Title: Prosocial behavior
1Prosocial behavior
2Does Pure Altruism Exist?
- Altruism (textbook definition) -The desire to
help another person even if it involves a cost to
the helper. - Pure altruism (another definition) -Behavior
that benefits another intentionally for no
external or internal reward. - Empathy-altruism hypothesis -
When we feel empathy for a person, we
will attempt to help that person purely for
altruistic reasons, regardless of what we have to
gain. - Social exchange theory -(from chapter 10,
basically says rewards gt costs) SET argues that
true altruism does not exist because only help
others when rewards outweighs costs
3Genetic Relatednessand Helping
- Would you lend your car to your brother?
- What about your grandfather?
- What about a cousin?
- What about an attractive stranger?
- Michael Cunningham and his colleagues asked
people whether they would be willing to help
other people in different situations.
4Inclusive Fitness
Percentage Volunteering to Help
High(parents, siblings, children)
Mod. (grand-parents)
Low (first cousins)
None (attractive strangers)
Degree of Relatedness
5Insights into the Evolution of Help
- Inclusive fitness -
sum of individuals
reproductive success PLUS reproductive success of
relatives who were helped by that individual - Helping a brother or sister promotes the survival
of genes he or she shares with the helper - Reciprocal Aid -
help that occurs in return for
prior help - Other animals will help non-relatives if they
live in close proximity and can better survive by
6Similarity and Familiarity
- Similarity may be a cue to genetic relatedness
(our relatives look like us). - Competitors in a negotiation game were more
trusting if shown a photo of their opponent that
had been morphed to look like them.
7Genetic Similarity and Need
- The tendency to help relatives over strangers is
stronger when help is related to survival. - Research
- There are three people asleep in different rooms
of a burning house - A cousin
- A grandfather
- An acquaintance.
- You have time to rescue only one.
- Which do you save?
- There are three people who need you to run a
small errand to the store - A cousin
- A grandfather
- An acquaintance.
- You have time to help only one.
- Whose errand do you run?
For everyday help, people tended to help close
relatives more than non-relatives
Tendency to Help (errand)
High(parents, siblings, children)
Mod. (grand-parents)
Low (first cousins)
None (acquaintances)
Degree of Relatedness
The difference became even more pronounced in
life-or-death situations
Tendency to Help (burning house)
High(parents, siblings, children)
Mod. (grand-parents)
Low (first cousins)
None (acquaintances)
Degree of Relatedness
10Learning to HelpInstilled Beliefs
- Students who have studied economics and learned
the principle of self-interest - Are less likely to contribute to charities
- Are more likely to exploit a partner in a
bargaining game - Are more likely to negotiate for a lopsided
11Learning to HelpExpanded sense of we
- Children exposed to others of different ethnic
and religious backgrounds later develop a feeling
of we-ness with the larger human family - European Gentiles who helped Jews escape from
Nazis were exposed to more different ethnicities
growing up than were non-helpers
12Learning to HelpLabeling and self-labeling
- Labeling a child as kind and helpful increases
his or her later willingness to donate prizes to
other children. - People who define themselves as highly committed
to their spiritual beliefs are, compared to the
less committed, twice as likely to volunteer time
to help the needy.
13The effects of moodGood Mood
- Research study
- If found coins researcher left in mall pay phone,
84 of people helped a man pick up papers - If did not find coins.
4 of
people helped a man pick up papers - Being in a good mood can increase helping for
three reasons - Good moods make us look on the bright side of
life. - Helping others can prolong our good mood.
- Good moods increase self-attention.
14The effects of moodPresence of Sadness
- Helping can be increased by events triggering
temporary sadness, such as - Reminiscing about unhappy experiences
- Reading depressing statements
- Failing at a task
- Witnessing harm to another.
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