg Dutch elm disease struck North American
    forests in 1930s, removed elm as canopy
    dominants, caused by fungus Ceratocystis ulmi,
    carried by elm-bark beetle
  • At least 380 plant viruses known to be vectored
    by insects, particularly aphids, but also thrips,
    beetles and mites
  • Some insects so effective they are used in
    biological control programs to carry pathogens of

Ecological impacts of herbivory (cont)
  • Interference with pollination
  • Leaf and floral damage can affect attractiveness
    of plants to pollinators
  • Herbivore damaged plants may therefore become
    pollen limited

Herbivore control of plant populations
  • Opuntia stricta introduced in mid 1800s as an
    ornamental plant, turn of century escaped
    covered 20 million ha by 1920, 24 million by
  • Female Cactoblastis cactorum lay eggs on the
    cactus pads, caterpillars eat the cactus from the
  • inside of the pad, also introduce
  • bacteria and fungi as they burrow.
  • Moth was very effective as a
  • biological control agent because it
  • also served as an effective
  • vector of pathogens

  • Populations of Opuntia collapsed after release of
    moth, took only 2 yrs to reduce density from
    12,000 indiv per ha to 27. Area covered fell to
    few thousand ha
  • Cactoblastis - not complete eradication , cactus
    manages to disperse to moth-free areas, thereby
    keeping one step ahead of the moth, maintains low
    level equilibrium in a continually shifting
    mosaic of isolated patches. Moths also at low
    population levels

  • Herbivory plays a fundamental role in ecosystems
  • Herbivores can have important impacts on the
    populations of their host plants
  • Plants present formidable obstacles (both
    physical chemical) to insect herbivores
  • The few orders of insects that have adapted to
    feeding on plants have undergone a vast
    radiation, presumably as a result of an
    evolutionary arms race
  • As a result, green plants and their insect
    herbivores comprise a substantial component of
    global biodiversity
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