Title: Top International Schools in Mumbai
Website www.sisindia.net
The Schools Favorite Newspaper
Since 2010
2The much awaited SISMUN 2014 has finally begun!
Delegates began bustling in the campus for
registration, some like Men in Black parodies and
others wobbling on spindly heels. The campus
became vibrant with all delegates discussing
their committees and forming their small group to
discuss their country's stance. All the delegates
seemed very excited for the 2 days of debating
endeavor to voice their respective
nations. Since every MUN is incomplete without
an opening ceremony, SISMUN too began with one
where in the Executive Board of all the eight
committees were introduced to all the delegates.
The Secretary General, Shankhini Saha and her
core team of Executive Boards were introduced by
the Deputy Secretary General, Sahil Rai. This was
followed by an encouraging and a welcoming speech
by the Head of School - Ms. Sharonee Mullick to
all the delegates. She welcomed all the delegates
to join as global citizens. Her words
enlightened us on how the youth of today can
share their vision of global issues and
challenges. Go for the stars and change the
world! The Chief Guest for the opening ceremony
was Ms. Manju Nichani who is the principal of K.C
College and is an educationalist and a feminist
too. She truly believes that the students of
today are going to make the change and take over
the world but she also reminded the delegates
that they should think Global but be Indian at
heart. She concluded her speech by urging the
delegates to be grounded and to think everything
is possible. Rishabh Shah, the president and
founder of Indian International Model United
Nations who is also the chair of the United
Nations Security Council for SISMUN addressed the
audience to welcome them to debate through the
procedure introduced by him. The opening
ceremony was also enlightened by performances
from the young talent of Singapore International
School and this ceremony ended with the Secretary
General declaring SISMUN 2014 open.
UNGA United Nations General Assembly
World Water Resources Exploited Full Membership
of Palestine Somaliland Questioned
The chair, Siddhanth Prasad and the Vice- chairs,
Jeevesh Garg and Shashank Karnik, managed to
provide a platform for a pragmatic
debate. It was overwhelming to see all the
delegates taking active part in the committee.
Numerous delegates such as the delegates of
Pakistan, France and Sudan raised interesting
points such as the pros and cons of handing over
of the worlds water resources to private firms.
Since the chairwas approachable, lenient and
rather friendly, it allowed the new delegates to
showcase their debating skills to their maximum
potential. According to the vice-chair, Jeevesh
Garg,The committee progressed slowly but after a
while hesitation was replaced by confidence and
several delegates such as the delegate of Canada
brought out amazing points to the floor.
Altogether the committee's progress was
impressive. On interviewing the Chair,he stated
that the delegates have been outspoken and since
the beginning the committee has been moving in a
progressive direction. He further stated that he
is hoping that a comprehensive resolution would
soon be passed. Overall, the chair and the vice
chairs were very pleased with their committee. -
Roshnit Bhumra
"This is resolution is like Edword Cullen shiny,
strong And it protects women."
4UNU United Nations University
Franchising Of Simulated UN procedures to profit
making agencies
United Nations University is an academy supported
by the United Nations with a mission to
contribute through collaborative research and
education. It resolves pressing global problems
of human survival, development and welfare that
are the concern of the United Nations, its
Peoples and Member States. Though not a very
popular committee in the MUN circuit, it still
held a challenge for the delegates. Whilst chair,
Jai Goradia was absent during the session, the
Vice Chair, Advik Sanyalvery efficiently led the
committee through fruitful discussions, resulting
in varied ideologies. Despite a clueless start,
the committee did manage to raise important
issues such as the franchising of simulated
United Nations procedures to profit making
agencies. On interviewing the chair, he stated
that no crisis has risen in committee yet and
that the delegates were not threatening one
another. However, the chair further added that
no resolution had been formed either and that a
crisis would hopefully stir productive
discussions. - Pratha Bhatia
It's fine, I have To go anyway. I'm Ghana get a
Cuba sugar for my Papua.
This is Syria-sly getting out of hand.
who cares if you are not paying attention to the
speech, you can always raise a point of personal
privilege when you hear a reference to your
Press Team SISMUN 2014 Head Of Press Riya
Awtaney Editor-In-Chief Megha Thakker, Vrishank
Menon Head Of Photography Dhruv Thakker, Raya
Oman, I can't believe you just went there. You
shouldn't question other people's Belize.
Everyone calm down. How about some music? I can
Singapore rendition of Queen
UNSC United Nations Security Council
World Water Resources Exploited Full
Membership of Palestine Somaliland Questioned
"The United Nations Security Council seems to be
one of the most admired and envied legislative
bodies in the world so it is our responsibility
to come up with worthy and comprehensive
solutions for the betterment of the world." These
are the words quotedby the chair at the beginning
of the committee. The committee began with the
chair explaining the procedure of Indian
International Model United Nations (who better
than the founder of IIMUN, Rishabh Shah could do
this). The head chair tried to use minimal time
to explain, as he wanted to waste no time to get
the committee in action. The core agenda-Reforms
of the Security Council
was introduced and soon during the General
Speakers List the atmosphere was soaked in
enthusiasm. One got to see the tension of
Argentina as the delegate hammered hard and
harder every time to propose that the Veto power
should be removed or kept partial. Africa on the
other hand demanded rights to some of its
countries. One of the delegates of Togo
constantly bickered with the delegates of China
and he kept trying to prove himself right.
Australia woke up the apathetic delegates (if
there were any) by stating that the "veto powers
are nothing but bullies," and he kept his
stance. The delegate of Francemade a point as she
brought notice that they are only "increasing the
conflicts in the security council and hence there
should not be more permanent members in the
security council." China too supported France as
they stated "Nations need to be developed
economically, politically and military to play a
significant role as a permanent member in the
6After hearing this, the executive board demanded
the delegates that they have been accusing each
other, which is what happens in the Lok Sabha/
Security council/ United Nations but we need to
come up with solutions that are worthy and
comprehensive. The committee proceeded in full
swing as they came up with working papers and the
chair was too surprised that the working paper
"was passed within 5 hours of debate." The
Executive Board was extremely pleased with the
delegates of the committee as a couple of
delegates "exceeded expectations considering it
was the first time" and Rishabh himself stated,
"one of the better first sessions of a conference
I have chaired. Member of UNSC press Neysa
Sanghavi and Delice Mascarenhas.
ILO International Labour Organisation
Labour norms in radiation areas Employment
opportunities in refugee camps
The International labour Organisation, chaired by
Simran Jehani and vice chaired by Stavan Shah,
worked towards defining of labour norms in
radiated areas and the construction of frameworks
for facilities in refugee countries/areas or
countries/area affec employment ted by war. For a
committee with first time MUNners, the delegates
gave rise to new ideas and rational discussion.
They gave suggestions of possible precautions
that could be taken to prevent diseases caused by
radiation. While the delegate of Argentina took a
more realistic, diplomatic approach towards the
committee, the delegate of Germany maintained an
aggressive outlook, moreover towards to the
delegate of Bangladesh. Almost unexpectedly,
arguements broke out between the delegates of the
United States of America and the Russian
Federation. Eventually, the committee settled
down to work on and introduce a working paper,
only after looking back on past events regarding
radiation fallout, such as the events that
unfolded in Fukushima. The committee succeeded in
making significant progress and debate and
succeeded in impressing an executive board with
high expectations. Stavan Shah, Vice chair of ILO
had a lot to say about this committee. He
mentioned that the debate was better than he
expected and that the delegates improved their
work and became more confident through the day
(90 of the committee actually spoke), especially
since they were first time MUNners. Will this
committee pass their working paper for defining
of labour norms in radiated areas? Member of ILO
press Ankika Menon Hiya Hinduja
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific
Cultural Organistion
Aid for maintenance of world heritage sites
This resolution is like an onion. It makes me cry.
Well, what Uganda do about it?
8AU African Union
Piracy in the Somali Waters Right to free
education to rehabilitated child soldier
The Chair, Ali Azghar Bootwala of the African
Union refused to smile upon any motion for an
un-moderated caucus. However his approachable
candor made the first time MUNners feel at ease.
Though only thirty-five minutes of the session
had lapsed, it did not stop the delegates from
candidly asking for a motion of
entertainment! Although the session started on a
monotonous note, the excitement of the delegates
and the constant urging by the chair, resulted in
a fruitful discussion on pressing issues such as
curbing maritime piracy in Somali waters. There
were only a few who were still shy but otherwise
most of them opened up and stepped out of their
comfort zone and spoke with poise. This obvious
progress in the discussion pleased the chair who
eventually relented into passing a motion of
entertainment! The vice-chair, Sara Shirodkar
seemed quite pleased with the progress of her
committee as they were discussing on passing two
directives. A crisis about the independence of
Somalia and the Sharia law in the committee
further fueled debate. The delegates of Uganda,
Rwanda and Angola were few of the most outspoken
delegates in the African Union. - Avisha Goyal
"This resolution, ladies and gentlemen, is a
ship. It is a great, big ship. And this ship, is
the Titanic...Let. It. Sink."
Iran home and cried when you said that
There's Norway I could like you back
NHRC National Human Rights Commission
Lowering the age of juvenile crime Amending
Pharmacy Act
The delegates of the NHRC agreed to start the
General Speaker's list based on 'Lowering the
Juvenile age'. This was the first agenda that was
put forth. The National Human Rights Council of
SISMUN 2014 commenced with a bang.
Straight away the delegates of the committee
locked talons and began a stimulating discussion
over the problem at hand. The discussion started
with the delegate, Shree M Shivanna, who stated
that the juvenile age should be lowered and more
time should be put into helping the juveniles who
have committed crimes. Furthermore, he suggested
that the age limit for juveniles across India
should be set to fourteen years. Judge Yoshi
Khanna collaborated
with him and raised the urgency of the situation
by displaying mind-blowing statistics, where in
2008 there were 17427 teenagers committing crimes
and in 2012 the number had reached to 26473
people.This partnership intrigued the chairs of
the committee. However, the level of maturity of
the juveniles needs to be questioned. Ca n they
really be mature enough to comprehend the
consequences of their performed crimes? Not only
that, but studies have proved that juveniles have
recently been coming into adulthood earlier and
hence questioning their physiological level is
important - Samit Godhania
10JCC Indian Union Cabinet State Council Of
Peoples Republic Of China
Sino - Indian border conflict
The Joint Crisis Committee, otherwise known as
JCC, was kicked off by their first crisis,
Pakistan illegally handed over Askai Chin to
China The minister of science and technology was
the first to open debate. JCC, which started off
slowly, broke into a moderated caucus that
brought up interesting points and ideas. Soon
enough, updates for the crisis started to flow
in. Chinese soldiers entered Indian territory,
leading only to more debate. The Minister of
Defense and the Minister of Human Resource
Development raised very interesting points. The
delegates received a new update on how around 20
Chinese soldiers entered the Indian territory.
Very interesting points were appointed by the
Minister of Science and Technology, the Minister
of defense and the Minister of Human resource
development as well as the Minister of law and
Justice. I interviewed the chairs of JCC as there
an unmoderated caucus going on. The head chair,
aryamaan jalota wanted to see more passion as
this is an Indian committee and didn't want the
delegates to be shy. The vice chair, rishav Mehta
wanted to see a challenge between to delegates
with different points of view. And the chairs got
a challenge between the Minister of Science and
technology and the Minister of Human resource
development. They got some what intense with some
Ironically, the minister of human resource
development was talking about the army issues
with China and India. Peony Chinoy
Why do I MUN? Really, why do I?
By Mukherjee. P
I MUN because I want to understand the mechanics
of the real change that is taking place, to look
at the world from the in-between zone of dread
and delight. To learn the nuts, bolts and levers
of how to proceed towards building a sense of
consensus in a world that is increasingly
becoming unilateral, unipolar and stridently
Have you ever witnessed how The spring descends
in an empty bowl? This city unfolds this way,
Thus it fills and Then it empties out...Kedarnath
Singh anniversary
This is 2014.Should I remember the 50th year of
the African Union at a time when Mali is sorting
its own ghosts? Which 25 do I remember this year?
The 25th year of SafdarHashmi'sassassination or
the 25th year of withdrawal of troops by Soviet
Union from Afghanistan or 25 years of Amitav
Ghosh's book Shadow Lines. Or for that matter
which 30? Three decades of Bhopal Gas tragedy or
three decades of the violence that ravaged the
Sikh community? Or 100 years of World War I, of
Ocativio Paz, of musical maestros Gyanprakash
Ghosh, C.S. Muruga boopathy and the late Polish
composer AndrzejPanufnik, who spent more than
half of his life in Britain, of Dylan Thomas and
H.L Nagegowda, of Lakshminath Bezbaruah, painter
K.H. Ara and AdvaitaMallabarman or Gandhiji's
return from South Africa or Srinivas Ramanujan's
trip to England or Tagore becoming the first
Asian to win Nobel prize in any category? Or 200
years of the brilliant James Long or 150 years of
Kamini Roy, Ramendrasunder Trivedi, Brajendranath
Seal and Ashutosh Mukherjee? And it was exactly
100 years before since Charlie Chaplin appeared
in his first film and a new country burst into
the global landscape of ideas, identity and
idioms Nigeria. The season of political
upheaval, socio-cultural churning, elections,
emotions of real and enforced spring, notions of
occupy, occupied, occupier and occupation is
playing itself out in diverse humans capes
ranging from Central African Republic to Cairo to
Dhaka, Tahrir square, Lebanon, Baharin, Liberia,
Tunisia, Libya, Ai Weiwei-the Chinese dissident
artist being taken to prison and then released
with his lips sewn and shut..all these points to
a churning that the world is currently facing and
will face in a far more complicated nature of
thingsthese repeated questionsthose repeated
acts of washing imaginary blood by Lady Macbeth
from her hands...Very recently, while shaping a
note for a summit of the youth, I wrote about the
changemaker. The answer lies in understanding
diversity. Who, then, is a change maker ?The
change-making force has to be defined by a
newness of thinking, the ability to dare and to
look the odds into the eye. A change maker can be
a political activist theatre director, sportsman,
a peacenik, a labourer, a human rights activist,
a sportsman, a painter, a lawyer, a bunch of
activists or even a group or collective that
gives birth to an idea whose time has come or
which is far ahead of times. But the change maker
has to be in active change and not some passive
theoretical change that is chained by academics.
He/She has to take part and be a field observer
and at the same time also be a footsolider for
change. But let me take this article a little
further than my previous piece. Can I identify a
change maker? I was discussing about this man in
a bookfest in Gujarat a few years back.
12His name Frontier Gandhi. Here is a story, I am
never tired of writing, rewriting and rewinding
again. Abdul Ghaffar Khan was born in a wealthy
family of Utmanzai, Hasht-nagar, in 1890 and his
only trust with education was one year at Mayo
College, Aligarh. From a family steeped in feudal
tradition of large land holding, he shocked his
family by wanting to become a peace-worker. He
was the second and last son of Bahram Khan (the
Mashar Khan-great Khan or the Khan of Khans).It
isn't very often that you stop the war to allow
mourners to walk from Khyber Pass to Jalalabad to
attend a funeral. He was also called Sarhaddi
Gandhi and Fakr-e-Afgan. In 1987, he became the
first non-Indian to be decorated with the Bharat
Ratna. He passed away under house arrest in
Peshawar the next year, but was buried across the
Khyber in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, with every
warring faction holding fire to pay their
respects to the great leader. The only such
instance in landscape scarred by fire and
crossfire. President Hamid Karzai, inaugurated
the renovation work on the mausoleum of Badshah
Khan in Jalalabad on April 15, 2010.It also isn't
very often that you share reading glasses with
Gandhi. It isn't very often that 6ft 3 inches,
you prefer to walk gently yet firmly and abhor
the word "military-solution." It isn't very often
you realise that passive resistance is a more
meaningful form of constructive workshop For the
better part of 1987, Badshah Khan was almost
unconscious in bed. He was in India for a period
of time and then at Lady Reading Hospital
Peshawar where he left his body. At the age of 98
on the 20th of January, 1988, Frontier Gandhi
died fighting his own pitched battle with peace,
He was buried in Jalalabad on the 22nd of
January. He had spent 30 years of his life in all
kinds of prison. And the "prison" that we are
discussing is not a metaphor but a hard, cold
cell that can play havoc with one's mind. It is
not very often that your Red Shirt has been dyed
with a colour from the red bricks. The power of
Surkh Posh! It also isn't very often that the
colonial imperialists jail you, your country
jails you, your former undivided country awards
you but hardly makes any internatonal clamour for
your release and you still remain non-violent. As
always.Diversity needs to be re-discovered.
Discussed threadbare.Discussed inside the
classrooms.Discussed with the Avarna of Ambedkar
and Ahimsa of Gandhi. How else will be
distinguish change makers from the
headline-grabbers? The idea of SISMUN needs to be
lauded. It takes praxis to student's not idle
words of imagined pedagogy. All power to your
collective voice. And all power to all those
voices that shape their own idea of looking at
procedures and not merely taking derivate MUN
booklets following them to the T. Or even the
photo-journalism competition in the true spirit
of Cartier Bresson Camera-it can be a machine
gun, it can be a psycho-analytical couch, it can
be a warm kiss, it can be a sketch book. The
idea of MUN is to identify the traits of a
changemaker. And then walk the path. The path in
itself is littered with landmines. But then, how
do you change the process if the process does not
change you. How do you heal if you have never
undergone the power of healing? Let me end with
an extract culled from the Constituent Assembly
of India Debates Volume I and delivered by Khan
Abdul Ghaffar Khan on Wednesday, the 11th
December, 1946.... I admit that the people of the
North-West Frontier' Province are much behind you
in literacy and in wealth.
13Our Province is a small one while yours are
larger but I can say that the people of the
North-West Frontier Province, if not ahead, are
in no way behind you in many things....Let us see
what violence is and what non-violence is. I tell
you that whether we are Hindus or Muslims we can
win the people only by being non-violent because
violence breeds hate and non-violence creates
love. You cannot bring peace to the worked by
violence. One war' will compel us to fight a
second war more disastrous than the first.
Violence begets hate in the minds of
people... Years later these eternally relevant
extracts convince me as to why I do and why we
should MUN. It is never about what is new. It is
always about what seeking the tested values of
tolerance against fist-pumping, air salute
machismo. And that is an old fight. And a fight
that tolerance has to win. And win it soon. (Mr
Mukherjee. P is one of the important alternative
theatre directors of the country and has
developed projects for different arms of UN and
other international agencies).