Title: Bs Ds K
1Bs ? Ds() K ()
- Plans for reconstructing Bs ? Ds() K ()
- Modes
- Bs ? Ds K
- Bs ? Ds K
- Bs ? Ds K
- and
- Bs ? Ds p
2Branching fractions
Estimated branching fractions Bs ? Ds p-
(2.760.25) 10-3 from B?D- p Bs ? Ds()-
K (2.00.6) 10-4 from B?D- K Bs ? Ds() K-
(2.71.0) 10-5 from B?Ds p- (ratio
VubVcs/VcbVus0.37) Bs ? Ds- K (3.71.2)
10-4 from Bs?Ds-K using fK/fK (1) Bs ? Ds
K- (1.70.7) 10-5 from Bs?Ds()K- using
ratio(1) (1) Heavy flavours II, Non-leptonic
weak decays of B mesons, Neubert Stech
3Subsequent decays
Ds ? K K- p (4.4) Ds ? Ds ?
(94.2) mDs1968.6 MeV Ds p0
(5.8) mDs2112.4 MeV (diff143.8
MeV) K ? K0 p (67) Of which half
decays to Ks0 K p0 (33)
4Bs ? Ds K
- Recent work done only on Bs ? Ds K and Bs ? Ds p
- Used in TP, Reoptimization TDR, several theses.
- Recently, I tuned the preselection cuts.
- No analysis yet on Bs ? Ds K and Bs ? Ds K
- First plan is to try Bs ? (Ds?Ds ?) K, since
- asymmetry is expected same as Bs ? Ds K
- reconstruction efficiency same
- maybe soft photon is not needed to be
5Bs ? Ds K
What happens when photon is not
reconstructed? One can calculate the invariant
mass of the Ds K 5008 lt MDsK lt 5313 MeV 300
MeV mass window probably to big to reject enough
background (also Bs ? Ds- p) But it can be
used as pre-selection (no need to try to find
?). Trick Knowing the Ds- mass, and the
primary vertex, there are enough constraints to
fit the whole decay chain (so this includes the
momentum of the B, missing photon etc.)
6Bs ? Ds K
- What happens if the p0 or Ks0 are not
reconstructed? - K ? Ks0 p 2256 lt MDsp lt 4546 MeV
- K ? K p0 3437 lt MDsK lt 5234 MeV
- Conclusion cannot select decay when p0 or Ks0
are not found. - Maybe decay chain trick works.?
7Global vertex fit
- Recently a new vertex fitter was introduced
- Lagrange Global Fit
- Based on Lagrange multiplier method
- Vertex is also implemented as a constraint
- Mass constraints can be added
- Pointing constraints can be added
- Very generic, the whole decay chain can be
fitted at once.
e.g. two tracks vertex constraint
8Bs mass plots
Normal fit DsK invariant mass
Invariant mass plots with missing photon.
Calculated correction from constraints.
Global fit photon has huge error
9Ds resolution
Normal mass constrained fit
Global mass constrained fit
x resolution
z resolution
? the normal mass-constraint vertex fit was wrong
for 3-particle vertices (there were only 2 vertex
constraints instead of 3).
LoKi Toolkit to make selection of and
looping over Particles, and monitoring easier.
- Workflow
- Make the Particles (place particle ID cuts)
- Run LoKi algorithm to do the combinatorics(presel
ection or final cuts) - Run the efficiency algorithm (acceptance, reco
and selection eff) - Re-do trigger
- Tag the selected decay
- Run another LoKi algorithm to fill tuples and
histograms(optionally tighten cuts) - Save to (Mini)DSTWhen running over MiniDST only
step 6 is needed.
- New in Bs ? Ds K - tagging (find
efficiency) - multiple PVs per event - new
pre-selection - About half of the decays have 1 or more short
tracks. ?Try to select also these decays in Bs ?
Ds() K () - Determine pre-selection and final cuts for Bs ?
Ds K - Determine efficiency on signal and background
- Determine tagging and trigger efficiency
- Determine resolutions (decay time)
- Try to reconstruct Bs ? Ds K