Title: Monroeton Elementary: 21st Century Classrooms
1Monroeton Elementary21st Century Classrooms
- Here at Monroeton, we are working together to
lead students into the 21st century through
technology and project based learning. At
Monroeton, learning is always under
construction. - This picture is of Robin Finberg, our
Construction Supervisor and Principal.
3Students have a wide variety of technology
available to them at Monroeton.
4"Nicky" is an elementary future ready student.
Read his labels which describe the skills all
students need to be globally competitive in the
21st century. http//www.dpi.state.nc.us/curric
5Kindergarten in the Library
- The library can be the beginning of education for
many students. - In our library at Monroeton, we have computers
for class use, and wonderful book resources for
our students. - During our 21st Century Night, our Kindergarten
staff invited parents and other visitors to learn
about how their students are preparing for the
21st century. For many of their students, the
experience starts in the library.
6First Grade
- Several of our first grade classrooms have active
boards. - Teachers use the active boards to teach lessons,
show related video clips from Discovery
Education, and allow students to interact with
lessons. - Next year, all classrooms at Monroeton are to
have active boards. - All classrooms at Monroeton have four computers
located in the rooms for student use. These
computers can be used for AR testing, research,
and student remediation.
7Second Grade
- In second grade, students have access to many
different learning opportunities. - Active Boards
- Computers
- Project Based Learning
82nd Grade Project Based Learning (PBLs)
9Third Grade
- In third grade, students studied the underground
railroad in connection to Black History month. - In the hall and around the school, the teachers
re-created the travels that took place from the
south to the north by slaves. Even the PE
teacher, Mr. Wray helped out as a conductor. - Students also used glow-in-the-dark paint to
create constellations that were used for guidance
along the underground railroad. - Ms. Carter looks at maps student used to compare
traveling by car or on foot. The students used
Google Maps to plan their own route to the north.
10Fourth Grade
- Fourth grade parents were invited to interact
with the Active Board. - Afterwards, parents could look at the different
PBLs that their students have participated in. - Projects ranged from timelines, pamphlets, to
creating new creatures, diagramming the digestive
system, and creating their own daily nutritional
11Fourth Grade Project Based LearningPBLs
12Fifth Grade
- U.S. History is an important component of 5th
grade. In connection to their trip to
Washington, D.C., students took part in a PBL
project. This PBL allowed students to create a
PowerPoint presentation on a famous Washington
monument prior to their trip. - Fifth graders are also taking part in a real
estate/economics project. This PBL allows
students to purchase a property, and then be
responsible for repairs that may be needed. This
connects their math skills to budgeting and real
world scenarios. - Each nine weeks, students have researched a
different aspect of science including weather,
landforms, and the water cycle.
13Fifth Grade PBLs Washington, D.C.--Monument
Research Project,Real Estate Project, Water
Cycle, and Biomes
14Parents and Community Involvement
- Monroeton Elementary welcomes the opportunity to
partner with parents and the community to give
our students new and exciting opportunities to
learn. - We are preparing students for the future of a
global technology driven world.