Title: Vertex reconstruction with tracks
1Vertex reconstructionwith tracks
- Andrea Dainese
- INFN Legnaro
- in collaboration with
- E.Bruna, E.Crescio, M.Masera, F.Prino
2Primary vertex in pp collisions
- Primary vertex resolution affects impact param.
resolution - E-by-E vertex position reconstructed in 3D using
tracks (or SPD tracklets, see talk by F.Prino) - Then, interaction diamond profile from many
events in fill - Nominal spread of the diamond at LHC
3Barrel Tracking Vertex Recons.
- ITS local reconstruction (? RecPoints)
- Vertex (x,y,z) from SPD tracklets
- Compute diamond transverse profile, as mean and
RMS of vertices in high-multiplicity events of
each LHC fill - Repeat zvtx with SPD starting from mean (x,y)
- important, to have zvtx for all events (even with
one tracklet), w/o bias - Barrel Tracking
- Vertex with tracks, using info on diamond profile
- final (x,y) resolution better than diamond RMS
for ALL events
1st pass on subsample
2nd pass full statistics
4Vertex reconstruction with tracks
- Three main tasks implemented
- reject secondary tracks
- give first estimate of vtx position
- give optimal estimate of the position of the
vertex - give vertex covariance matrix
- give a c2 (vertex quality)
5Tracks Selection
- Idea use primary tracks for vertex
reconstruction - Only tracks with 5 or 6 points in ITS
- Select primary tracks on the basis of their d0
- Cut d0 lt n?sd0(pt)
- sd0(pt) svtx ? strack(pt)
from tracks covariance matrix
6Vertex Finder
- Aim get a first estimate of the vertex position
in (x,y) to be used as a starting point for
vertex fitter - 3(2) different algorithms available (dev. by
E.Bruna, F.Prino) - fAlgo 1 or 2 ? approximate tracks as straight
lines and calculate the minimum-distance point
among all the tracks at once, with or without
weighting the tracks - fAlgo 3 ? average among DCA points of all
possible pairs of tracks treated as Helices - fAlgo 4 or 5 ? average among DCA points of all
possible pairs of tracks approximated as straight
lines , with or without weighting the tracks - Default fAlgo1 (which gives the best resolution)
7Vertex Fitter
- Fast Vertex Fitting, CMS Note 1997/051
- Tracks are propagated to the point given by the
vtx finder - Each track gives an independent measurement of
the vertex position a c2 is written as the sum
of the single track c2s w.r.t. a generic vertex
position rvtx - where ri is the (x,y,z) position of the ith
track and Vi Wi-1 is the cov matrix of ri,
extracted from the tracks cov matrix - The solution that minimizes this c2 is analytic
vertex covariance matrix
8Easy to add beam constraint
- Same procedure as before constraint
vertex covariance matrix
9Primary vertex reco with tracksAliVertexerTracks
FindPrimaryVertex(AliESD esd)
- Primary vertex reconstruction iterative
procedure - Select tracks with kITSrefit and 5 or 6 ITS
clusters - 1st iteration
- TRACKS SELECTION d03D(vtx0) lt 5 mm
- 2nd iteration
- TRACKS SELECTION d0rf(vtx1) lt n ? sd0
- VERTEX FITTING ? vtx2 (final estimate)
- n 3 provides optimal resolution and good cov.
matrix (pulls 1)
10Test sample
- 14000 pp 14 TeV events (PYTHIA min bias)
- thanks Jan Fiete!
- MC vertex (0,0,0) with ss (50 mm, 50 mm, 5.3
cm) b10m - AliRoot HEAD (January 16th 2007)
- Select triggered events (V0A or V0C) and SPDFO
- Vertex found if distance to MC vertex in (x,y) is
lt 1 mm
(with beam constraint)
- Resolutions VS multiplicity (obtained from
gaussian fit of residuals)
3s track-cut
10s track-cut
(with beam constraint)
- Pulls VS multiplicity (pull s of residual/error
distribution distributions are well fitted by a
3s track-cut
10s track-cut
(with beam constraint)
(with beam constraint)
16Efficiency vs zMC
SPD -14 lt z lt 14 cm
17Residuals vs zMC
- Small bias in zrec (pulled towards z0)
- Larger bias observed in vertex with SPD (see talk
by F.Prino) - It was due to bug in the SPD geometry, introduced
in September, now corrected - However, for large z there can be
acceptance-induced bias
18Performance w/o beam constraint(as in PDC events)
without constraint
with constraint
19Performance w/o beam constraint(as in PDC events)
problem spotted with event display
scanning (Y.Foka, M.Tadel)
tracks used for vertex
vertex not found
tracks in TPCITS(5 pts)
20Primary vertex reco with tracksAliVertexerTracks
FindPrimaryVertex(AliESD esd)
- Primary vertex reconstruction iterative
procedure - Select tracks with kITSrefit and 5 or 6 ITS
clusters - 0th iteration
- VERTEX FINDING, using track pairs (fAlgo4) ?
vtx0 - 1st iteration
- TRACKS SELECTION d03D(vtx0) lt 5 mm
- 2nd iteration
- TRACKS SELECTION d0rf(vtx1) lt n ? sd0
- VERTEX FITTING ? vtx2 (final estimate)
- n 3 provides optimal resolution and good cov.
matrix (pulls 1)
21Performance w/o beam constraint(as in PDC events)
tracks used for vertex
vertex not found
tracks in TPCITS(5 pts)
22New development possibility to remove (add)
- Why remove tracks?
- systematic underestimate of d0 of tracks used for
vertex fit
? primary vertex has to be reconstructed for
each D/B candidate excluding its
daughters time-consuming!
23New development possibility to remove (add)
- Shortcut
- fit weighted mean over tracks
- can calculate ri and Wi and subtract them from
rvtx and V - need to know position at which track i was
propagated - this is the position given by the finder, which
depends also on track i - problem ...
- Solution propagate tracks at the position of the
beam constraint and run fitter without finder - removing a track i from the vertex will give
mathematically the same vertex that would be
obtained re-reconstructing the vertex with the
tracks but i - Need to check the performance of the vertexer
with fit only (no finder)
24New development possibility to remove (add)
- One-shot fit procedure
- Select tracks with kITSrefit and 5 or 6 ITS
clusters - Prpogate them to diamond centre (vtxmean)
- TRACKS SELECTION d0rf(vtxmean) lt 3 ? sd0
standard procedure
one-shot fit
25Secondary vertex reconstruction
- FinderFitter ? errors ? heavy flvr cuts on
normalized vars - Test on D0?Kp vertex same resolution as V0
- Algorithm for primary vertex reco with tracks
- selection, finder, fitter
- Use beam constraint to reject secondaries and
improve resolution - NEW if beam constraint available (will be the
case with data reco), can remove/add track(s) on
the fly - NEW same algorithm (finderfitter) tested on
D0?Kp vertex reco - resolution OK pulls OK
- small problem at low pt to be fixed
- to do tests with gt2-prong decays