Title: International Lifeboat Federation
1International Lifeboat Federation
Past, present and future
2Secretariat Presentation
3Background and History
Andrew Freemantle
4Background and History
- The first Conference was held in 1924
- A four yearly conference since
- RNLI permanent secretariat resolution passed and
effective as from the 6th Conference in July 1951 - Interchange of knowledge
- Unchanged up to 18th Conference in Bournemouth,
5Background and History
- 18th Conference in Bournemouth, 1999 the ILF had
41 members from 40 countries - Challenged to double membership by the 19th
Conference, 2003 - Challenged to create a Development Fund
- Undertook to consult on Vision and Purpose
- Today the ILF has 87 members from 61 countries
7Development Fund to date
Donation from RNLI 20,000
Donation from all other members (9) 17,000
ITF Seafarers Trust (UK) 50,000
Total Income 87,000
Uruguay Conference 10,000
Cape Town Conference 16,000
Total Expenditure 26,000
Balance 61,000
8ILF Secretariat running costs
Annual expenditure of ILF Secretariat
2 Full-time staff
Travel costs
Total 180,000
Grant from RNLI 180,000
9Disposal of Lifeboats
In the past year, the following lifeboats were
sold to ILF members at competitive prices -
5 - Arun Class All-weather Lifeboats
3 Brede Class Intermediate Lifeboats
2 Atlantic 21 Class Inshore Lifeboats
10Secretariat Presentation
11Development Strategy
Ian Ventham
12ILF Purpose
- Consultation exercise in 2001 agreed
- Purpose
- Promote saving of life on water world-wide
- Forum for co-operation in Lifeboat SAR
- With IMO, to promote the establishment and
efficient operation of Lifeboat Services - Enhance safety on water through education
13ILF Vision
- Consultation exercise in 2001 agreed
- Vision
- To be recognised as the foremost international
authority on Lifeboat Search and Rescue
14ILF Action Plan 2001 - 2005
- Discussed in 2001
- Provide lifeboats
- Expand scope
- Provide support
- Develop ILF structure
- Provide information
- Improve training standards
15Proposed ILF Action Plan 2003 - 2007
- Provide Lifeboats
- ILF to run a database of available and needed
craft - Use Internet and Newsletter
- Members to discount, if possible
16Proposed ILF Action Plan 2003 - 2007
- Expand Scope
- Pilot Caribbean project
- Establish needs of emergent organisations
- Promote new SAR organisations
- Work with IMO and national SAR bodies to
establish a development priority
17Proposed ILF Action Plan 2003 - 2007
- Provide Support
- Provide assistance teams where SAR development
needs identified
18Proposed ILF Action Plan 2003 - 2007
- Develop ILF Structure
- Establish ILF as independent charity
- Create International Forum
- Create workgroups
- Interim and long term structures
- Create fundraising and promotional plan
19Proposed ILF Action Plan 2003 - 2007
- Provide Information
- Enhance website and newsletter
- Establish workgroups
- Provide information from, and a link to IMO, for
20Proposed ILF Action Plan 2003 - 2007
- Improve Training Standards
- Agree common training standard for ILF crews
21Proposed Constitution
- Charity registered in UK
- Structured to become independent
- Protects RNLIs investment
- Very flexible
- Allows strong member involvement
23International Lifeboat Federation
Trustee Committee
International Forum
Majority RNLI Appointed
Registered Charity
Advisory Body
Full-time Secretariat
24International Lifeboat Federation
Trustee Committee
International Forum
Full-time Secretariat
25International Lifeboat Federation
Development Fund
26Secretariat Presentation
27Membership and Structure
Gerry Keeling
28 All of us Working together - All of the time
29Proposed Membership Categories
Responsible Authorities Under IMO SAR Convention
Any organisation, not eligible for full
membership, which is actively committed to
supporting the aims and objectives of the ILF
Bona-fide providers of SAR services to the
Responsible Authority
Full Member
Associate Member
30State Team
SAR Provider
Responsible Authority
Associate Member
31The State Team
- Members working together to promote common ILF
objectives within the State - One state One ILF vote
- Each state agrees its own arrangements
Nominate and Elect
8 to 14 Council Members
State Teams
33The role of the Council
- During the interim development phase (between the
19th and the 20th Conferences), the Council will - Provide advice to the ILF Trustees, as required
- Supervise the activities of the International
Forum and represent its views, through the
full-time Secretariat - Recommend a set of bye-laws for the longer term
operation of the International Forum
International Forum
35International Lifeboat Federation
An registered International Charity
Trustee Committee
International Forum
Full-time Secretariat
36Secretariat Presentation
37RNLIs Pledge to ILF
Peter Nicholson
38RNLIs Pledge
- To sustain present levels of funding for the next
four years - To support the ILFs new constitution
- To provide the majority of the trustees until the
ILF is financially independent - The RNLI will remain committed to supporting
international development as a member of ILF
39Secretariat Presentation
40Proposed motions to Conference
Gerry Keeling
41Proposed motions to the Conference
- Formal adoption of one vote per state
- Acceptance of proposed interim arrangements on
membership and structure of the International
Forum - Nomination and election of members of the Council
of the International Forum - Nomination and election of Chairman of the
Council of the International Forum - Decision on 2007 Conference
42International Lifeboat Federation
Any Questions ?
43International Lifeboat Federation