Title: ALMA the Atacama Large Millimetre Array
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2Science with the Atacama Large Millimetre Array
- John Richer, Cavendish Laboratory
- UK Project Scientist for ALMA
- scientific goals
- requirements
- outline design
- project status
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415-m JCMT 0.35 to 2.0mm operation
Leading European facilities
5x15m Plateau de Bure array 1.3 to 3 mm operation
5Key Science Goals of ALMA
- ALMA will map thermal emission from cool gas
and dust throughout the Universe at lt0.1 arcsec
- image the gas from which the very early
generations of stars and galaxies formed - image in detail the formation of stars and
structure of protoplanetary disks - study structure of the interstellar medium in
galaxies of all types - image planetary atmospheres, comets and other
solar system debris
612 Billion
5 Billion
Time in Years
1 Billion
100 Million
Era of galaxy formation
Big Bang
Present Day
Ground-Based Observatories
Fig 001
7Origins of Galaxies
Deepest optical image the Hubble Space Telescope
Deep Field
Deepest submm image the HDF at 850mm with SCUBA
on the JCMT
840 hours, Plateau de Bure (5x15m antennas)
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10Deepest submm image - the HDF at 850mm with
SCUBA. 15 nights observing 6 sources.
7mJy at 850mm
11- Model for 100,000 Orions (30Msun/yr of star
formation - Spaans and Silk) - Blind CO surveys possible with ALMA
- rich set of lines, especially CO
- ladder spacing 115GHz/(1z)
ALMA mm bands
12Star Formation
wide range of angular scales involved
13Protoplanetary Discs
...observing the birth of new solar systems
14Galaxy Structure
- ALMA will provide the first high resolution
images of the dense gas in galaxies - normal galaxies
- Starbursts
- Galactic nuclei
15Stellar Studies
TT Cygni
16Solar System
- Comets
- Kuiper belt objects
- Planetary atmospheres
- Volcanoes on Io
- The Sun
17ALMA Scientific Requirements
- resolution lt 0.1
- to resolve protostellar disks and high-z galaxies
- high sensitivity, sufficient to
- image extended thermal objects
- detect modest star-forming galaxies at high-z
- 30 to 900GHz operation with km/s resolution
- peak of dust near (1z)100mm
- access to several transitions of many molecules
to measure gas chemistry, kinematics, physical
properties - 50GHz sensitivity well-matched to upgraded VLA
18The Atacama Array
- international collaboration draws on wealth of
previous submillimetre experience - well-defined scientific aims and system concept
- massive step forward in angular resolution and
sensitivity over current instruments (factor of
10-100) - biggest ground-based telescope project of the
next 10 years - great enthusiasm worldwide from very broad
scientific community
19ALMA specifications
- 64 moveable 12-m antennas (7200m2 collecting
area) - 20-mm surface accuracy (25-mm spec.)
- 5000-m site - excellent transmission and phase
stability - baselines from 16m up to 10km
- resolution up to 7mas
- (30?) - 60 - 900GHz frequency coverage
- sensitive HFET/SIS receivers - several hn/k noise
- dual (linear) polarisation
- 4 to 8GHz bandwidth
- 2016 correlated baselines
- 4096 spectral channels?
20Target sensitivities
- Continuum
- 140?Jy in 1 minute at 345GHz
- 4mJy in 1 minute at 850GHz
- Lines
- 0.8mJy in 25km/s in 1 minute at 90GHz
21One source per ALMA primary beam at 850mm
detected in 3 minutes at 3-sigma!
Submm source count models (Blain)
- Phase 1 DD - 3 years to December 2001
- European MOU signed Jan 1 1999 (ESO countries
PPARC) - US-European MOU signed June 10th 1999 ALMA is
born - 2 prototype 12-m antennas being procured
- full merged ALMA design undertaken
- other partners join?
- continuing science definition
- realistic costing funding sought.
- Phase 2 construction, 2001-2 on
- final international agreement needed
- site development
- interferometer tests and antenna evaluation (VLA
site?) - antenna, receiver, correlator production
construction begins - Operation 2007? on
- simultaneous observing and construction?
- full operation 2010?
23Prototype 12-m antenna contracts signed 2000 Q1
delivery to New Mexico in 2001 Q4, to Chile in
24UK Involvement in ALMA
- Aiming for 10 of world project (and thus 10 of
observing time, presumably!) - 2M in Phase 1
- Half time Project Manager (Richard Wade) and
Project Scientist (JSR) - contribution to European antenna
- phase correction at 183GHz
- array configurations
- receiver, cryogenics, correlator design
- signal distribution (fibre)
- software
- scientific input - this means you!
- Phase 2 work to be decided
- Overall project cost around 500M, with 50M p.a.
running costs - but numbers very preliminary
25The ALMA Site
- Llano de Chajnantor in the Atacama Desert of
northern Chile - Altitude 5000m (16,500ft) - drier than Mauna Kea
- Low snow and rainfall
- Smooth topography over 3-4km scales
- Served by international highway to Argentina
- Gas pipeline runs across site
- 40km from the tourist town San Pedro
- 100km from Calama, a major copper mining centre
and airport - 250km from VLT site Paranal
26Llano de Chajnantor
Simon Radfords photo
27CBI November 99
28Site Properties
2.7mm of water
1.3mm of water
0.7mm of water
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30Major Challenges
- operation on 5000-m site
- health issues
- reliability
- cost
- antenna pointing, switching rate, and surface
accuracy - phase correction
- short spacing requirement
- receiver design
- digital correlator 1014 flops!
- astronomer interface
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38ALMA site
For more details, contact me at jsr_at_mrao.cam.ac.uk
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40Peak at (1z)100mm
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