Title: Does Positive Affect Increase Recall Performance
1Does Positive Affect Increase Recall Performance?
The search for an answer
- Ashley Bridges
- Chris Dawson
- Brandon Knight
Predicted Results
- Goal Find positive affect on memory.
- Good Mood
- Bad Mood
- Recall
- Hypothesis Positive affect will increase recall
3Who we used
- Participants
- 25 Caucasians
- 19 Females
- 6 Males
- 2 Asian Females
- 18-20 years old
- Intro to Psychology Students
- Computer
- Microsoft CD Player
- Pre-set volumes
- Billboards 1 Singles
- Nine Genres
- Music Questionnaire
- Mood Questionnaire
5Billboards 1 Singles
6Music Questionnaire
Hot Country Song "It's Five O'clock Somewhere
Singer Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett Hot R
B/Hip-Hop Song "Baby Boy" Singer Beyonce
featuring Sean Paul Hot Rap Song "Shake
Ya Tailfeather" Singer Nelly, P. Diddy and
Murphy Lee Hot Modern/Mainstream Rock Song "So
Far Away" Singer Staind
Hot Latin Song "Hoy" Singer Gloria Estefan Hot
Dance Music/Club Play Song "Get it Together"
(Remixes) Singer Seal Hot Christian
Singles Song "Word of God Speak" Singer Mercy
Me Hot Adult Contemporary Song "Drift Away"
Singer Uncle Kracker Featuring Dobie Gray Hot
Top 40 Song "Where is the Love?" Singer Black
Eyed Peas
7Mood Questionnaire
1. I feel happy right now. 2. I feel nervous
right now. 3. I feel stressed out right now. 4. I
feel comfortable right now. 5. I feel sad right
now. 6. I feel relaxed right now. 7. I feel
irritable right now. 8. I feel self-confident
right now. 9. I feel distracted right now. 10. I
feel angry right now.
Informed Consent
9And the results are in...
- Cronbachs a .8467, n 27
- Manipulation Check
- Good Mood
- M 5.90, SD .57
- Bad Mood
- M 4.63, SD .84
- Recall Performance
- Good Mood
- M 6.31, SD 1.18
- Bad Mood
- M 5.86, SD 2.28
10- Recall Performance
- NO!!
- t(25) 0.64, p .05
- Manipulation
- YES!!
- t(25) 4.27, p
11Related Studies
Sousou, 1997 as music progressed from a neutral
to happy or depressing state in subjects, it
induced a mood state in subjects which
corresponded to current music.
Nantais et al., 1999 studied Mozart Effect and
found that performance was better on
spatial-temporal task after listening to Mozart.
Van der Does, 2002 correlation between change of
mood and cognitive reactivity was significant
when paired with music and bad mood individuals.
Ikegami, 1986 students were more likely to
remember friendly behaviors correctly and
unfriendly behaviors falsely when in the positive
affect group.
De IEthoile, 2002 found that different mood
both good and bad would affect memory.
Boltz et al., 1991 mood congruent relations
yielded a higher memory recall for scenes with a
positive affect musical background.
- Hypothesis was not fully supported.
- Participants in good mood group did NOT remember
a significant amount of more words.
- Participants in both groups DID respond to
manipulation of mood.
- Since music influenced mood, but mood did not
significantly influence recall, positive or
negative affect does NOT increase nor decrease