Title: Nathan E. Hultman
1Climate Policy and Sustainable DevelopmentWorking
with the Clean Development Mechanism
- Nathan E. Hultman
- Science, Technology, and International Affairs
- Walsh School of Foreign Service
- Georgetown University
- What is the Clean Development Mechanism?
- How does it work?
- What other options exist?
3What is the CDM?
4Kyoto Protocol
- Commitments
- Binding targets for Annex I parties
- 5 below 1990 levels by 2012
- Targets based on net changes in emissions of 6
greenhouse gases - General commitments for all parties
- Implementation
- Domestic policies, incl. domestic sinks
- Supplemental Flexibility mechanisms
- Emissions Trading
- Clean Development Mechanism
- Joint Implementation
5Kyoto Protocol Article 12
- Host countries may be only Developing Countries
- Two requirements for projects
- 1. Achieving sustainable development
- 2. Allowing developed countries to offset
emissions - Voluntary participation
- Benefits
- Real, measurable, long-term
- additional to business as usual
- Subject to verification and approval
6The CDM Executive Board
- 10 members, 10 alternates (names are online)
- Duties
- Approve methodologies for baselines, monitoring
- Accredit operational entities
- Develop and administer CDM registry
- COP/MOP retains oversight and review
- First meeting was June 2002 most recent was
early June 2003
7Summary of CDM
- Credits arise from additionalityover a baseline
- Acceptable projects
- Renewable energy
- Repowering
- Nuclear
- Sinks (Afforestation and Reforestation)
- Governance Executive Board
- Public participation and oversight
- Independent monitoring and verification
8Information on Kyoto Protocol / CDM Correction
Web addresses have changed!
- Framework Convention on Climate Change
- http//unfccc.int
- Rules, forms, and information for CDM projects
- http//cdm.unfccc.int
- A CDM how-to list
- http//cdm.unfccc.int/pac/howto/
9How does the CDM work?
10Project Approval Processknown as Project
Activity Cycle
11Project Approval ProcessStep 1 Design
- Project idea is developed
- Choose location, technology
- Decide on Regular or Small-scale
- Discuss with stakeholders
- Proposal drafted according to Project Design
Document (PDD)
12Project Approval ProcessWriting the PDD
- A. General description of project
- B. Baseline methodology
- C. Duration of the project activity / Crediting
period - D. Monitoring methodology and plan
- E. Calculations of GHG emissions by sources
- F. Environmental impacts
- G. Stakeholders comments
Simplified PDD for Small Projects!
13Project Approval ProcessSimplified PDD
Small-scale projects
- (i) Renewable energy project activities with a
maximum output capacity equivalent of up to 15
megawatts - (ii) Energy efficiency improvement project
activities which reduce energy consumption, on
the supply and/or demand side, by up to the
equivalent of 15 gigawatt/hours per year - (iii) Other project activities that both reduce
anthropogenic emissions by sources and directly
emit less than 15 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide
equivalent annually
Source Decision 17/CP.7
14Project Approval ProcessStep 2a Validation
- PDD submitted for independent evaluation
- Performed by a Designated Operational Entity
(DOE) - DOE compares PDD to the requirements of the CDM
15Project Approval ProcessAccreditation and
- Designated Operational Entity (DOE)
- Term for project developer or auditor
- Must be approved by the EB and MOP
- Current applicants include KPMG, PWC, Det Norske
Veritas, others from DE, JP, KOR, FR, UK - Designated National Authority (DNA)
- Selected by each Party to communicate with the EB
- Usually Environment Ministry or similar
- Must authorize projects!
16Project Approval ProcessStep 2b Registration
- Once the DOE validates the project, it must be
registered with the EB with approval from DNA
17Project Approval ProcessStep 3 Monitoring
- Once the project starts, it will be regularly
monitored for compliance
18Project Approval ProcessStep 4 Verification and
- Carbon credits will be verified by the DOE
19Project Approval ProcessStep 5 Issuance
- The DOE provides written certification to the EB
- The EB issues Certified Emissions Reduction
credits (CERs) to the project
20Project Approval Process
21What other options exist for combining climate
protection with sustainable development?
22Climate Policy Sustainable Development
- Kyoto Instruments
- Clean Development Mechanism
- Adaptation Fund
- Least Developed Countries Fund
- Climate Change Fund
- Arrangements outside Kyoto
- Corporate initiatives
- NGO activities
- Bilateral initiatives