Title: PVAAS: Essential Connections for Statewide Implementation
1PVAAS Essential Connections for Statewide
Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System
- National Value-Added Conference
- Columbus, Ohio
- October 14-16, 2007
- Kristen Lewald
- PVAAS Statewide Project Director
2Session Objectives
- Participants will
- Identify key reports from EVAAS and the
application to strategic educational initiatives - Identify 2 initiatives from their
state/region/district that would be an
opportunity to integrate value-added reporting
3Session Plan
- History and Context for PVAAS
- Conceptual Connections
- PA Data Tool Connections
- Process Connections
- Strategic Planning
- School Improvement Planning Framework
- Grade Level Team Meetings
- Student Level Planning
- Programs/Initiative Connections
- Educational Assistance Program/Tutoring
- Response to Intervention
- Districts with Distinguished Educators
- Supplemental Education Services
- Your Questions
4History of PVAAS
- Requested by Districts
- PA League of Urban Schools recommended to State
Board of Ed - EVAAS Methodology from SAS, Inc. PVAAS
- 2002-2005 Pilot
- 3 Phases
- 100 Districts, Including SD of Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh - 2006 Reporting to all 501 Districts
- Grades 4 6 only
- 2007 Reporting to all 501 Districts
- Grades 4-8
5Leverage Points for SUPPORT
- Conceptual
- Processes
- Products
- Protocols
- People
- Professional Development
6Implementation Support
- PVAAS Statewide Workgroup
- Lead by Gerald L. Zahorchak, D. Ed.
- Secretary of Education
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Over 50 Members
- Representation Examples
- Districts
- Statewide Associations
- Higher Ed
- Business/Industry
- Legislative Representation
- Support and Input
- Communications
- Professional Development
7Essential Connections
8The Power of Two!
Achievement gt AYP Did NOT Meet Growth Standard
Achievement gt AYP Met/Exceeded Growth Standard
Achievement lt AYP Met/Exceeded Growth Standard
Achievement lt AYP Did NOT Meet Growth Standard
9Regional Scatter Plots
- Provided to each IU region in PPT
- All schools in region
- Grades 4-8
- Reading and Mathematics
- IUs Sharing with Local Districts
- Some IUs making district/school scatter plots
- PVAAS site not public
- Using scatter plots as vehicle to encourage
regional connections based on high growth
10Example Regional Scatter Plot
11Example Regional Scatter Plot Same Schools
12Essential Connections
13PDE Provides The Data Tools
14Putting it All Together
Is the percent of non-proficient acceptable?
Has our school met all of its AYP targets?
Were the final 4Sight Performance Levels
Have student gains exceeded the growth standard
15Two PVAAS Methodologies
Looking Forward/Planning PVAAS Projection
Reports For Individual Students and Cohorts of
Looking Back/Evaluation Value-added Growth
Reports For Cohorts of Students
16Essential Connections
17Strategic Planning in PA
- Guide work of districts in all student meeting
Standards as defined in PA regulations - Six Year Plan
- 501 Districts
- 3 Phases I, II, III
- Plan Developed with Broad Community Involvement
- New Web-Based Tool eStrat Plan
- PVAAS Projections!
18Projection Summary Tool
- An EXCEL template to summarize the projections of
a entire cohort of students - Template allows you to specify the level of
proficiency and the criteria for the likelihood
Available on PDE website NOW!
198th to 11th Projection to Proficiency
20PVAAS Projection Inquiry
Strategic Planning What percent of students are
likely to be proficient on a future PSSA
21Incorporating PVAAS into the eStrategic Planning
- Goal of the Data Tab in the eSP tool is to
produce a district profile, using existing data
from PDE and data uploaded locally from
additional sources. - Using the Data Tab in eSP, districts can add
PVAAS projection information to their gallery
walk of data, which can be used to create
reflections for the district profile. - The resulting tables and pie charts of the
Projection Summary tool can be copied and pasted
into a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file that can
be uploaded into the Data Tab.
22Uploading PVAAS File into Data Tab
23Uploading PVAAS File into Data Tab
24District Data Profile
Custom data file will now be available along
with the preloaded data. Click on the boxes to
select 1 to 4 data sets to review and create
At the end of the data, there is a section to
enter the reflection and to identify it as a
strength or challenge.
26Essential Connections
27School Structures for Data-Informed Decision
District-Level Support (Budgetary Support,
Professional Development, Resources and Time)
Student Learning Data
Demographic l Perceptual l Process Data
Annual Building-Wide Planning Process Focus All
Students Who School-Wide Team How PDE Getting
Results, Data Retreat, School/Continuous Planning
- Building Level
- School Demographic Data
- PennData
- Discipline Data
- Attendance Data
- Mobility Rate Data
- Parent Surveys
- Building Level
- Final 4Sight Benchmark Test
- Standardized Assessments
- District End-of-Year Tests
- EAP/Tutoring Assessments
- Grade/Course Level
- Initial PSSA/PVAAS/Final Tests
- Class/Subgroup Levels
- Cyclical
- 4Sight Benchmark Data Grade Level
- District Quarterly Assessments
- Common Classroom Data
- Classroom Summaries
- EAP/Tutoring Assessments
Periodic Grade-Level Planning Process Focus
Groups of Students Who Teacher Teams How
Regular 1-2 Hour meetings
- Grade/Course Level
- Class Demographic Data
- Class Engagement Data
- Satisfaction Data
- Attendance Data
- Walk Through Data
Student-Planning Process
- Classroom Level
- Initial PSSA/PVAAS/Final Tests
- Student-Level Achievement and Growth Data
- Cyclical
- 4Sight Benchmark Data Student Level
- Continuous
- Individual Classroom Assessments
- EAP/Tutoring Assessments
- Progress Monitoring
- Classroom Level
- Qualitative Data
- Student Historical Information
- Student Medical Information
- Student Learning Information
28Essential Connections
29School Improvement
- What if the great things we are doing or plan
to doare not the great things we need? - Colonel Lee DeRemer
- Army War College
30School Improvement in PA
- School Improvement Process/Plan is called
Getting Results - Process aligns clear standards to curriculum,
instruction, assessments, interventions, and
resources. - Data informs school improvement planning
- PVAAS Reporting
- School reports
- Performance Diagnostic
- Performance Diagnostic Subgroups
- Projections to Proficiency
31(No Transcript)
32Figure 1 The Three Phases of a Continuous
Improvement Planning Framework
35(No Transcript)
36(No Transcript)
37Essential Connections
38Grade Level Teaming in PA
- School Leadership
- Data and leadership are a reciprocal
relationship. - (Schmoker, 2006).
- The principal must serve as the instructional
leader and lead the effort to use data-based
decision making - (Dufour, 2002)
- Teams of Teachers
- Share a common vision and set of goals
- Collect data on student performance
- Analyze these data
- Meet regularly to interpret these data for the
purpose of informing instructional decisions
focused on increasing student achievement
39Putting it All Together
How did our students perform at the end of the
year in each reporting category?
Did the various performance groups of our
students all show positive gains?
40Putting it All Together
Did the students in the selected subgroup achieve
acceptable gains at the end of the year?
Did the students in the selected subgroup achieve
acceptable gains? How does this pattern compare
to the pattern of all students in the grade?
41Essential Connections
42Student Level Planning in PA
- Individual Students
- Groups of Students
- 0-40 likelihood of proficiency
- 40-70 likelihood of proficiency
- 70-100 likelihood of proficiency
- Subgroups of Students
- Ex. Special Education
43PVAAS Projection Inquiry
Intervention Planning What percent of students
are likely to need extra support in preparation
for a future PSSA examination?
45EAP/Tutoring in PA
- 66 Million
- 175/501 School Districts
- Various Approved Assessments
- Evolution of Reporting
- Attendance
- Participation
- Subgroups
- Progress
- NOW Research Questions
46EAP Research Questions
- Does tutoring measurably impact student
achievement in the Commonwealth? - Was the progress in tutored students measurably
different than for non-tutored students for the
tutoring-eligible group by districts? - For the tutored students within each grade and
subject is there variability in effectiveness
among districts?
47Example Research Findings Gr 4-8
- Does tutoring measurably impact student
achievement in Reading in the Commonwealth? - Eligible students who were tutored lt22 hours in
Reading tended to score no better than eligible
students who did not participate in tutoring. - Eligible students who were tutored 22-44 hours in
Reading tended to score 5.8 points better than
eligible students who did not participate in
tutoring - Eligible students who were tutored 45 or greater
hours in Reading tended to score 12.7 points
better than eligible students who did not
participate. - For eligible students, attending tutoring for at
least 22 hours was beneficial to student
performance. The increase in student performance
was larger for those tutored 45 hours than for
those tutored 22-44 hours. Providing tutoring in
Reading for less than 22 hours was not found to
have an impact on student performance.
48Tutoring District Report
The Tutoring District Report compares the
predicted performance of the districts tutored
students to each students observed performance.
The District Effect is the mean of the
differences of the observed score predicted
Line of Inquiry How did the tutored students in
each grade (Reading or Math) perform relative to
their predicted performances? Did we at least
meet the predicted performance?
49Tutoring Diagnostic Report
All tutored students in the testing pool are
placed into a Low group or a High group based
on their achievement performance in the state.
For each group, the mean of the observed
predicted is calculated and displayed in the
Diagnostic Report.
Line of Inquiry Is there a difference in the
performance of our high performing tutored
students from our lower performing tutored
students relative to their predicted performance
score? If so, what might be causing these
50Tutoring District Report
This report details the predicted scaled score
and the observed scale score of every student in
the grade or in the high or low subgroup.
Line of Inquiry For students that met or
exceeded their predicted score, why might that
have occurred? What may have been the reason
that some students did not meet the predicted
51Essential Connections
52Response to Intervention in PA
- Response to Intervention (RtI) is a
comprehensive, multi-tiered intervention strategy
to enable early identification and intervention
for students at risk of academic failure or
behavioral difficulties. - Unlike the discrepancy model used to identify
students with learning disabilities, RtI allows
educators to identify and address academic and
behavioral difficulties prior to student failure.
- Student response to a series of increasingly
intense interventions assists in preventing
failure and guides eligibility decisions for
special education services.
53Response to Intervention in PA
- Core Characteristics of RtI
- All students receive high quality, scientifically
research-based instruction in the general
education core program. - All staff (general, remedial, and special
education) assume an active role in student
assessment and in instruction in the core
program. - Student progress is continually monitored
(universal screening, progress monitoring) to
identify those learners who are not meeting
benchmark or other standards. - Students receive increasing intense levels of
targeted scientifically, research-based
interventions dependent upon student need. - Data drives instructional decisions and student
movement through the tiers. - Student movement through the tiers is flexible
and based on student response to targeted
54RtI and PVAAS
- Student level projections
- of Likelihood of a student being basic,
proficient and/or advanced on a future PSSA (
state assessment) - Use PVAAS Projection as indicator with RtI
strategy - Use in conjunction with other assessment data
- Baseline Benchmark assessment data
55Essential Connections
56Distinguished Educator Program
- Providing district supports and targeted
intervention is a crucial component in the
Pennsylvania Accountability System. - The Distinguished Educator (DE) initiative is one
strategy to provide direct assistance. - Distinguished Educators will work with struggling
districts and schools as part of a team to build
capacity and to provide assistance aimed at
improving student achievement. DE's can be
current or retired administrators, teachers,
specialists and consultants with a wide range of
experience and expertise, and are selected
following a multiple-step application process. - Distinguished Educators serve as full-time
members of a core team focused on instructional
leadership and providing specific assistance
based on targeted needs. - Annual professional development on PVAAS to DEs.
57Essential Connections
58SES in PA New for SY07-08
- Supplemental educational services (SES) are
defined as tutoring or other supplemental
academic enrichment services in reading/language
arts and mathematics that are provided beyond the
normal school day and are of high quality,
research based, and specifically designed to
increase academic achievement of students in
schools in need of improvement. - A Title I school that is in its second year of
school improvement a school that has not met
adequate yearly progress (AYP) for three years
or is in corrective action or identified for
restructuring must offer SES to eligible
students. - Measure Progress of Students by Provider
59Essnetial Connectins for PA
- Conceptual Connections
- PA Data Tool Connections
- Process Connections
- Strategic Planning
- School Improvement Planning Framework
- Grade Level Team Meetings
- Student Level Planning
- Programs/Initiative Connections
- Educational Assistance Program/Tutoring
- Response to Intervention
- Districts with Distinguished Educators
- Supplemental Education Services
60Discussion and Sharing
- Identify 2 initiatives from your
state/region/district that would be an
opportunity to integrate value-added reporting
- Please feel free to
- email us with any questions.
- pdepvaas_at_iu13.org