Title: Chapter 4 Physical Activity for Life
1Chapter 4Physical Activity for Life
- Lesson 1
- Physical Activity and
- Skills Related Fitness
- p. 72
2Health Terms p. 72
- Physical Activity
- Lifestyle Activities
- Agility
- Balance
- Coordination
- Speed
- Reaction Time
- Power
3Choices for Physical Activity
- Lifestyle Activities
- Biking
- Raking leaves
- Walking your pet
- Hiking
- Camping
- Dance
4Choices for Physical Activity contd
- Sports Activities
- Individual sport
- Swimming
- Biking
- Running
- Golf
- Partner sports
- Tennis
- Racquetball
- Nature sports
- Surfing
- Rock climbing
- Sailing
5Choosing Physical Activities
- When choosing an activity, it is best to NOT
limit yourself to a single type. - Alternating activities works all systems and
muscles of your body. - Reduces risk of overuse injury
- Prevents boredom
6Skills Related Fitness
- Agility
- Balance
- Coordination
- Speed
- Reaction Time
- Power
7Skills Related Fitness contd
- Measuring your AGILITY
- Side Shuttle - shuffle from line to line as many
times as you can in 10 seconds - Shuttle Run - run from start line to opposite
line, pick up a block and run it back to the
start line. Repeat to pick up a second block.
Run this as fast as you can.
8Skills Related Fitness contd
- Measuring your BALANCE
- Body Balance 1
- Place balls of both feet on a 1 in-square stick
with heels on the floor - Rise up onto stick holding balance as long as
possible - Repeat 2 times and score 1 point for each hold
longer than 15 seconds - 3 points awarded for holding both attempts longer
than 15 seconds
9Skills Related Fitness contd
- Measuring your BALANCE contd
- Body Balance 2
- Stand on a 1 in-squared stick with 1 foot running
parallel to the stick - Lift the other foot off and balance for 10 sec
- Rise on toes and balance for 10 sec
- Award 1 point for success of each balance
- Award a third point if success on both balances
10Skills Related Fitness contd
- Measuring your COORDINATION
- Stick Toss and Catch
- Hold a stick in each hand
- Place a third stick across both sticks
- Toss the stick (3rd) into the air creating a half
turn and catch it with between the other 2 sticks
- Award yourself 1 point for each catch
11Skills Related Fitness contd
- Measuring your SPEED
- Short Sprint
- Start a few steps behind a starting line
- When signaled to go, run as fast as you can
- Slow to a stop at the second whistle (3 sec.)
- A timer will start a watch as you cross the line
and again in 3 seconds - Your score is the distance you travel in the 3
12Skills Related Fitness contd
- Measuring your REACTION TIME
- Yardstick Drop
- Have a partner hold the top (at 1 inch) of a
yardstick - Place your fingers around (NOT touching) the
stick at the 24 inch mark - When you partner drops the stick, catch it as
soon as you can - Your score is the mark on the stick where you
caught it
13Skills Related Fitness contd
- Measuring your POWER
- Standing Long Jump
- Stand behind a line with both feet together
- Swing arms forward, jump as far as you can
- A partner measures your jump distance from the
line to the nearest body part to the line (heels)
14Chapter 4Physical Activity for Life
- Lesson 2
- Physical Activity and Total Health
- p. 79 - 83
15Health Terms
- Training Program
- Hydration
- Anabolic Steroids
16Getting Started
- Physician
- PE teacher
- Coach
- Parent
17Sports and Nutrition
- Food provides energy for top performance!
- Carbs main energy source
- Protein muscle building
- Fats stored energy
18Sports and Nutrition contd
- Hydration drink, drink, DRINK
- Water
- Sports drink
- Dehydration
- Water is lost via sweat and breathing
- Causes fatigue
- Thirst is not an indicator of fluid loss
- Anyone should drink several cups of water 2 hours
prior to workout - Then drink more water 15 min prior to a workout
- And again following the workout
19Avoiding Harmful Substances
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Anabolic Steroids
- Distribution is a felony
- Possession is illegal
- Cancer causing
- Sterility
- Acne or hair loss
- Weight gain or loss
- Sexual underdevelopment/dysfunction
- Violent, suicidal, or depression
20Adequate Rest
- 8 - 10 hours
- Avoid caffeinated drinks
- eating just prior to sleep
- exercising prior to sleep
21Sports and the Mind
- Effort and Ability
- give it your all on the playing field
- Mind-Body Connection
- When you believe you can do an activity, you are
more likely to be successful - Sports and Competition
- Demonstrating good sportsmanship helps you to
avoid conflict
22Physical Activity for Life
- Lesson 3
- Avoiding Injuries
- p. 84 - 89
23Health Terms
- Muscle cramp
- Strain
- Sprain
- Overexertion
- Heat Cramps
- Heat Exhaustion
- Frostbite
- Hypothermia
24Minor Exercise Related Injuries
- usually a result of too much stress on the
muscle or joint - Muscle cramp
- An irritation of the muscle being tired,
overworked, or dehydration
25Minor Exercise Related Injuries contd
- Strain
- Can be a result of participating in an activity
you are not used to - Warm-up properly
- Sprain
- Ligaments and tendons are stretched or torn
followed by pain and swelling - Warm-up properly
26Treatment for Minor Injuries
- R - rest avoid using the muscle or joint
- I - ice 20 min on, 20 min off
- C - compression light pressure to the injury
- E - elevation raise injury above the heart
27Major Exercise Related Injuries
- Fractures
- Any type of break in a bone
- Dislocation
- When a bone slips from position at a joint
28Major Exercise Related Injuries contd
- Tendinitis
- A condition where the tendons are torn or
stretched and swollen - Blows to the Head
- When a bone slips from position at a joint
29Weather Related Risks
- Hot Weather
- Overexertion - overworking
- Dehydration - lack of fluids
- Heat camps - severe water and salt loss
- Heat exhaustion - overheating the body
- Heatstroke - life threatening symptoms
30Weather Related Risks contd
- Cold Weather
- Frostbite - body tissue becomes frozen
- Hypothermia - the body temperature drops and
loses the ability to warm itself - Life threatening when the brain function slows
and body systems shut-down
31Thinking About Safety
- Being aware of the people around you
- Playing at your skill level
- Obeying rules and restrictions
- Accepting responsibility for your own safety
32Personal Safety
- Run/jog in daylight
- Carry a noise device whistle
33Using Proper Equipment
- Use safety equipment
- Rent or borrow them to make sure you like the
activity - Buying equipment can be expensive
- Make sure it fits properly
- Make sure it is in good condition
- Choose clothing that is comfortable but not too
loose or tight
34Protective Equipment
- Helmets
- Athletic cups
- Mouth guards
- Knee/elbow/shoulder pads
- Bright colorful clothing
- Reflective tape