Title: Assessing Trade Related Needs, Resources and Tools
1Assessing Trade Related Needs, Resources and Tools
March 12 14, 2008 Siem Reap, Cambodia
Anne Simmons-Benton Booz Allen Hamilton
2Take Away Points
- Defining Trade Capacity Building
- Why TCB really does matter
- How to design TCB projects- What works and what
we have learned from experience
3Identifying Trade Capacity Building (TCB)
- Conceptual Framework
- participation, implementation and economic
responsiveness - Challenges facing developing and least developed
economies - technically complex trade agenda
- necessary to identify economic interests
- dialogue and wide participation
- will reduce domestic policy space
4Some of the Disciplines in Trade Agreements
- Tariffs, Preferential Rules of Origin
- Agriculture, Textiles
- SPS Measures, TBT
- Investment
- Services
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Trade Remedies (Anti-Dumping, Safeguards)
- Trade Facilitation (Customs Procedures)
- Dispute Settlement
5Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS)
- Executive Summary and Action Matrix
- Overview and Main Conclusions
- Trends in Integration (Economic Background and
Trade Performance) - External and Internal Barriers to Integration
- Potential for Export Diversification and Greater
Integration - Enhancing Trade Capacity and Coordination
- How increased integration can reduce poverty
6The Expanding TCB Agenda
Trade Opportunities
Supply Side Constraints
Participation in Trade Negotiations
Building Productive Capacity Business
Services Financial Sector Trade Infrastructure
Customs Transport TBT/SPS Communications
Policy Capacity
7Negotiating an Agreement is only the Starting
- Following negotiation ratification
- Implementation is key
- Monitoring rights and obligations
- Ensuring compliance
- Monitor impact
- Realizing the benefits and addressing adjustment
8Managing the Trade Liberalization Process
- Requires comprehensive macroeconomic, sectoral
and microeconomic adjustments. - Macro stable macro economy is necessary
condition (inflation must be under control, real
exchange rate must not be over valued, fiscal
reform) - FTA will create margins of preference but it is
not a silver bullet. Local firms will need to
improve efficiency - Good Governance is a necessary part of the
enabling environment
9Trade Capacity BuildingBottlenecks to Delivering
trade assistance
- Trade responsibilities not mainstreamed
(disconnect with other key Ministries e.g.
Finance) - Trade Related Ministries do not articulate their
needs -
10Donors also have constraints
- Often not mainstreamed overshadowed
- Lack an integrated view of TCB needs, respond to
requests - Coordination among donors remains a challenge
(IF) - Capacity to effectively evaluate has a long way
to go
11Designing Trade Capacity Building (TCB)
- Principles
- National Ownership
- Mainstreaming
- Sustainability
- Coordination
- Design Elements
- National, sub regional or Regional
- Needs Assessments and Areas for TCB intervention
- Participation
- Evaluation and Monitoring
12Designing a TCB project- Checklist
- Existing structure of trade and investment
- Trade and investment policy
- Administration of trade and border issues
- Business and regulatory environment
- Existing capacity and implementation of trade
agreements - Role of trade in National Development Strategy
- Existing donor commitment to trade and investment
13Process for planning a TCB project
- Widespread consultation across government and
private sector and civil society - Ensure multi-disciplinary approach
- Ensure participation and local ownership of the
planned activity - Build in flexibility
- Coordinate with other donors
14Focal Areas for TCB projects
- Policy research and trade strategy development
- Participatory policy development process
- Coordination of trade policy with national
development strategies - Participation in international trade negotiations
- Effective Implementation of trade agreements
- Business Regulatory environment
- Trade Facilitation
15Policy Research and Trade Strategy Development
- Training for government and private sector
advocacy groups in policy analysis skills - Consulting support for strategy development and
trade sector reviews - Support for local think-tank institutions to
develop capacity to undertake high quality
applied research to facilitate domestic dialogue
16Supporting Participatory Development Process
- Disseminate research findings to government
officials, business, labor and civil society
through effective communications strategy
(Knowledge for Development) - Publicize trade issues to a wide audience
increase capacity of trade journalists - Provide training for government officials on
participatory policy process
17Participation in International Trade Negotiations
- Flexible draw down of technical experts
- Training on trade issues (institutional, legal
and economic) develop analytic skills - Training in negotiating skills
- Financial support (computer equipment etc.)
18Implementation of Trade Agreements
- Drafting of new WTO consistent legislation
- Training on WTO agreements
- Establishment of WTO National Enquiry Points
- Technical assistance for meeting WTO notification
requirements - New institutional processes, equipment, training
19Guidelines for Ensuring TCB is Appropriate
- Sensitivity to TCB when USTR is engaged in active
trade negotiations - Differing perceptions of needs and priorities
- Differences between host country, USAID and other
USG agencies - Legal and regulatory requirements for USAID
trade-related assistance
20Monitoring and Evaluation What Have We Learned?
- Difficult to determine long term impact
(attribution problem) - Half of the assessed programs Positive
contribution - Doing better
- - Promote country ownership
- - Understand local/regional/international
context - - Ensure linkages to poverty reduction
- - Manage for results
- - Ensure Flexibility
21References and Further Reading
- OECD (2006), Trade Related Assistance-What do
Recent Evaluations Tell Us? - USAID (2003), Building Trade Capacity in the
Developing World, USAID Strategy, USAID,
Washington DC - USAID, Bureau for Policy and Program Development
(2004), An Evaluation of Trade Capacity Building
Programs, Overview, PPC Evaluation Working Paper
12, Washington DC -
- TCB database.
- Note All these reports are available on the