Title: Senior Volunteers Outdoors
Gerontology -- October 10, 2008
Adults age 50 and over who volunteer for the
natural environment, and for outdoors recreation
and conservation
2Baby BoomersPurpose and Connectedness
- retirement is being redefined by this group who
seek productivity, adventure, social contact as
they endeavor to fulfill the life satisfaction
they received in their careers.
- Professors Craig Finney and Dianne Philibosian,
California State University, Northridge. Foreword
to Senior Volunteers Outdoors
350 Volunteering Initiativewww.pointsoflight.org
- Innovative volunteer projects that leverage
their experience, skills, and freedom, provide
50 adults challenging and rewarding
opportunities to define this chapter of their
4Bill Novelli, CEO AARP
- Thank you for sharing with me your inspiring
book We certainly share your vision and it is
our hope that through your efforts and ours, we
can provide the resources and information to help
the over 50 population volunteer their time,
skills and experience to help create positive
change in society and their own lives.
5How Volunteering for the Outdoors contributes to
Positive Aging
- Physical Benefits
- Exercise
- Lose weight
- Raise fitness level
- Lower blood pressure and
- cholesterol
- Recover from illness and disease
6Mental Health Benefits
- Stimulation from continuing education and ongoing
training - Being open to fresh ideas, novel adventures, and
new places - Sharing interests and passions for the natural
environment - Teaching and sharing skills and experience with
youth/school groups and the general public
7Emotional, Psychological and Social
- Opportunity to live ones dream, fulfill lifelong
desire have a purpose and goals - Overcome loneliness and depression with group
membership and camaraderie - Satisfaction of giving back to society and
making a significant difference - Recognition and celebration of a job well done
and contribution made
8Practical Benefits
- Be challenged and develop problem-solving skills
- Enjoy recreation and healthy exercise outdoors
- Be involved in stewardship of the natural
environment - Apply a lifetime of experience and work-related
learning to a good cause
9ConnectednessSuccessful Aging by John W. Rowe
and Robert L. Kahn
- The linking of social relationships to
longevity, the discovery that social support lies
at the core of those relationships, and the
special role of social support in aging have been
gradually, but unmistakably, demonstrated.
10CaringYounger Next Year by Chris Crowley
Henry S. Lodge
- caring means caring about other people and
being involved with them acting like the pack
animals we are, right to the end.
11Southern Nevada Interagency Volunteer Program
UNLV Public Lands Initiative
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
Bureau of Land Management Spring Mountains
National Recreation Area US Forest Service
Lake Mead National Recreation Area National Park
Service Desert National Wildlife Refuge
Complex US Fish Wildlife