Title: Humanities
1Welcome to Cardiff University
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
2Croeso i Brifysgol Caerdydd
Dyniaethau ac Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol Diwrno
d Agored 29ain Chwefror 2012
3Humanities Social Studies at Cardiff
- Six Schools offer teaching and research in
thehumanities social studies at Cardiff.
These are - ? the Cardiff School of English, Communication
Philosophy -
- ? the Cardiff School of European Languages,
Translation Politics - ? the Cardiff School of History,
Archaeology Religion - ? the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media
Cultural Studies -
- ? the Cardiff School of Music
- ? the Cardiff University School of Welsh
4The School of English, Communication and
- is one of the largest Schools in the University
- offers a wide range of Single Honours and Joint
Honours undergraduate degrees as well as
postgraduate degrees in four major discipline
areas - - English Literature
- - Critical and Cultural Theory (includes
Cultural Criticism) - - Language and Communication
- - Philosophy
- and a wide range of module choices within
each of these - provides a friendly, supportive and exciting
environment for learning - regularly attains excellent degree and NSS
results and receives very positive feedback
from students on the quality of its teaching - has an international reputation as a centre for
research and publication.
5Yr Ysgol Saesneg, Cyfathrebu ac Athroniaeth
- un or Ysgolion mwyaf yn y Brifysgol
- yn darparu amrywiaeth eang o gynlluniau gradd
Israddedig sengl a chyd-anrhydedd yn ogystal â
chynlluniau gradd Ôl-raddedig mewn pedair prif
adran ddisgyblaethol -
- - Llenyddiaeth Saesneg
- - Theori Feirniadol a Diwyllianol (yn cynnwys
Beirniadaeth Diwyllianol) - - Iaith a Chyfathrebu
- - Athroniaeth
- ac mae amrywiaeth eang o ddewisiadau
modiwlau o fewn pob adran - yn cynnig amgylchedd dysgu cyffrous, cyfeillgar a
chefnogol - yn cael canlyniadau graddio ardderchog yn
rheolaidd a hefyd yn derbyn adborth adeiladol
iawm gan y myfyrwyr am safon y dysgu o fewn yr
Ysgol - yn adnabyddus fel canolfan ymchwil ryngwladol â
chyhoeddiadau o fri.
6The Cardiff School of European Languages,
Translation Politics
- The Cardiff School of European Languages,
Translation Politics is one of the largest of
its kind in the UK and has over 1,500 students. - It comprises the following disciplines
- French
- German
- Hispanic Studies
- Italian
- Translation
- Politics (including European Politics
International Relations) - We are a vibrant, multicultural and
multidisciplinary School, specialising in the
different histories, political systems,
languages, literature and cultural identities of
Europe. - We have our own auditorium and IT suites
equipped with cutting-edge language programmes.
We offer a wide range of degree programmes both
in arts and social science subjects, including
innovative joint degrees in Politics and French
with the University of Bordeaux. New for
September 2012 is the BA Translation, which is
currently undergoing validation. - Above all, we are committed to creating a
welcoming learning environment that allows our
students to reach their full potential, whether
in the fast stream of the civil service, finance,
journalism, teaching or other careers of their
7Ysgol Ieithoedd Ewropeaidd, Cyfieithu a
- Ysgol Ieithoedd Ewropeaidd, Cyfieithu a
Gwleidyddiaeth Caerdydd yw un or fwyaf oi fath
yn y DU ac mae ganddi dros 1,500 0 fyfyrwyr.
Maen cwmpasur disgyblaethau canlynol - Ffrangeg
- Almaeneg
- Astudiaethau Sbaenaidd
- Eidaleg
- Cyfieithu
- Gwleidyddiaeth (gan gynnwys Gwleidyddiaeth
Ewropiaidd a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol) - Rydym yn Ysgol yn fywiog, amlddiwylliannol ac
amlddisgyblaethol, syn arbenigo yng ngwahanol
hanes, systemau gwleidyddol, ieithoedd,
llenyddiaeth a hunaniaethau diwylliannol Ewrop. -
- Mae gennym ein hawditoriwm an hystafelloedd TG
ein hunain, syn cynnwys y rhaglenni iaith mwyaf
blaenllaw. Rydym yn cynnig amrediad eang o
raglenni gradd yn y celfyddydau ar gwyddorau
cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys graddau arloesol mewn
Gwleidyddiaeth a Ffrangeg ar y cyd â Phrifysgol
Bordeaux. Bydd cwrs BA newydd mewn Cyfieithu,
syn cael ei ddilysu ar hyn o bryd, yn dechrau ym
mis Medi 2012. -
- Yn bennaf oll, rydym wedi ymrwymo i greu
amgylchedd dysgu croesawgar syn caniatáu in
myfyrwyr gyrraedd eu potensial llawn, boed ar
lwybr carlam y gwasanaeth sifil, ym maes cyllid,
newyddiaduraeth neu addysg, neu mewn gyrfa arall
ou dewis hwy.
8The School of History, Archaeology and Religion
- devoted to the investigation of the past from
prehistoric times to contemporary societies - offers a wide range of Single Honours and Joint
Honours undergraduate degrees as well as
postgraduate degrees in - Archaeology
- Conservation
- Ancient History
- History
- Religion
- Theology
- With a wide range of module choices in each
discipline - Rated Excellent in the most recent assessment
of teaching quality - Encourages students to discover and develop their
particular interests and specialisms within a
friendly and supportive teaching environment - Offers a wide variety of academic perspectives
archaeological, historical, linguistic,
literary, philosophical, sociological and
anthropological - Reputation for high quality research with
research-led teaching delivered by enthusiastic
staff with international reputations - Not only provides students with knowledge in
depth and breadth, but also develops generic
skills in analysis, synthesis and presentation -
9Yr Ysgol Hanes, Archaeoleg a Crefydd
- Yn ymroddedig i ymchwilior gorffenol, or
oesoedd cynhanesiol hyd at gymdeithasau cyfoes - Yn cynnig ystod eang o Raddau Anrhydedd a Graddau
Cydanrhydedd yn ogystal â graddau ôl-radd mewn - Archaeoleg
- Cadwraeth
- Hanes yr Hen Fyd
- Hanes
- Crefydd
- gydag ystod eang o ddewisiadau modiwl ym mhob
disgyblaeth - Dyfarnwyd yn Ardderchog yn Ă´l yr asesiad
mwyaf diweddar o safon addysgu - Yn annog myfyrwyr i ddarganfod a datblygu eu
diddordebau au harbenigeddau neilltuol o fewn
awyrgylch dysgeidiaeth gyfeillgar a chefnogol - Yn cynnig ystod eang o safbwyntiau academaidd,
archaeolegol, hanesyddol, ieithyddol, llenyddol,
athronyddol , cymdeithasegol ac anthropolegol - Enw da am ymchwil safonol gyda dysgeidiaeth
wedii arwain gan ymchwil yng ofal aelodae
brwdfrydig or staff sydd ag enwau dan
rhyngwladol - Dim yn unig yn darparu myfyrwyr â gwybodaeth
eang, ond hefyd yn datblygu sgiliau generig mewn
dadansoddiad, synthesis a chyflwyniad
10The School of Journalism, Media Cultural Studies
- The School of Journalism, Media Cultural
Studies is one of Britains premier centres for
critical teaching and research in journalism,
media and cultural studies. In the most recent
Research Assessment Exercise (published in
December 2008) JOMEC was rated as one of the very
best Research Centres in its subject area, coming
in the top few in several of the grading systems
used this time. The BA in Journalism, Media
Cultural Studies has been among the highest rated
courses of its area in the National Student
Survey in the last two years. -
- Many of its academic staff are widely published
with international reputations, creating a
stimulating and dynamic environment for teaching.
Research interests in the School cover most
aspects of the ways media products are planned,
financed, made, represent our worlds, get
circulated, received, celebrated and contested. - Media forms explored include news and current
affairs, through cinema, television and game
fictions, advertising, to new media and fan
cultures. - Disciplinary approaches introduced include those
of politics, sociology, history, literature,
psychology, gender studies, risk theories and
11The School of Music
- The School of Music is housed in purpose-built
accommodation close to the Humanities Building.
It aims to ensure that its students are offered a
healthy balance of academic and practical studies
and its programmes allow students to choose just
how much they would like to specialise in music
as part of their University studies. - Many of the School's academic staff are
internationally renowned for their research and
published work. Visiting instrumental teachers to
the School include members of the BBC National
Orchestra of Wales and Welsh National Opera. - The School's vibrant musical life includes a
professional concert series as well as concerts
by student orchestras and ensembles,
master-classes, lectures and other events, and is
well integrated into the cultural activities of
the city of Cardiff and its environs.
12School of Welsh
- The School of Welsh offers a wide range of
modules within its undergraduate degree
programme. It is at the forefront of research
within its field and in both teaching and
research has forged close links with the
community. Both its teaching and research reflect
the growth in demand for Welsh. - Modules are available on a variety of literary,
linguistic and socio-linguistic topics, and the
School also offers modules on creative writing
and writing for the media reflecting Cardiffs
position as the main centre for the media in
Wales. A recent innovation has been the
introduction of work-experience as an integral
part of the Schools programmes. Students have
been offered placements in a variety of fields,
including the media, education, and the National
13Ysgol y Gymraeg
- Mae Ysgol y Gymraeg yn cynnig amrywiaeth eang o
fodiwlau yn ei chynllun gradd israddedig. Maer
Ysgol yn rhagori mewn ymchwil yn ei maes, ac o
ran ei dysgu ai hymchwil y mae ganddi
gysylltiadau agos âr gymuned. Mae ei dysgu ai
hymchwil yn adlewyrchur galw cynyddol sydd am
raddedigion yn y Gymraeg yn y Gymru gyfoes. - Maer amrediad o fodiwlau yn cynnwys rhai
llenyddol, ieithyddol a sosio-ieithyddol, ac
maer Ysgol hefyd yn cynnig modiwlau ar
ysgrifennu creadigol ac ysgrifennu ir cyfryngau,
syn adlewyrchu safle Caerdydd fel canolbwynt ir
cyfryngau yng Nghymru. Un datblygiad cyffrous
diweddar yw ychwanegu elfen o brofiad gwaith yn
rhan greiddiol or cwrs gradd. Y mae hyn yn
golygu bod myfyrwyr yr Ysgol wedi cael y profiad
o weithio mewn un o blith nifer o wahanol
feysydd, gan gynnwys byd addysg, y cyfryngau ar
Cynulliad Cenedlaethol.
- Cardiff University is recognised in independent
government assessments as one of Britains
leading teaching and research universities. -
- Cardiff is a member of the Russell Group of
Britains leading research universities,
underlining Cardiffs status as one of the most
exciting, innovative and successful universities
in the UK. -
- World-leading research is being undertaken
throughout Cardiff University, as indicated by
the latest Research Assessment Exercise (2008).
33 out of 34 research areas submitted by the
University for assessment by independent panels
of experts are shown to be undertaking research
that includes work that is world-leading in
terms of originality, significance and rigour. -
- Based on Research Power, which reflects both the
quality of research and the number of staff
submitted for assessment, Cardiff is ranked 15th
in the UK. Five research areas within Humanities
Social Studies are ranked in the top ten of
their disciplines and a further three areas
within Humanities Social Studies are in the top
twenty. -
- Studying in Schools with such strong research
profiles benefits students in many ways,
including bringing them into contact with the
latest thinking in their fields and interaction
with academic staff who are active at the
cutting-edge of their disciplines.
- Bursaries are funds which are paid to students
by Cardiff University in addition to those you
receive from government maintenance grants and
loans - If your household income is assessed up to
30,000 the Cardiff University bursary
(non-repayable) will top up the amount of money
you receive from government funding to 7,500. - If your household income is assessed between
30,001 and 42,600 the Cardiff University
bursary (non-repayable) will top up the amount of
money you receive from government funding to
6,750. - You don't have to apply, eligibility is
determined through the statutory means test
conducted by your UK student funding body. - For further information please visit
- Mae Bwrsariaethau ar gael ar ben grantiau a
benthyciadau cynhaliaeth a ariennir gan y
llywodraeth. - Os yw incwm eich aelwyd hyd at 30,000, bydd
Prifysgol Caerdydd yn ychwanegu at y cyfanswm a
gewch chi gan gyllid y llywodraeth er mwyn gwneud
cyfanswm o 7,500. - Os yw incwm eich aelwyd rhwng 30,001 a 42,600,
Bydd Prifysgol Caerdydd yn ychwanegu at y
cyfanswm a gewch chi gan gyllid y llywodraeth er
mwyn gwneud cyfanswm o 6,750. - Penderfynir ar gymhwyster drwyr prawf
moddion statudol a gynhelir gan eich corff
ariannu myfyrwyr yn y DU er mwyn penderfynu ar
gymhwyster ar gyfer grantiau a benthyciadaur
wladwriaeth, felly ni fydd rhaid i chi wneud cais
am Fwrsariaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd ar wahân. - Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i www.caerdydd.ac.uk/
- Before your son or daughter comes to Cardiff in
September, try to make sure s/he has -
- Sorted out his/her accommodation
- Sorted out his/her finances
- Read the Humanities Social Studies Year One
Enrolment and Subject Guide so that s/he knows
what to do to enrol in the University and in
his/her School(s), and can decide what other
subjects to study in year one in addition to
his/her Honours subject(s). S/he will need to
discuss these choices with his/her personal tutor
early in enrolment week before enrolling online
on any modules. - A copy of the 2011 Guide can be found on the
University website by using the A-Z to find
Humanities Social Studies and then clicking on
HUMSS Year 1 Enrolment. The 2012 Guide will be
available from August.
- Cyn ich mab neuch merch ddod i Gaerdydd ym mis
Medi, ceisiwch wneud yn siwr ei f/bod - Wedi trefnu llety
- Wedi trefnu cyllid
- Wedi darllen Canllaw Ymrestru Blwyddyn Un y
Dyniaethau ac Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol er mwyn
gwybod yr hyn y maen rhaid ei wneud er mwyn
ymrestru yn y Brifysgol ac yn yr Ysgolion, ac yn
gallu penderfynu pa bynciau eraill iw hastudio
ym mlwyddyn un yn ogystal âi bwnc(bynciau)
Anrhydedd. Bydd angen trafod y dewisiadau hyn
gydar tiwtor personol yn gynnar yn yr wythnos
ymrestru cyn ymrestru ar-lein ar unrhyw fodiwlau. - Cewch weld copi o Ganllaw 2011 ar wefan y
Brifysgol trwy ddefnyddio A-Y i ddod o hyd i
Dyniaethau ac Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol ac yna
clicio ar Blwyddyn 1 Cofrestriad. Bydd Canllaw
2012 ar gael ar Ă´l mis Awst.
19Welcome to Cardiff University
The Humanities Building
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
20Welcome to Cardiff University
The Humanities Building
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
21Welcome to Cardiff University
The Humanities Courtyard
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
22Open Day 29th February 2012
Welcome to Cardiff University
The Humanities Courtyard
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
23Welcome to Cardiff University
Typical Lecture Theatre
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
24Welcome to Cardiff University
Typical Lecture Theatre
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
25Welcome to Cardiff University
Humanities Coffee Shop
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
26Welcome to Cardiff University
Humanities Coffee Shop
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
27Welcome to Cardiff University
The Bute Building
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
28Welcome to Cardiff University
The School of European Languages, Translation
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
29Welcome to Cardiff University
The Music Building
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012
30Welcome to Cardiff University
Humanities and Social Studies Open Day 29th
February 2012