Clustering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Distinct clusters are formed to schedule transmissions in a contention-free way ... No concrete criteria of assigning the node-weights ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Clustering

Clustering in Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
Why Clustering?
  • The data collected by each sensor is communicated
    through the network to a single processing center
    that uses the data
  • Clustering groups nodes into groups such that
    each node communicate information only to
    clusterheads and then the clusterheads
    communicate the aggregated information to the
    processing center, saving energy and bandwidth
  • The cost of transmitting a bit is higher than a
    computation therefore, it may be beneficial to
    organize the sensors into clusters
  • Cluster-based control structures provides more
    efficient use of resources for large dynamic
  • Clustering can be used for
  • Transmission management
  • Backbone formation
  • Routing Efficiency

Link-Clustered ArchitectureBaker 1981a,
1981b, Ephremides 1987
  • Reduces interference in multiple-access broadcast
  • Distinct clusters are formed to schedule
    transmissions in a contention-free way
  • Each cluster has a clusterhead, one or more
    gateways and zero or more ordinary nodes
  • Clusterhead schedules transmission and allocates
    resources within its cluster
  • Gateways connect adjacent clusters
  • To establish link-clustered control structure
  • Discover neighbors
  • Select clusterhead to form clusters
  • Decide on gateways between clusters

Link-Clustered ArchitectureBaker 1981a,
1981b, Ephremides 1987
  • Resemble base stations in cellular networks, but
  • Responsible for resource allocation
  • Maintains network topology
  • Acts as routers forwards packets from one node
    to another
  • Aware of its cluster members
  • Aware of its one-hop neighboring clusterheads
  • Since clusterheads decide network topology,
  • election
  • of clusterheads optimally is critical

Previous Work
  • Highest-Degree Heuristic Gerla 1995, Parekh
  • Computes the degree of a node based on the
    distance (transmission range) between the node
    and the other nodes
  • The node with the maximum number of neighbors
    (maximum degree) is chosen to be a clusterhead
    and any tie is broken by the node ids
  • Drawbacks
  • A clusterhead cannot handle a large number of
    nodes due to resource limitations
  • Load handling capacity of the clusterhead puts an
    upper bound on the node-degree
  • The throughput of the system drops as the number
    of nodes in cluster increases

Previous Work
  • Lowest-ID Heuristic Baker 1981a-b, Ephremides
  • The node with the minimum node-id is chosen to be
    a clusterhead
  • A node is called a gateway if it lies within the
    transmission range of two or more clusters
  • Distributed gateway is a pair of nodes that
    reside within different clusters, but they are
    within the transmission range of each other
  • Drawbacks
  • Since it is biased towards nodes with smaller
    node-ids, leading to battery drainage
  • It does not attempt balance the load for across
    all the nodes

Previous Work
  • Node-Weight Heuristic Basagni 1999a, 1999b
  • Node-weights are assigned to nodes based on the
    suitability of a node being a clusterhead
  • The node is chosen to be a clusterhead if its
    node-weight is higher than any of its neighbors
    node-weights and any tie is broken by the minimum
    node ids
  • Drawbacks
  • No concrete criteria of assigning the
  • Works well for quasi-static networks where the
    nodes do not move much or move very slowly


Optimizing Clustering Algorithm in Mobile Ad
hoc Networks Using Genetic Algorithmic Approach
Turgut 2002
  • Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA)
  • A clusterhead can ideally support nodes
  • Ensures efficient MAC functioning
  • Minimizes delay and maximizes throughput
  • A clusterhead uses more battery power
  • Does extra work due to packet forwarding
  • Communicates with more number of nodes
  • A clusterhead should be less mobile
  • Helps to maintain same configuration
  • Avoids frequent WCA invocation
  • A better power usage with physically closer nodes
  • More power for distant nodes due to signal

Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) Steps
  • 1. Compute the degree dv each node v
  • Coordinate distance, predefined transmission
  • Compute the degree-difference for every node
  • For efficient MAC (medium access control)
  • Upper bound on of nodes a cluster head can

Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) Steps
  • 3. Compute the sum of the distances Dv with all
  • Energy consumption more energy for greater
  • communication.
  • Power required to support a link increases
    faster than
  • linearly with distance. (For cellular

Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) Steps
  • 4. Compute the average speed of every node
    gives a measure of
  • mobility Mv
  • where and are the
  • coordinates of the node at time and
  • Component with less mobility is a better
    choice for clusterhead.

Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) Steps
  • Compute the total (cumulative) time Pv a node
    acts as clusterhead
  • Battery drainage Power consumed
  • 6. Calculate the combined weight Wv for each
  • Wv w1?v w2Dv w3Mv w4Pv for each
  • 7. Find min Wv choose node v as the cluster
    head, remove all
  • neighbors of v for further WCA
  • Repeat steps 2 to 7 for the remaining nodes

Load Balancing Factor (LBF)
  • It is desirable to balance the loads among the
  • Load balancing factor (LBF) has defined as
    (should be high)

is the number of clusterheads
is the cardinality of cluster i and
is the average number of neighbors of a
clusterhead (N being the total number of nodes
in the system)
  • For clusters to communicate with each other, it
    is assumed that clusterheads are capable of
    operating in dual power mode
  • A clusterhead uses low power mode to communicate
    with its immediate neighbors within its
    transmission range and high power mode is used
    for communication with neighboring clusters
  • Connectivity is defined as (for multiple
    component graph)
  • Probability that a node is reachable from any
    other node
  • ( 0 1 1 being most desirable)

Scattered nodes in the network

Clusterheads are identified

Clusters are formed

Clusters are connected
Features of WCA
  • Invocation of WCA is on-demand
  • Reduces information exchange by less system
  • Reduces computation/communication costs
  • Manages mobility by reaffiliations
  • Delays (avoids) invocation of clustering as far
    as possible
  • WCA is distributive
  • No clusterhead is over loaded
  • Balances load by limiting the cluster size

Performance Metric
  • Number of clusterheads
  • Number of reaffiliations
  • a process where a node detaches from one
    clusterhead and attaches
  • to another
  • Number of dominant set updates
  • when a node can no longer attach to any of the
    existing clusterheads
  • These parameters are studied for the varying
  • number of nodes
  • transmission range
  • maximum displacement

Simulation Environment
  • System with N nodes on a 100x100 grid
  • N was varied between 20 and 60
  • Nodes moved in all directions randomly
  • Velocity of nodes were varied uniformly between 0
    and 10
  • Transmission range of nodes was varied between 0
    and 70
  • Ideal degree was fixed at 10
  • Weighing factors w1 0.7, w2 0.2, w3 0.05
    and w4 0.05

Experimental Results
Experimental Results
Load Balancing
Performance of WCA
Genetic Algorithms
  • Map the possible solutions of the problem to
    symbolic space
  • Possible solutions form a pool of solutions
  • Solution strings chromosomes and components of
    chromosomes genes
  • Genetic Algorithm operations
  • Selection
  • Crossover
  • Mutation
  • Replacement
  • Elitism

Encoding of the Chromosome
  • N of nodes in the network
  • each with unique node id 1..N used to encode
  • the chromosome by integer permutation
  • all the ids should be included without any
  • and without order.
  • For instance N 100 , node ids 1..100
  • Pool size 50 (50 strings of

Mapping WCA to GA
Data Encoded into chromosomes
WCA intermediate results

Mapping WCA to GA
ClusterHead Set for a single chromosome

GA Steps
  •    1. Choose Initial Population
  • Randomly generate the initial population.
  • Pool size 50 (means 50 chromosomes)
  • While (new_pool_size lt old_pool_size)
  • repeat step 3 to 6 (repeat step 2 until the
    number of
  • generation or the convergence is met)
  • 2. Selection
  • Compute the fitness value for each chromosome
    by WV .
  • Roulette Wheel method is used based on the
    fitness values.
  • 3. Crossover
  • X_Order1 method is used.
  • Crossover rate 0.8

GA Steps
  • 4. Mutation
  • Swap method is used randomly selecting two
    gene at
  • positions i and j.
  • Mutation rate 0.1
  • 5. Replacement
  • Append method is used. The new children will
    be appended
  • into the new pool.
  • 6. Elitism
  • - Check if the new children are better than the
    best, then replace
  • the best by the child
  • - Avoid being stuck on local optima

Cfit Value Algorithm
  • FitnessValue 0
  • 1. For each gene in chromosome repeat step 2
    to 3
  • 2. node geneI
  • 3. if node is not clusterH and
  • is not a member of the other clusterH and
  • Nodedegree lt MAX_DEGREE ( const )
  • Then it is a clusterH,
  • Compute WV for this node
  • insert it into clusterHSet
  • fitnessValue WV

Cfit Value Algorithm
  • 4. For each remaining node I from the network
  • If (it is not a clusterH and member of other
  • and NodeDegree lt MAX_DEGREE)
  • then
  • Compute WV for this node
  • insert it into clusterHSet
  • fitnessValue WV

Performance Metric
  • Number of clusterheads
  • Number of reaffiliations
  • a process where a node detaches from one
    clusterhead and attaches to another
  • These parameters are studied for the varying
  • number of nodes
  • transmission range
  • maximum displacement
  • Load Distribution

Simulation Environment
  • System with N nodes on a 100x100 grid
  • N was varied between 20 and 60
  • Nodes moved in all directions randomly
  • Velocity of nodes were varied uniformly between 0
    and 10
  • Transmission range of nodes was varied between 0
    and 70
  • Ideal degree was fixed at 10
  • Weighing factors w1 0.7, w2 0.2, w3 0.05
    and w4 0.05

Experimental Results
Optimized WCA
Experimental Results
Optimized WCA
Experimental Results
Optimized WCA
Load Balancing with WCA

Load Balancing with GA
The load balancing factor has improvement ten
times with GA
An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • This paper proposes a distributed, randomized
    clustering algorithm to organize the sensors in a
    wireless sensor network into clusters to minimize
    the energy used to communicate information from
    all nodes to the processing center
  • By the generation of hierarchy of clusterheads,
    the energy savings increase with the number of
    levels in the hierarchy
  • Sensor detects events and then communicate the
    collected information to a central location where
    parameters characterizing these events are
  • In the clustered environment, the data gathered
    by the sensors is communicated to the data
    processing center through a hierarchy of
  • The processing center determines the final
    estimates of the parameters using information
    communicated by the clusterheads

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • The processing center can be a specialized device
    or one of the sensors itself
  • In such clustered environment, sensor data is
    communicated over smaller distances, the energy
    consumed in the network will be much lower than
    the energy consumption when every sensor
    communicates directly to the information
    processing center
  • The results in stochastic geometry are used to
    derive values of parameters for the algorithm
    that minimize the energy spent in the sensor

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • A New, Energy-Efficient, Single-Level Clustering
  • Each sensor becomes a clusterhead (CH) with
    probability p and advertises itself as a
    clusterhead to the sensors within its radio range
    these clusterheads are called volunteer
  • This advertisement is forwarded to all the
    sensors that are no more than k hops away from
    the clusterhead
  • Any sensor node that is not clusterhead itself
    receiving such advertisement joins the cluster of
    the closest clusterhead
  • Any sensor node that is neither a clusterhead nor
    has joined any cluster itself becomes a
    clusterhead called forced clusterheads
  • Since the advertisement forwarding has been
    limited to k hops, if a sensor does not receive a
    CH advertisement within time duration t (where t
    is the time required for data to reach the CH
    from any sensor k hops away), it means that the
    sensor node is not within k hops of any volunteer

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • A New, Energy-Efficient, Single-Level Clustering
  • Therefore, the sensor node becomes a forced
  • The CH can transmit the aggregated information to
    the processing center after every t units of time
    since all the sensors within a cluster are at
    most k hops away from the CH
  • The limit on the number of hops allows the CH to
    reschedule their transmissions
  • This is a distributed algorithm and does not
    demand clock synchronization between the sensors
  • The energy consumed for the information gathered
    by the sensors to reach the processing center
    will depend on the parameters p and k
  • Since the objective of this work is to organize
    sensors in clusters to minimize the energy
    consumption, values of the parameters (p and k)
    must be found to ensure the goal

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • A New, Energy-Efficient, Single-Level Clustering
  • Assumptions made for the optimal parameters are
    as follows
  • The sensors are distributed as per a homogeneous
    spatial Poisson process of intensity ? in
    2-dimensional space
  • All sensors transmit at the same power level
    have the same radio range r
  • Data exchanged between two communicating sensors
    not within each others radio range is forwarded
    by other sensors
  • A distance of d between any sensor and its CH is
    equivalent to hops
  • Each sensor uses 1 unit of energy to transmit or
    receive 1 unit of data
  • A routing infrastructure is in place when a
    sensor communicates data to another sensor, only
    the sensors on the routing path forward the data
  • The communication environment is contention- and
    error-free sensors do not have to retransmit any

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • A New, Energy-Efficient, Hierarchical Clustering
  • This algorithm is extension of the previous one
    by allowing more than one level of clustering in
  • Assume that there are h levels in the clustering
    hierarchy with level 1 being the lowest level and
    level h being the highest
  • The sensors communicate the gathered data to
    level-1 clusterheads (CHs)
  • The level-1 CHs aggregate this data and
    communicate the aggregated data to level-2 CHs
    and so on
  • Finally, level-h CHs communicate the aggregated
    data or estimates based on this aggregated data
    to the processing center

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • A New, Energy-Efficient, Hierarchical Clustering
  • The cost of communicating the information from
    the sensors to the processing center is the
    energy consumed by the sensors to communicate the
    information to level-1 CHs, plus the energy
    consumed by the level-1 CHs to communicate the
    aggregated data to level-2 CHs, ., plus the
    energy consumed by the level-h CHs to communicate
    the aggregated data to the information processing
  • Algorithm Details
  • The algorithm works in a bottom-up fashion
  • First, it elects the level-1 clusterheads, then
    level-2 clusterheads, and so on

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • A New, Energy-Efficient, Hierarchical Clustering
  • Algorithm Details
  • Level-1 clusterheads are chosen as follows
  • Each sensor decides to become a level-1 CH with
    certain probability p1 and advertises itself as a
    clusterhead to the sensors within its radio range
  • This advertisement is forwarded to all the
    sensors within k1 hops of the advertising CH
  • Each sensor receiving an advertisement joins the
    cluster of the closest level-1 CH the remaining
    sensors become forced level-1 CHs
  • Level-1 CHs then elect themselves as level-2 CHs
    with a certain probability p2 and broadcast
    their decision of becoming a level-2 CH
  • This decision is forwarded to all the sensors
    within k2 hops

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • A New, Energy-Efficient, Hierarchical Clustering
  • Algorithm Details
  • The level-1 CHs that receive the advertisement
    from level-2 CHs joins the cluster of the closest
    level-2 CH the remaining level-1 CHs become
    forced level-2 CHs
  • Clusterheads at level 3, 4, 5,,h are chosen in
    similar fashion with probabilities p3, p4,
    p5,...,ph respectively to generate a hierarchy of
    CHs, in which any level-i CH is also CH of level
    (i-1), (i-2),,1.

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • Advantages
  • It is considered one of the earliest clustering
    algorithms in sensor networks that incorporates
    energy efficiency into the design of the
  • Since it is distributed algorithm, there is no
    need for clock synchronization between sensor
  • It achieves not only better energy efficiency,
    but also better time complexity compared to
    previous work
  • The sensor nodes considered are simple nodes with
    fixed power level of transmissions
  • Since the algorithm is run periodically, the
    probability of becoming a clusterhead for each
    period is chosen to ensure that every node will
    get a chance to become clusterhead providing
    the functionality for load balancing

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • Advantages
  • Another approach to ensure load balancing is to
    trigger the algorithm when the energy levels fall
    below a certain threshold
  • Energy savings increases as the density of the
    sensor nodes increases for single level
  • For the hierarchical clustering algorithm, the
    energy savings increase for (i) networks of
    sensors with lower communication radius, (ii)
    lower density of sensors in the network, and
    (iii) increase in the number of hierarchy levels

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • Disadvantages
  • The energy consumption of clusterheads has not
    been addressed since these nodes will involve
    with more computation and communication of data
    to higher level clusterheads consequence of
    non-uniform power consumption on the performance
    of the overall sensor network in the long run
  • An ideal network is assumed (contention- and
    error-free) which may not reflect the real life
  • Possible load imbalance between different
  • Overhead associated with the clusterheads
    selection is not considered
  • How does the network cope with sensor node
    failures? How is detected and remedied?
  • How does the network handle information sent by
    faulty sensors?

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • Disadvantages
  • How many forced-clusterheads can the sensor
    network handle? What is the upper bound? What are
    the guarantees that forced-clusterhead will be
    able to communicate with the neighboring
  • Similarly, what is the upper bound on the number
    of sensor nodes within one cluster?
  • Energy is wasted by those sensor nodes closer to
    the processing center than their CH, but still
    need to go through their CH

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • Suggestions/Improvements/Future Work
  • What happens if a sensor node receives several
    join advertisements from multiple nearby
    clusterheads? How does the sensor node decides
    which one to join?
  • Possible solution the decision can be made to
    join to the cluster with the minimum number of
    members such that sensor nodes are evenly
    distributed among the clusters
  • Error and contention in communication is not
  • Possible solution results may be verified with
    the real MAC protocol and traffic conditions
    under a simulator or a test-bed
  • The capabilities of the processing center should
    be more than the regular sensor nodes

An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Bandyopadh
yay, 2003
  • Suggestions/Improvements/Future Work
  • Further energy efficiency can be achieved if the
    clusterheads can be in active or inactive mode
    (energy saving mode)
  • Depending on the distance from the clusterheads,
    the sensor nodes may choose to transmit data
    towards clusterhead in various power levels (for
    instance, low vs. high)
  • In multi-hop mode, the sensor nodes closest to
    the clusterhead have the most energy drainage due
    to data forwarding
  • Possible solution a scheme allowing the sensor
    nodes to alternate between single-hop and
    multiple-hop mode periodically

Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol
Architecture for Wireless Microsensor Networks
(LEACH Protocol) Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)
    is a clustering-based protocol that utilizes the
    randomized rotation of local cluster base
    stations to evenly distribute the energy load
    within the network of sensors
  • It is a distributed, does not require any control
    information from base station (BS) and the nodes
    do not need to have knowledge of global network
    for LEACH to function
  • The energy saving of LEACH is achieved by
    combining compression with data routing
  • Key features of LEACH include
  • Localized coordination and control of cluster
    set-up and operation
  • Randomized rotation of the cluster base stations
    or clusterheads and their clusters
  • Local compression of information to reduce global

LEACH Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • Considered microsensor network has the following
  • The base station is fixed and located far from
    the sensors
  • All the sensor nodes are homogeneous and energy
  • Communication between sensor nodes and the base
    station is expensive and no high energy nodes
    exist to achieve communication
  • By using clusters to transmit data to the BS,
    only few nodes need to transmit for larger
    distances to the BS while other nodes in each
    cluster use small transmit distances
  • LEACH achieves superior performance compared to
    classical clustering algorithms by using adaptive
    clustering and rotating clusterheads assisting
    the total energy of the system to be distributed
    among all the nodes
  • By performing load computation in each cluster,
    amount of data to be transmitted to BS is
    reduced. Therefore, large reduction in the energy
    dissipation is achieved since communication is
    more expensive than computation

LEACH Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • Algorithm Overview
  • The nodes are grouped into local clusters with
    one node acting as the local base station (BS) or
    clusterhead (CH)
  • The CHs are rotated in random fashion among the
    various sensors
  • Local data fusion is achieved to compress the
    data being sent from clusters to the BS
    resulting the reduction in the energy dissipation
    and increase in the network lifetime
  • Sensor elect themselves to be local BSs at any
    any given time with a certain probability and
    these CHs broadcast their status to other sensor
  • Each node decided which CH to join based on the
    minimum communication energy
  • Upon clusters formation, each CH creates a
    schedule for the nodes in its cluster such that
    radio components of each non-clusterhead node
    need to be turned OFF always except during the
    transmit time
  • The CH aggregates all the data received from the
    nodes in its cluster before transmitting the
    compressed data to BS

LEACH Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • Algorithm Overview
  • The transmission between CH and BS requires high
    energy transmission
  • In order to evenly distribute energy usage among
    the sensor nodes, clusterheads are self-elected
    at different time intervals
  • The nodes decides to become a CH depending on the
    amount of energy it has left
  • The decisions to become CH are made
    independently of the other nodes
  • The system can determine the optimal number of
    CHs prior to election procedure based on
    parameters such as network topology and relative
    costs of computation vs. communication (Optimal
    number of CHs considered is 5 of the nodes)
  • It has been observed that nodes die in a random
  • No communication exists between CHs
  • Each node has same probability to become a CH

LEACH Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • Algorithm Details
  • The operation of LEACH is achieved by rounds
  • Each round begins with a set-up phase (clusters
    are selected) followed by steady-state phase
    (data transmission to BS occurs)
  • Advertisement Phase
  • Initially, each node need to decide to become a
    CH for the current round based on the suggested
    percentage of CHs for the network (set prior to
    this phase) and the number times the node has
    acted as a CH
  • The node (n) decides by choosing a random number
    between 0 and 1
  • If this random number is less than T(n), the
    nodes become a CH for this round
  • The threshold is set as follows

P desired percentage of CHs r current
round G set of nodes that have not been
CHs in the last 1/P rounds
LEACH Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • Algorithm Details
  • 1. Advertisement Phase
  • Assumptions are (i) each node starts with the
    same amount of energy and (ii) each CHs consumes
    relatively same amount of energy for each node
  • Each node elected as CH broadcasts an
    advertisement message to the rest
  • During this clusterhead-advertisement phase,
    the non-clusterhead nodes hear the ads of all CHs
    and decide which CH to join
  • A node joins to a CH in which it hears with its
    advertisement with the highest signal strength
  • 2. Cluster Set-Up Phase
  • Each node informs its clusterhead that it will be
    member of the cluster
  • 3. Schedule Creation
  • Upon receiving all the join messages from its
    members, CH creates a TDMA schedule about their
    allowed transmission time based on the total
    number of members in the cluster

LEACH Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • Algorithm Details
  • 4. Data Transmission
  • Each node starts data transmission to their CH
    based on their TDMA schedule
  • The radio of each cluster member nodes can be
    turned OFF until their allocated transmission
    time comes minimizing the energy dissipation
  • The CH nodes must keep its receiver ON to receive
    all the data
  • Once all the data is received, the CH compresses
    the data to send it to BS
  • Multiple Clusters
  • In order to minimize the radio interference
    between nearby clusters, each CH chooses randomly
    from a list of spreading CDMA codes and it
    informs its cluster members to transmit using
    this code
  • The neighboring CHs radio signals will be
    filtered out to avoid corruption in the

LEACH Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • Advantages
  • Localized coordination to enable scalability, and
    robustness for dynamic networks
  • Incorporates data fusion into the routing
    protocol in order to reduce the amount of
    information transmitted to BS
  • Distributes energy dissipation evenly throughout
    the sensors, thus increasing the system lifetime
    of the network

LEACH Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • Disadvantages
  • How to decide the percentage of cluster heads for
    a network? The topology, density and number of
    nodes of a network could be different from other
  • No suggestions about when the re-election needs
    to be invoked
  • The clusterheads farther away from the base
    station will use higher power and die more
    quickly than the nearby ones

LEACH Heinzelman 2000, 2002
  • Suggestions/Improvements/Future Work
  • Extensions can be included to have hierarchical
    clustering where each CH will communicate with
    super-clusterhead until the top layer of
    hierarchy in which the data needs to be sent to
  • The degree and remaining energy of a node may be
    considered as parameters to decide a clusterhead
    in a round. If a clusterhead with a limited power
    used up its power in a round, the data to be
    transmitting may be lost
  • Since TDMA schedule is used, a large delay may be
    introduced between event detection and
    notification at base station. Therefore, the
    protocol is not suitable for a real-time

TAS Topology Adaptive Clustering for Wireless
Sensor Networks Virrankoski, 2005
  • TASC is a distributed algorithm that partitions
    the network into a set of locally isotropic,
    non-overlapping clusters without prior knowledge
    of the number of clusters, cluster size and node
  • Spatial grouping of nodes with respect to regions
    of close proximity and similar deployment density
  • Improving the ease of network management
  • Efficient data aggregation and compression of
    sensor data
  • Formation of hierarchies and node localization
  • The set of weights that encode distance,
    connectivity, and density information within the
    locality of each node are derived
  • These weights form the terrain for holding a
    coordinated leader election in which each node
    selects the node closer to the center of mass of
    its neighborhood to become its leader

TAS Topology Adaptive Clustering for Wireless
Sensor Networks Virrankoski, 2005
  • The algorithm employs a dynamic density
    reachability criterion which allows the grouping
    of nodes according to their neighborhood density
  • Assumptions made
  • Nodes are aware of their 2-hop neighborhood
  • Distances between nodes
  • Clustering objectives
  • A clustering algorithm should partition the
    network so that the nodes inside each cluster
    have high correlation in sensor measurements and
    are evenly spaced in order to maximize gains and
    reduce errors due to ill geometric positioning as
    in the case of node localization
  • TASC requires only minimum number of nodes in a
  • The goal is to partition networks with density
    non-uniformities, into a set of smaller locally
    isotropic clusters by grouping nodes with similar
    density attributes

TAS Topology Adaptive Clustering for Wireless
Sensor Networks Virrankoski, 2005
  • Distributed Leader Election Algorithm
  • Two main components node weights and density
  • Two phases nomination and voting followed by a
    merging phase
  • In first phase, each node considers weights of
    2-hop neighbors, nominates the node with maximum
    weight as an election candidate and notifies the
    nodes in its neighborhood of this nomination
  • In second phase, each node elects the closest
    candidate as its leader. Nodes that end up in
    clusters that are smaller than a pre-specified
    minimum cluster size are dismantled and their
    node members join bigger existing clusters. It
    includes all shortest paths between all pairs of
    nodes that are located in path S.

TAS Topology Adaptive Clustering for Wireless
Sensor Networks Virrankoski, 2005
  • Distributed Leader Election Algorithm Example
  • Define the weights to be the number of times a
    node is found on a shortest path when computing a
    weight for node
  • Node A can be found on the paths AB, AC, AD, and
    AE, its weight 4
  • Node C receives a weight of 8

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