Title: Garrison NCA School Improvement Update
1Garrison NCA School Improvement Update
- 2008-2009 Plan Completion
- May 13, 2009
2RCS Student Achievement Expectations
- 1st Grade students will have 80 in addition and
subtraction facts Level 18 (18)
- 2nd Grade students will read to learn by grade 3
Level M (82)
- 3rd Grade students will summarize their thoughts
and concepts in simple paragraphs Pass Indiana
Writing Assessment Score of 4, 5, or 6 (53)
- 4th Grade students will have 80 in
multiplication and division facts Levels 26
27 (82)
- 6th Grade students will read expository text at
grade level and write grade appropriate reports
Reading Level Y ( 50) and Pass Indiana Writing
Assessment Score of 4, 5, or 6 (62)
3RCS Social Achievement Expectations
- Attendance 80 of students 95 or higher
- Discipline 85 of students with no office
referrals and 97 of students with no
- 6th Grade Graduation Plan in place- (100 of
Garrison 6th grade has a plan in place.)
- 76 of 6th grade eligible students enrolled (as
of today) in 21st Century Scholars program.
4Garrison Goal 1 Language Arts
- Students write narrative, expository, persuasive,
and descriptive texts demonstrating a command of
Standard English. Must demonstrate research,
organizational and drafting strategies and an
awareness of the audience and purpose for
writing. (End of Grade 6) - Garrison students will improve student writing
process and application scores by 6 each year as
measured by ISTEP.
- Fall to Spring 08-09 Writing Prompts show
- Utilize the 61 Writing Traits rubric same used
for ISTEP.
- Fall 07 Fall 08 12 decrease (59 - 47)
5Garrison Goal 2 Mathematics
- Number Sense Understanding the number system is
the basis of mathematics. (End of 6th grade
relationship between fractions and decimals,
negative numbers, relate percentages to fractions
and decimals and learn to use ratios. Find
multiples and factors of whole numbers to solve
problems involving fractions.) - Garrison students will demonstrate a minimum of
5 growth in the area of Number Sense in Math on
- Everyday Mathematics Spring Assessments
- Fall Acuity Baseline
- ISTEP Fall 07 Fall 08 5 increase (78 -
6Math Stars Wall
- Math Facts in a Flash
- Program began in mid October 2008
- Computer based accelerated program to encourage
students to memorize and obtain math facts in the
basic 4 operations of
- Addition 290
- Subtraction 122
- Multiplication 52
- Division 35
- All Levels 25
7Literacy Data Wall
- Located in Staff Lounge
- Goal is to have all students in Green (above
level) or Yellow (On Level)
- Students names listed as
- Above level Green 178
- On Level Yellow 97
- Below Level Red 58
- 83 on or above grade level.
- 17 below grade level.
8Literacy Levels End of each Trimester
- Kdg A B - C
- 1st E G - I
- 2nd J K - M
- 3rd N O - P
- 4th Q R - S
- 5th T - U - V
- 6th W X - Y
9Authors Corner
- Fall, Winter, and Spring Writing Prompt
- Each classroom will select one writing piece to
be nominated to the Authors Corner
- A date and time for Author to bring literary
piece to share with Principal and other selected
- Writing will be honored on the Authors Corner
Wall of Fame.
10Garrison Wall of Fame
- Positive Behavior Expectations Character Award
2 students per classroom nominated by teacher
- Attendance
- Outstanding 97 or better
- Perfect 100
- Honor Roll
- Principals Honor Roll 90 in all academic
- Teachers Honor Roll 80 or better in all
academic subjects
- Principals Effort Award Exemplary effort but
not on Honor Roll
11Professional Development
- On-going weekly Literacy Collaborative Frameworks
training by coaches
- Math Facts in a Flash new software program
training all staff
- 61 Traits Training 100 of faculty trained by
Summer 2008
- Leveled Literacy Intervention Training 15
teachers Summer of 2008
- Primary and Intermediate Teams collaboration on
assessment of Writing Prompts
12Response to Intervention
- Tier 1 Intervention In the classroom, extra
assistance from teacher for student who is
- Tier 2 Intervention Out of the classroom with
additional small group assistance in area of
weakness (Title 1, LLI, Wilson)
- Tier 3 Intervention Out of the classroom with
additional one on one assistance in area of
weakness (Reading Recovery, My Reading Coach,
after school tutoring, possible referral to
special education)
13Engaging Students in the Community
- K-Kids
- Food Drive- Community
- Book Drive- School
- Interclub Activity Ice Skating
- Fundraising for club activities
- Mock Election
- Vote for Me Program
- West End Bank Employees
- Bank meeting/shadowing Tellers
- Academic Teams
- Spell Bowl
- Math Bowl
- Science Bowl
- Sixth Grade Camping Trip
- Veterans Day Program
- Circle the State with Song Choir
- Creation of Cup Stacking Team
- National Elementary Honor Society
14Vision 2011
- Garrison Elementary School will be the
educational institution of popular choice in
Wayne County. Our constituents will want their
children to attend Garrison School because of the
actualized and perceived levels of student
achievement, quality of instructional practices,
and the overall excellence in educational
15Recognition and Accomplishments
- 97 Attendance Rate (96.6)
- Exemplary School Status (P.L. 221 Guidelines)
- Four Star Recognition
- Language Arts (Top 25 )
- Mathematics (Top 25 )
- Total Percent Passing (Top 25 )
- Attendance Rate (Top 25 )
16Achievement Measurements and Benchmarks
- 90 of our students passing statewide assessments
in all areas measured (77.8-Fall 2008 a 5.6
- Growth demonstrated by 100 of the student body
from pre to interim to post test assessments
- 50 of the student body (Grades 3-6) attaining
honor roll status (70-Fall 2008 62 - Winter
17Safe and Disciplined Environment
- Students and all adult staff members valued and
- Classroom instruction free of interruption
resulting from student misbehavior
- Full implementation of Positive Behavior Support
- Suspensions reduced by 10 each year
- Character is promoted by all constituents
18The Curriculum and School Program
- Written and practiced curriculum aligned to
Indiana Academic Standards
- Curriculum that meets the enrichment and remedial
needs of all students (Logos, ASPIRE, Leveled
Literacy Intervention, Reading Recovery, Title
1) - More academic team opportunities that encourage
extensions to student learning (Spelling Bee,
Math Bowl, Spell Bowl, and Science Bowl Teams)
- Creation of civic opportunities to further
develop the character of our students (K-Kids
Club, West End Bank Garrison Branch, National
Elementary Honor Society)
19Parental and Community Involvement
- Parents eager to participate in the classroom,
lunchroom, recess setting, and the office.
- Continue active Study Buddy program.
- Half time School Social Worker.
- Give and take relationship with the community (a
more concerted effort to give) Communities in
- Current technological experiences provided to our
- Technological opportunities linked to our
- Enrichment and remediation opportunities to
supplement our other resources (Math Facts in a
Flash, My Reading Coach)
- New computer lab for 2009-2010
21Classroom Instruction
- Diagnostic and prescriptive by nature
- Standards-driven
- Creative, rigorous, and relevant
- Engaging / hands-on / relevant
- Big picture always kept in perspective (enduring
understanding vs. familiarity)
- Aligned to academic standards
- Acuity (ELA and Math)
- 61 Traits Writing
- Deemed important and valuable by all
- On-going to foster diagnostic and prescriptive
23School Personnel
- Enjoying their profession as if there is nothing
in the world they would rather be doing
- Seeing children for the blessing they truly are
- All staff highly qualified to meet the diverse
needs of our students
- Collegial.
24School Improvement at Garrison Elementary
- Opening the door to new beginnings
- For increased student achievement
- For increased student attendance
- For an improved and safe climate
- For connected professional development
- For increased use of technology
- A place that makes a difference!
- Thank you for your participation on the NCA
Oversight Team.
- Signature on Plan.
- Thanks for your time. ?