Contextualizing Gender Within Human Development:

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Contextualizing Gender Within Human Development:


Economic growth is only a means of enlarging people 's choices. ... Burkina Faso. Mali. Guinea-Bissau. Burundi. Bottom 5 (GEM) Yemen. Saudi Arabia. Bangladesh ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Contextualizing Gender Within Human Development:

Contextualizing Gender Within Human
  • By Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh, HD Consultant
  • Gender Mainstreaming Training
  • UNDP Belarus
  • October 10-11th, 2005

  • What do you know?
  • What do you understand?
  • What do you agree with ?
  • But as a professional
  • How can you analyze?
  • What can you convince?
  • What can you defend?

A Revolution in Two steps
  • First we
    stormed the palace
  • Then we realized we ourselves were not one
    people, so we had to adjust

Mahbub Ul Haqs Revolution
  • The obvious is often the most difficult to see
    The true wealth of a Nation is its People
  • Economic growth is only a means of enlarging
    people s choices.
  • Human well-being is the purpose, the end, of
  • HD Puts people back at the center stage Both as
    means and ends of development.
  • Human Development is the process of widening
    peoples choices and the level of well being
  • Agency and Evaluative

Sens Evolution Ethics and Values
  • Development is the increasing of human freedom
  • About expanding individual freedoms, such as
  • Freedoms to do what you want to do
  • To be what you want to be.
  • Freedom is at the same time the main goal and the
    main means to achieve development.
  • Expanding CAPABILITIES to
  • Read and write
  • Lead long and healthy lives
  • Earn a decent living
  • Participate in decision makings that affect their
  • Without these, many choices are simply not
    available, and many opportunities in life remain

HD is not the same as
  • Economic growth
  • Social development
  • Human resource development
  • Basic needs approach

HD Economic Growth
  • which is understood as the increase in a
    countrys per capita income and is measured by
    the GDP/GNP
  • The theory of growth has 3 assumptions a)
    development is the growth of income and b) basis
    of income growth is capital accumulation, and c)
    Conventional micro economic model is based on the
    assumption of rational individuals who maximize
    their utility

  • Growth Advocates
  • Expanding income is an end in itself
  • Growth does trickle down
  • HD Advocates
  • income is a means enhancing peoples
    capabilities the end
  • Simultaneous expansion of choices in other
    dimensions social, cultural, political - and
  • not accept trickle down as automatic

  • No automatic link
  • Some choices do not depend on income
  • Incomes contribution to satisfaction of needs
    decreases as income increases (marginal utility)
  • Per capital income does not take into account
    distribution between rich and poor, unevenly
  • depends on national priorities for spending
    guns or butter, elitist or egalitarian model

Economic growth without human agency is
  • Jobless growth where the overall economy grows
    but does not expand the opportunities for
    employment, nor targets employment choices for
    both men and women.
  • Ruthless growth where the fruits of economic
    growth mostly benefit the rich, leaving the
    majority of the people struggling in ever
    deepening poverty.
  • Voiceless growth where growth in the economy has
    not been accompanied by an extension of
    empowerment and participation. Voiceless growth
    is also growth that gives women a minor role to
    play in the management and direction of the

HD encompasses simultaneously
  • Efficiency Efficient use of resources and
    increase of their availability. HD is pro-growth
    and productivity.
  • Equity Distributive justice, especially for
    choices and opportunities
  • Freedom and Empowerment, Possibility of choosing.
    Sen Freedom has a constitutive value (value by
    itself) and an instrumental value ( as a means to
    efficiency and to equity)
  • Sustainability not just for present generation
    but next ones too

Human Development is a Rupture (storming the
  • a) An ethical rupture, keeping in mind the ends,
    the what for, the way in which each proposal
    contributes -or not - to enlarge peoples
  • b) A theoretical rupture because HD proposes an
    alternative explanation of how development is
    achieved, of how it is produced by human beings
    rather than by impersonal or object-like
  • c) A methodological rupture because the paradigm
    proposes a different way to achieve development
    in its various dimensions.

Always ask Where are the people?
  • It is about checking quality growth over quantity
  • Not obvious Take income generation projects If
    we dont know the situation exactly, how can we
    be sure that the impact is increasing the choice?

Then we realized we were not one
  • It is fine and dandy to talk of the people,
  • But people are not one
  • So we had to putting women back into people, and
    people back into development

We had made presumptions
  • Dont presume equal participation in economic
    life, but understand the differences between men
    and womens needs, access to resources, and the
    diverse impact of economic growth on them.
  • Development aid is gender neutral, it is gender
    blind. It assumes that men and women have the
    same needs so a project that is developed for
    increasing their overall choices automatically
    will lead to an increase in their overall
  • Development aid and planning being gender
    neutral, means that it is really designed to
    target the majority or the visible, which often
    means men.
  • BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE, because men and women
    are different.
  • It does not trickle down

Gender Equality (HDR 1995)
  • HD if not engendered is endangered.
  • Gaps between women's expanding capabilities and
    limited opportunities.
  • Analysis of under-valuation and non-recognition
    of women in work
  • Inequality is not only a problem of access to the
    means but a problem of freedom denied or
  • HD recognizes gender discrimination is present
    not only in income or wealth but in
  • Freedom to enter contractual relations and
    decide on properly
  • Freedom to participate in public life and have
    political leadership
  • Freedom to receive training, enter and to compete
    in the labor market
  • Freedom to live. Premature girl death

Measuring our revolutions
  • HDI --------------------gt GDP
  • GDI --------------------gt HDI

Gender Development Index (1995)
  • Measures achievement in the same basic
    capabilities as HDI, but takes note of inequality
    in achievement between women and men. GDI is
    simply the HDI discounted, or adjusted downwards,
    for gender inequality.
  • Methodology imposes a penalty for inequality
  • The greater the gender disparity in basic
    capabilities, the lower a countrys GDI compared
    with its HDI.
  • The GDI reflects gender imbalances in basic
    health, education and income.

Gender Empowerment Index
  • Examines whether W and M are able to actively
    participate in economic and political life.
  • 3 dimensions
  • Economic participation and decision making is
    measured by the of female administrators and
    managers, professional and technical workers.
  • Political participation and decision making are
    measured by of seats in parliament held by
  • Power over economic resources is measured by
    women's estimated earned income (PPP US).

Trends (2004)
  • Data from 2004 GEM shows discrimination against
    women persists despite high national ranking on
    HDI . Many poor countries outperform far richer
    countries. In terms of participation and
    inclusion, women fare better in Botswana, Costa
    Rica and Namibia than they do in Greece, Italy
    and Japan
  • Countries with worse disparities between their
    GDI and HDI values are Saudi Arabia, Oman,
    Pakistan, Yemen and India
  • Countries that have the closest correspondence
    between HDI and GDI are Sweden,Denmark,
    Australia, Latvia and Bulgaria
  • GDI for Belarus is 53

GDI GEM Top and Bottom 5 (2004 HDR)
  • Top 5 (GDI)
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Netherlands
  • Top 5 (GEM)
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Bottom 5 (GDI)
  • Niger
  • Burkina Faso
  • Mali
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Burundi
  • Bottom 5 (GEM)
  • Yemen
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Bangladesh
  • Egypt
  • Sri Lanka

Definition of Gender
  • Into English language in 1972 as a result of the
    need to refer to the social relationship between
    men and women.
  • Came out of a need to address the unequal
    differences between men and women, specifically,
    beyond the words used to differentiate between
    people (class, status, race, etc.)
  • Before purely a grammatical meaning Gender was
    he, she or it (masculine, feminine, neuter). Now,
    gender refers to the social difference between
    men and women, where sex refers to the
    biological one.
  • A working definition Social meaning given to the
    biological differences between men and women and
    the socially constructed relations between men
    and women.

Recognizing Gender isan art
  • - Analytical tool for understanding social
    processes and social norms
  • - is a social stratifier, as class, race and
  • - is at the basis of the most fundamental
    division of labor in society productive and
    reproductive activities.

From WID to GAD We learned!
  • 1947-1970 Maternal and Child Health
  • 1970s Women in Development
  • Criticism of WID
  • 1980s Gender and Development

Gender Aware Planning
  • is based on the premise that traditional
    planning methods do not take into consideration
    the different needs and interests of women and
    men arising from their different socially
    ascribed roles and responsibilities in society.
  • Challenges that all members of the household have
    same interest, reflecting equal power between men
    and women in household decision making.
  • Central to this is concepts of practical and
    strategic gender needs, and recognition of
    womens and mens multiple roles, reproductive
    and productive activities.

(No Transcript)
It is recognizing and addressing the strategic
needs of a society
  • Addressing practical gender needs facilitate
    existing gender roles by
  • enabling women to do existing work better
  • reducing work burdens within their multiple
  • overcoming practical problems in all roles
    (health, food, tools, income etc)
  • Addressing strategic gender needs change existing
    gender role by
  • achieving greater equality for women and men
  • raising womens status, power and choice
  • closing access gap ( e.g. equal wages, legal
    rights, asset ownership, non-traditional jobs,
    control of fertility, income, life style)
  • harder to achieve due to different time scale
    and planning needed.

  • MESSAGE Both practical and strategic gender
    needs must be addressed for programmes to be
    gender sensitive. Specific activities may focus
    on needs or strategies, both overall programmes
    require some degree of both. Strategic gender
    needs are easy to ignore, they are more abstract
    and difficult to monitor. Needs must be
    mentioned in program goals.

  • Development programmes should focus on both
    categories, but often do not take them together.
    Much attention is paid to the practical needs of
    women mostly, without considering long term
    affects on strategic needs.
  • Credit programmes for example should also work
    with banking institutions in order to have long
    term effects. Micro credits schemes, if they are
    not planned thoroughly with sustainability as a
    goal (i.e., to involve institutions such as
    banks, NGOs, etc) cannot answer the strategic
    needs of women.
  • One important point of discussion is who decides
    on the strategic needs of women? Is it the UN,
    the society or the women themselves? Can we
    apply the same standards of an international
    setting to a rural village?
  • It is also necessary to conduct surveys and
    studies to find out what are the practical and
    strategic needs of a community in order to design
    programmes that would address them adequately.
    The participants discussed the importance of
    carrying out methodological research and
    gathering objective information.

(No Transcript)
  • The word ECONOMICS can be written across both
    categories. It is not possible to do productive
    work in society without reproductive work. They
    are interlinked. Yet, GNP does not take into
    account the unpaid reproductive work, where women
    feature, and to which women often move when there
    are structural changes resulting in 1)
    unemployment (Movement from PP to RU) 2)
    Sectorial shrinkage (where the state sector (PR)
    shrinks, there is movement into UR).
  • When women lost their jobs, they usually move to
    the unpaid reproductive sector, back at home.
    When men loose their jobs, they try to find
    another productive paid work, or productive
    unpaid work, or move out of the labor market
    altogether. Men move to the unpaid productive
    sphere so as not to lose their skills. Many, both
    men and women, go to the informal sector. It is
    mostly the state sector that provides paid
    reproductive work, when the state shrinks,
    workers usually move to reproductive unpaid work.

  • Invisibility of bulk of womens work
  • Economically profound
  • Structural adjustments must take into account
    effects on reproductive work
  • The Unpaid Reproductive sector of the economy,
    which is not rewarded, usually absorbs from other
    sectors during restructuring.

The principles Added Value
  • The 4 principles apply, as do others
  • Justice and Equality
  • Efficiency and Sustainability (the macro
  • Credibility and Accountability
  • Quality of Life (the micro dimension)
  • Alliances
  • Chain Reaction.

Equity, Justice
  • From the Human Rights point of view, the
    eradication of all forms of discrimination, be
    they economic, social, political and cultural, is
    a indispensable for the protection of human
    rights, a commitment that all governments have
  • It is a matter of Justice, FAIRNESS, equal
  • When the efficiency argument is hard to prove,
    given that it is difficult to prove the role of
    women within national income, there is renewed
    emphasis on equity, because it is harder to
    ignore the inequality of womens positions.
  • Conventions Most states party to a variety of
    normative documents (CEDAW, Beijing, Cairo, etc)
    Basic principles in own constitutions Not enough
    to convince for resources, but useful to provide
    reference to specific mandates and international
    commitments. Remind governments of shared values
  • Reiterated by Human Developments focus on
    enlarging peoples choices and on their access
    to resources and personal self respect as
    vital components of development.
  • HD means enlarging what people can actually do,
    their capabilities, become the purpose of
    economic growth.
  • Gender inequities clearly reduce womens

Efficiency argument externalities
  • Equal inclusion of men and women in all aspects
    of development and society pays off for the
    country as a whole. Nations cannot afford to
    ignore the contributions and economic and social
    capacities of both men and women in all spheres.
    The development of any country that does will
    ultimately suffer in the medium and long term.
    This is an argument that addresses macro
    aspects of development i.e. the welfare and
    prosperity of a nation as a whole.
  • These arguments are particularly effective
    because they address the bottom line money. They
    prove that investment in gender equality will pay
    off for the country as a whole in the future.
  • Given share of contribution to economy, not
    taking into account impacts negative overall

  • Lack of participation of women would mean that a
    major part of the skilled and well educated human
    resources available would be wasted.
  • Inequality between the sexes can breath social
    discord and instability in the both in the family
    and, inevitably, in society.
  • It is a fact that without the significant
    contribution of the reproductive labor, often
    generated by women, the productive sphere cannot
  • The empowerment of women benefits children and
    families. Investment in female empowerment and
    education increases womens productivity while
    decreasing fertility and infant mortality.
    development multipliers. No other single
    factor has so much impact on so many diverse
  • Discrimination in labor market brings
  • Segregation of labor and wage discrimination
    market brings quality and value of the sector
  • Falling birth rates are often caused or
    exasperated by failure of society to support
    womens capacity/choice to combine their
    reproductive and productive rights and
  • How women deal with shocks (Coping mechanisms)
    are assets that have to be used in planning
    social policies, poverty strategies etc.
  • Studies show that economic transition leads to
    decline in family income in general, but
    structural adjustment programmes specifically
    reduce social support (i.e. the level of
    resources available to women in their
    non-producer roles) without redressing their
    disadvantages in their role as producers.
  • Overwork, which is a distortion of allocation of
    resources, limits response to economic
  • Lack of women in decision making power means
    reduced development impact of expenditures

  • Closely linked to efficiency arguments are
    sustainability arguments. Because gender
    mainstreaming adopts a human development
    perspective, which has the long-term objective of
    creating a socially just and sustainable society,
    gender mainstreaming is inextricably about
    ensuring sustainability as well. Furthermore,
    because gender mainstreaming demands a holistic
    approach to policy making where coordination and
    cooperation (both vertical and horizontal) are
    key, interventions are more likely to be

The tricky trade-off
  • Womens issues are they human rights issue or
    efficiency issue? In other words, do you see
    women as vulnerable, that have special rights to
    be protected, or do you see them as
    opportunities, that because of their strength on
    some issues, promoting them would mean more
    overall growth in society. (examples not only as
    mothers, but economic actors, human rights
    activists etc., in disaggregated occupations, in
    civil society, etc)
  • For the Government of Belarus, are women
    vulnerable groups or opportunities?

Credibility and Accountability Arguments
  • Asks decision makers to do the math because
    women and men each make up half of the
    population, any data, policy or recommendation
    that does not recognize and address both genders
    equally will be ultimately flawed, and will thus
    have no credibility.
  • If large segments of the population are not
    adequately reflected in new laws and
    institutions, and are not given the opportunity
    to participate in public life, the legitimacy of
    the new political systems would be questioned. A
    true democracy cannot allow for the silencing of
    at least 50 of the population.
  • Accountability arguments in particular are useful
    for reminding governments of their responsibility
    to ensure social justice and sustainable human
  • In democratic states, governments must be
    accountable to the population and must further
    the interests of all its members both men and
    women. A failure to address social justice or
    gender equality issues is also a failure of
    governments to be accountable to all citizens.
  • Furthermore, many gender-sensitive interventions
    are not just gender exercises for their own sake
    they are about holding governments accountable
    for their use of public funds and for the
    fulfilment of their political promises.
  • Gender mainstreaming can offer concrete
    mechanisms for introducing a greater degree of
    accountability into governance.

Quality of Life Arguments
  • Increased attention to gender equality issues
    will improve the lives of individual men and
  • While it is commonly recognized that women stand
    to benefit from increased attention to gender
    equality, quality of life arguments also point
    out the benefits to be gained by men and families
    as well. They stress the importance of social
    relationships and interdependence of social
    actors, claiming, for example, that if women are
    empowered, those closest to them stand to gain as
  • On the flip-side, inequality or hardship for one
    gender will negatively affect other social actors
    as well. For example, the negative effects of
    depression in men or poor employment
    opportunities for women affect families, children
    and spouses as well.
  • Quality of life arguments are useful for
    promoting a gender dimension in programmes aimed
    at curbing social pathologies. For example,
    issues such as suicide, alcoholism, addictions
    and chronic stress are strongly linked to
    changing gender roles and relations in society
    and the inability of individuals to cope and
    adapt. The argument here therefore underlines how
    a gender perspective can limit these pathologies
    and improve the quality of life of members of

Alliance Arguments
  • Alliance arguments highlight gender equality as a
    prerequisite for forging formal alliances or
    partnerships with other nations. In the context
    of Eastern and Central Europe, accession to the
    European Union is a very salient example EU
    countries are mandated to implement various
    instruments for the promotion of gender equality,
    including the adoption of gender mainstreaming
  • However, while this argument is currently very
    effective for calling governments to task, it is
    ultimately unsustainable unless coupled with
    concrete substantive reasons (such as efficiency
    and quality of life) as to why issues of gender
    equality need to be addressed. Without these
    solid substantive arguments, alliance arguments
    can backfire.

Chain Reaction Arguments
  • Lastly, all of the above arguments are
    strengthened when the links between them are
    highlighted. Gender equality can in fact produce
    a chain reaction of benefits, just as the
    effects of gender inequality can be passed on
    from individuals to families and communities.
    The chain reaction argument highlights how
    sound the investment in gender equality actually
    is it will bring not only short-term, localized
    benefits, but medium and long-term benefits that
    will ripple through society strengthening the
    nation as a whole.
  • At the same time, mainstreaming should also
    remain aware of chain reactions that might
    produce negative gender equality effects if not
    anticipated and dealt with in an integrated
    manner. For example, a top down mandate for
    family-friendly workplaces might bring backlash
    and even greater exposure to harassment against
    women in their place of work. Similarly,
    advancement of women may lead to greater
    depression and pathological behaviour among men.
    These risks highlight the crucial need to create
    complex strategies for gender mainstreaming,
    whereby a number of initiatives are mutually
    reinforcing. Thus a negative chain reaction
    argument can be used to convince decision-makers
    that mainstreaming must proceed in a strategic
    and holistic manner.

Long term goals
  • Gender is seen as society (men involved in
  • Policies and programmes are designed directly
    with Gender, not an added cause
  • Macro- Economic polices are not designed first,
    and then social issues added to them but
    designed by incorporating the interests of men
    and women into them, both as a subject (agents of
    change) and an object (impact)
  • No need for special commissions, etc because of
    everyone taking the cause
  • No need for these trainings because everyone
    realizes that Women are People Too..

Quiz 1 MDG Goals and Targets Where is the
Quiz 2
  • What are your development issues and how are they

Quiz 3 conducting a Gender Analysis of Sectors
  • 1) Gender Roles What are the Gender roles in
    this sector (socially constructed), both within
    the household and at the community level?
  • 2) Gender Division of Labor Analyzed by
    differentiating between productive and
    reproductive tasks. Who does what? Value of
    labor? Are there jobs done by people depending on
    age or sex? What are sources of household income?
    How do women earn money? Who decides how the
    money is to be spent? Who decides how land is to
    be used?
  • - Consider that womens involvement in both
    productive reproductive makes them work longer
    hours per day than men, their considerable
    workload is to be taken into account when
    designing and implementing programmes.
  • - Womens work is often excluded from national
    employment and income statistics, because labor
    is unpaid, or takes place in the informal sector
    not covered by labor legislation. Results in
    serious under-estimation of womens contribution
    to development and society. Identify the
    validity and reliability of existing statistical
    data and to collect more precise information on
    womens work.

  • 3) Differential Access Who has access to and
    control over resources and benefits? Who
    participates? How? Who benefits? Who has
    information? Who makes decision? Who is a member
    of community or household decision making? How
    much influence do women have over decisions that
    affect them?
  • - by law or by tradition, sometimes women not
    allowed to on capital assets such as land,
    buildings and equipment, or not able to enter
    into legally binding contracts (opening a bank
    account, starting a business, obtaining credit)
    without permission of their husbands or another
    male family member.
  • 4) Power Relations inequalities emerging from
    division of labor and unequal access, achieve
    power to negotiate on equal terms. Capacity of
    changing decision making processes that establish
    and reinforce existing socio political and
    economic systems norms.
  • - Often have access to resources needed to work,
    but no control over the income earned through
    their labor.
  • Who controls resources in household.
  • 5) Gender needs arising from unequal power
    relations, different roles, etc.Practical and
    Strategic needs. Ask women themselves.

  • 6) Constraints and Opportunities which exist
    within the larger socio-economic environment and
    which may affect the programme under
  • Economic conditions, demographic conditions,
    prevalent norms and values, political events,
    legislation and regulation, training and
    educational levels, institutional arrangements.
  • Watch out for direct or indirect discrimination
    for either men or women.
  • 7) What is the capacity of your organization and
    other partner organizations to overcome gender
  • - Type of organization, major areas of
    interventions, capacity to plan and implement.
  • - Gender policies, activities and experiences
  • - Organization structure to deal with gender
  • - Perception of gender among staff.
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