What is Domestic Violence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is Domestic Violence


Dating Violence. Women ages 16-24 experience the highest rates of ... 32% report dating violence by a previous partner ... Effect Of Dating Violence on Health ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is Domestic Violence

What is Domestic Violence?
  • An escalating pattern of abuse that includes any
    or all of the following
  • Threats
  • Sexual
  • Psychological
  • Emotional / verbal

Types of Abuse
  • Isolation
  • Intimidation
  • Economic
  • Stalking
  • Spiritual
  • Children

Cycle of Violence

Battering / abuse / threats
  • Gain power
  • Exert control
  • Prevent loss of esteem
  • Exhibit manliness

Who is effected by domestic violence?
  • 3-10 million children witness domestic violence
    every year
  • Every 9 seconds a woman in United States is
    beaten by one who claims to love her
  • The direct cost for medical treatment for
    battered women is 1.8 billion annually
  • 50 homeless women and children are fleeing
    domestic violence
  • 1 in 4 teenage girls is a victim of teen

Dating Violence
  • Women ages 16-24 experience the highest rates of
    intimate violence
  • 53 of DV victims are abused by a current or
    former boyfriend or girlfriend
  • 13 of teenage girls who are in a relationship
    report being physically hurt or hit
  • 54 of all rape cases occur before victims reach
    18 years of age
  • 71 of rape and sexual assault victims knew their

Campus Violence
  • 21 of college students report they have
    experienced dating violence by a current partner
  • 32 report dating violence by a previous partner
  • 60 of acquaintance rapes on college campuses
    occur in casual or steady dating relationships
  • 13 of college women report experiencing forced
    sexual intercourse by a dating partner
  • Over 23 of college women report they have been
    stalked. Of these, 42 were stalked by a
    boyfriend or ex-boyfriend

Effect Of Dating Violence on Health
  • Women involved in violent relationships typically
    suffered from post-dramatic stress and
  • Rates of sexual transmitted infections and
    pregnancy are higher for girls and young women,
    who have a history of abuse

DV Latinas
  • A strong sense of culture keep Latinas from
    betraying long-standing values. Those who step
    outside of these norms, shame not only themselves
    but also their parents, grandparents, etc. Latino
    family obligations always come first no matter
    what personal animosities may exist.
  • A Latina who cant keep her family together is
    considered a failure. She may stay with an
    abusive husband or not disclose her situation to
    relatives in order to keep up appearances.
  • Women who are deeply religious may believe a
    violent spouse is their cross to bear.
    Additional pressure to stay derives from the
    Catholic Churchs ban on divorce. Family members
    may be particularly unsympathetic when a Latina
    tries to leave her abusive marriage.
  • Latinas without economic resources must often
    rely on public service providers. Yet police and
    others who attend them seldom offer culturally
    sensitive response or Spanish language assistant.
  • Community outreach in Spanish around domestic
    violence issues is almost non-existent. Few
    materials are created specifically for Latinas or
    even translated into Spanish.
  • A batterer who is a U.S citizen may manipulate
    and control his immigrant wife by threatening to
    have her deported if she complains about his
    violence. He may coerce her to stay with the
    empty promise of filing her residency papers.
  • In Mexico a law called abandono de hogar
    punishes women who leave their homes, even to
    flea violence. Women convicted of abandoning the
    home often lost custody of their children. Some
    Mexican women who immigrate to the U.S.
    erroneously believe that this law applies here.

Source Latinas and Domestic Violence
DV Latinas
  • Survey in Washington DC, 27 Latina feared
  • Berries Language, perception of law
    enforcement/legal system
  • VAWA married to LPR or USC
  • U-Visa victim of a crime

State Laws on Dating Violence
  • Many state require a victim to be married to,
    live with, or have a child in common with the
    perpetrator in order for criminal and civil
    domestic violence laws to protect the victim
  • 39 states and DC allow victims of dating violence
    to apply for orders of protection against the
  • California allows minors 12 years and older to
    petition without an adult
  • Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, New York,
    Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah,
    and Virginia DO NOT recognize dating violence in
    their statutes

Source National Coalition Against Domestic
Violence www.ncadv.org/files/datingviolence.pdf
Abusers try to control their victim's lives.
  • When perpetrators feel a loss of control abuse

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
    1 800-799-SAFE (7283)
  • National Teen Dating Violence Helpline
    1 866-331-9474
  • National Immigration Law Center www.nilc.org
  • National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Domestic Violence
  • "Domestic violence is not only a personal
    tragedy, it is a serious crime that negatively
    affects women, men, children, neighborhoods, and
    communities. We must join together to address the
    causes of this crime so that each and every home
    can be a place of peace and safety.
  • Mary Beth Buchanan,
  • Acting Director Office on Violence
    Against Women United States Department of

  • Always hold firmly to the thought that EACH one
    of us can do something to bring some portion of
    misery to an end

  • -Anonymous
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