Title: Safe Working Procedure Hazardous Substances
1Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
Learning Objectives By the end of this program
participants will be able to demonstrate their
understanding of the control measures to be
followed , as detailed in the safe working
procedure, when working with hazardous substances.
To begin we will consider the OAC model for
managing safety
2Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
3Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
Set your work objectives to include ...tasks/
activities are to be completed on time and in a
manner that does not cause harm to the employees,
customers, other non-employees, or the company/
- Three key questions to start with are
- What can cause harm?
- What are you doing about it?
- Is it enough?
Remember the process is simple but it is NOT to
be considered simplistic.
4Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
The OAC e-learning package can be accessed free
at www.confinedspaces.com Click here to open
the "Work Safety - Manage Safely" e-learning
program. (Work Safety - Manage Safely) also A
5 Minute Safety Seminar (PowerPoint) is available
from www.web-safety.com Click here to link to
Safety Exchange - Then open the 5 minute Safety
5Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
Know where the harm is Identify the key hazards
associated with hazardous substances and the
outcomes of exposure.
- Outcomes of exposure(non-exhaustive list)
- Burns
- Asphyxiation
- Poisoning
- Skin disease
- Physical injury
- Source of Hazards(non-exhaustive list)
- Flammable materials substances
- Explosives
- Explosive substances
- Dust
- Acids and chemicals
- Cleaning fluids
- Gases
- Organic substances
6Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
- Controlling the Hazard - Options
- In priority order
- Eliminate where possible,
- Use control measures,
- Protect all those exposed to the hazard
Insert eliminate image
Insert control image
Insert protective Clothing image
7Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
- The Product Control Sheets
- Give detailed control measures, emergency
plans, - Are to be kept with the substances, and
- Must be made available to all relevant
personnel. - The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
- Are to be attached to the product control
REMEMBER All of the necessary training and
fitness requirements are to be met before
substances are brought into use within the
8Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
- Emergency Response Procedures to include
- Fire safety
- Skin and eye care
- Spillage and clean-up
- Environmental
Insert ER equipment image
REMEMBER To keep the appropriate clear up
materials and equipment close to the area where
the hazardous substance is in use.
9Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
- Handling, storage and disposal
- Hazardous substances are to be
- stored,
- transported,
- used and
- disposed of
- in accordance with the product control sheets.
Ensure that only competent staff handle hazardous
substances and where there is a statutory
requirement, authorisations may be needed (e.g.
10Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
Ventilation All ventilation equipment is to be
inspected, tested and maintained in accordance
with statutory requirements and in compliance
with the accepted national standards.
REMEMBER Confined Spaces procedures will apply
where an actual or potential IDLH 1 atmosphere
exists. 1 IDLH Immediately dangerous or
hazardous to health
11Safe Working Procedure - Hazardous Substances
Duty Holders
Responsible for
Managing Director
Ensuring compliance.
Safety Managers
Providing professional safety advice.
Business Activity Managers
Complying with the requirements.
Co-operating with the requirements.
12Safe Working Procedure Hazardous Substances
- Documentation
- Product control sheets.
- Material safety data sheets.
- Statutory competence certificates (if