Title: Humanhuman Communication and Knowledge Management
1Human-human Communication and Knowledge Management
- Kazuo Sumita
- Corporate RD Center
- Toshibas NLP RD activities
- Toshibas knowledge management system
- Shortage of the current KM system
- New approaches
- GroupScribe for group communication management
- MKIDS for multi-modal knowledge sharing
- Future work
3TOSHIBA NLP RD activities 1/3
- Machine translation
- English-Japanese MT Dictionary tuning using
large corpora - Chinese-Japanese MT Hybrid framework using
rule- and statistics-based approaches - English-Chinese MT Prototyping using the
framework for EJMT - Japanese-English speech translation Prototyping
- MT products
- The Honyaku (PKG software), MT server (Japan
Infoseek, lycos, excite, _at_nifty, Japan Patent
Offices IPDL, ), Engine License to other
4TOSHIBA NLP RD activities 2/3
- Information retrieval and knowledge mining
- Natural language based information retrieval
- Question answering
- Cross language information retrieval
- Text mining document clustering, categorization,
information extraction - Knowledge mining products
- KnowledgeMeister KM software which can work
with several other systems (IBM WebSphere portal,
Oracle9iAS Portal, Livelink, Fuji Xerox
DocuCentre, Microsoft SharePointPortal server,
Exchange, ) - NewsWatch Information filtering of news articles
5TOSHIBA NLP RD activities 3/3
- Speech processing
- Speech synthesis Provide human voice quality and
naturalness, multi-lingual(American English,
British English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German,
Italian, Spanish and Japanese), small memory and
low computational power - Robust speech recognition High performance
under noisy environments, multi-lingual - Japanese speech dictation Speaker independent,
high recognition rate without enrolment - Speech processing products
- Middleware for car navigation systems, mobile
equipments, game software, LaLaVoice(PKG software)
6Knowledge sharing system
KnowledgeMeisterTM Chishiki-kyouyuu knowledge
- Features
- NLP based information retrieval
- Hierarchical clustering of accumulated documents
- Categorizing newly input document
- Various functions for knowledge sharing
7Knowledge sharing system
Tell me how to write an equipment plan.
Language/ intention understanding Information re
Office knowledge
Personal know-how
Experienced person
8Semantic Roles Example 1/2
Examples of search requests from a knowledge
sharing in TOSHIBA corporate RD center (English
translations) When do we have to leave the
dormitory? Who can apply for a child-care
leave? Where can we have Chinese food in
Extracted semantic roles time, person, place
9Semantic Roles Example 2/2
- Example request from customer support
(English translation) - I am a dynabook XX user. Ive just pressed the
power button without shutting it down. Now it
displays an error message XXX. - Extracted semantic roles
- Background Action Symptom
10Insufficiency of the current KM systems
- Treatment of knowledge exchange in human-human
communication - Knowledge and information exchanged by e-mail ?
GroupScribe - Multi-modal knowledge such as video and speech ?
11Convert human-human communication to sharable
Sharable knowledge
Reusable knowledge
Interactive e-Learning
Multi-modal knowledge sharing
F2F dialogue
New communication
12CIKLE Community Knowledge WareCommunity-based
Interactive Knowledge Leveraging Environment
- Drive communication-knowledge cycle
- Extract and leverage knowledge from/through
communication - Find and recommend knowledge to activate
Knowledgebase (Stock-type)
Flow-Stock combination structure
Extract / Edit
Extract and leverageknowledge
Find and recommendknowledge
Comment / Post
Communication (Flow-type)
13The CIKLE solution delivers
- Collaborative knowledge leveraging
- Edit knowledge with a community consensus
- Create knowledge with dialogue summarization
engine - Publish sharable knowledge from even closed
communities - Provide dual view knowledge and its context
- Retrieval of relevant knowledge in a natural way
- Accept natural language queries
- Give priority to documents than messages
14Information extraction (GroupScribe)
Enhancement of the summarization function of CIKLE
15Rule based extraction
- Surface expressions in each message
- Reference relations between messages
16Knowledge sharing practice in TOSHIBA corp.
CIKLE 07/2000 05/2003 CIKLEgs 05/2003
17Multi-modal knowledge sharing system (MKIDS)
Experienced person (Answerer)
How should I do to manage the when ?? ?
The way of managing is
How should I do to manage the when ?? ?
The way of managing is
Question and Answer
Retrieval and reuse of the accumulated knowledge
- Accumulation of the answering video image
- Refinement of the knowledge
Knowledge DB
??? R2-5 ??? ?
Authoring tool
18Multi-modal knowledge sharing
Questioners side
Answerers side
19System configuration
Answerer side Media capture
Questioner side Media capture
Video dialogue
Semantic role analysis
Authoring tool
Knowledge DB
Native XML database
20Snapshot of a dialogue
Ano kikitai no desuga (Ur, I have a question.)
Hai nande shou (Hello! May I help you?)
Semantic role analysis result
Speech recognition result
Ano hito no tamedakedo (For that person.)
Haittande nao (Something entered.)
21Future work
- Application of the systems to several real works
and the evaluation - Improvement of the scalability and robustness
- Adoption of more natural language techniques such
as IE of named entities for generating effective