Title: Iterative Improvement Algorithms
1Iterative Improvement Algorithms
- Sources
- Course text
- Section 4.3 (pp. 110-122)
- Winston, P.H. (1993). Artificial Intelligence.
Third Edition. Addison-Wesley Pub Co. Reading,
MA. - Chapter 25 Learning by simulating evolution
- Luger, G. F. (2005). Artificial Intelligence
Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem
Solving - Chapter 12 Machine Learning Social and Emergent
- Algorithms
- Hill climbing (aka gradient descent)
- Simulated annealing
- Genetic algorithms
- Examples 8-queens, neural nets
2Iterative Improvement Algorithms
- Some state descriptions contain all the
information necessary for solution - Dont need path to goal, just need goal state
- Only useful for certain problems or applications
- Candidates for iterative improvement
- E.g., 8-queens, VLSI layout, wing airfoil design
What about search cost and path cost?
3Method Variation of problem solving search
- Start state
- A complete configuration
- Operators
- Change state to (at least heuristically) improve
its quality - Evaluation function
- Measure of quality of state
- Instead of a goal state or goal test
- Unlikely we will have an exact goal
- Search
- Improve quality of state until some number of
iterations of algorithm or some state quality
value reached - Typically dont keep track of repeated states
- Also known as
- Gradient Ascent (Or Gradient Descent)
- Idea
- Keep improving current state, and stop searching
when we cant improve current node any more - Method
- For states, keep current state only (limited
history) - Start state Initial current state
- Operators
- Provide (e.g., heuristic) improvements to change
current state - Tentatively apply each operator but actually use
the one that causes most improvement according to
the evaluation function - Heuristic evaluation function
- Used to assess state quality
e.g., h(1.1) gt h(1.2) gt h(1)
- 8 Queens problems (p. 66 of text)
- State 8 chess queens positioned on a 8x8 board
- Goal place the queens such that no queens
attacks the others (a queen attacks any piece in
the same row, column or diagonal) - With this problem, how could you perform a hill
climbing search? - What is the start state?
- What are the operators?
- What is the evaluation function?
- Is this likely to find the goal state?
78-Queens Example Start State
- Each list element is the row position of a
queen - Make use of observation that must have one
queen in each column and one - queen in each row
- startState 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- Operators?
- Evaluation function?
8Evaluation Function 8-queens
- Idea Measure number of queen-queen conflicts
- Queen q1 at (row1, col1)
- Queen q2 at (row2, col2)
- Conflict exists between queens q1 and q2 if
- row1 row2, or
- col1 col2, or
- row1 - row2 col1 - col2
9Test for conflicts on board
- Assume a list, Q, giving the row positions of a
sequence of 8 queens (I.e., start with only one
queen in each column) - quality 0
- for i1 to 8
- col1 i
- row1 Qi
- for ji1 to 8
- row2 j
- col2 Qj
- if Conflict(row1, col1, row2, col2), then
- quality--
10Hill Climbing Drawbacks Changes to Avoid
- Drawbacks
- Local maxima
- Algorithm halts but best goal state not found
- Plateau
- Algorithm may perform a random walk-- happens
when the state space is flat - Random restart modification
- Run algorithm at N randomly selected initial
states - Save best result after termination of algorithm
at each of these states
- How do you randomize the start state for the
8-queens problem?
128-queens Example Generate a Random start state
- from random import shuffle
- Returns a copy of the data list that is
permuted - def permutation(data)
- dataCopy data
- shuffle(dataCopy)
- return dataCopy
- End def
13Simulated Annealing
- Approach
- When stuck on local maxima, take some downhill
step(s) start again - Gradually decrease likelihood of taking downhill
steps - Method
- Pick temperature (T) from sequence of
temperatures - Start with hotter (higher) temperatures, then
gradually cool - When we get to zero temperature, stop algorithm
- Apply a random operator from set of operators to
current state - ?E Value(new state) - Value(old state)
- If new state is better than old state, use this
new state - Else // i.e., new state is worse than old state,
then - Throw biased coin probability of heads (e?E/T)
is function of both change in state quality (?E)
and temperature (T) - Heads Use worse state
- Tails Stick with previous, better state
See p. 116 of text, Fig. 4.14
14large Ts increase probability to take a bad
move, and large magnitude (I.e., large negative)
?Es reduce the probability to take a bad move
15Plot of e?E/T for T15
large magnitude (I.e., large negative) ?Es
reduce the probability to take a bad move
16Genetic Algorithms (GAs)
- State
- Population of states
- Other methods have used single current state
- Each state in population is called an individual
- Operators
- Produce additional individuals (reproduction)
- Eliminate certain individuals (death)
- Evaluation function
- Fitness or objective function
- Probability that individual survives to the next
generation (see Winston) - A function of the quality of the individual(s)
- Search method
- Start with an initial population of individuals
- For each generation
- Compute fitness value (scalar) for individuals
using fitness function - Based on fitness, apply operators to individuals
- End search after a specified quality or fitness
reached or limit on number of generations - Search cost
- Proportional to the number of generations
17Sample overall process of evolution of GA and
fitness test
- population ?K randomly selected (new) individuals
(e.g., K100) - Compute fitness value for all individuals
- epsilon ? desired degree of fitness or quality
- GA(population) // call function
- function GA(population)
- // each iteration is a generation
- repeat
- 1) remove the 20 least fit individuals, perhaps
probabilistic choice - 2) select the 40 most fit individuals, perhaps
probabilistic choice - 3) mate 20 of the most fit with the other 20
- 4) apply mutation operator to the 20 children
- 5) apply fitness function to (new) individuals
- 6) put the 20 children back into population
- until some individual has fitness or quality lt
epsilon OR - max iterations exceeded
- return the best individual in the population,
according to fitness values - end function
18GA Problem StructureElements of a Problem
- Function to generate a random individual
- Takes no parameters
- Returns a new, random, individual
- Fitness function
- Takes one individual as a parameter, returns a
real number - Operators
- Mutation
- Takes one individual as a parameter
- Returns a new, mutated, individual
- Reproduction
- Takes two individuals as a parameter
- Returns a new individual, the result of combining
the two input individuals
19Defining a fitness function
- General form of fitness function
- fitness(I) returns a probability I is an
individual - Smaller numbers mean lower probability of
survival to the next generation - Example
- Let X be an individual 8-queens instance
20Important Issues
- How do we represent an individual in the
population? - How are new individuals created by combining old
individuals? (reproduction) - How are new individuals created by changing old
individuals? (mutation) - How do we define the fitness function?
- What is a good individual and how do we define
this quantitatively? - Need to be able to rank individuals
- With the 8-queens problem, how could you perform
a GA search? - In Python, how could we represent an individual?
228-queens Example Mutation
- How do we create a function to do mutation?
238-queens Example
- Idea
- Generate an individual that is different than the
parent(s) - Potentially, individual could be better
- Mutation is one simple method
- E.g., swap two column positions
- Say (5 7 3 1 8 2 6 4) is the individual
- Then
- (1) Choose two columns at random
- Say, 3, and 8
- (2) Swap values in columns
- Giving (5 7 4 1 8 2 6 3)
248-queens Example Reproduction
- How do we create a function to do reproduction?
25Fitness Function
- How do we specify a fitness function for the
8-queens problem?
26Fitness Computation Techniques (see Winston
- Quality
- A measure of how fit an individual is dependent
on the problem - E.g., the number of conflicts in the 8 queens is
a measure of quality - Fitness
- The probability that the individual (chromosome)
survives to the next generation - fi is a value ranging from 0 to 1, giving the
probability that individual, i, survives to the
next generation
27Standard Method for Fitness Computation
- Let qi be the quality of an individual
28Rank Fitness (p. 518, Winston)
- Eliminates biases due to choice of quality
measurement scale - Let p be a constant probability (1 lt p lt 0)
- To select an individual by the rank method
- Sort individuals according to quality (highest
quality first) - 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
- Let the probability of selecting the ith
individual, given that the first i-1 individuals
have not been selected, be p, except for the
final individual, which is selected if no
previous individuals have been selected
29r0 1
Rank fitness probabilities
p1 p0r0
r1 r0 - p1
ri remaining probability p0 2/3 (for example)
r2 r1 - p2
p2 p0r1
p3 p0r2
p4 p0r3
- It can be as good to be different as it is to be
fit (Winston, p. 520) - Include a diversity measure in the fitness
computation - Need a computation that measures similarity
between individuals - Example similarity measure Distances between
chromosomes - Algorithm
- Sort n individuals by quality
- Sort the n individuals by the sum of their
inverse squared distances to already selected
chromosomes - Use rank method, but sort on the sum of the
quality rank and the diversity rank, rather than
just on quality rank