Plan for Technology Integration  July 1, 2003-
June 30, 2006
2District Technology Mission Statement Our
mission is to facilitate a learning environment
where technology is utilized to promote success.
Technology is a tool to support the curriculum,
to reinforce prior learning, to increase
productivity, and to encourage creativity and
problem solving. We will provide teachers with
the skills and tools needed to integrate
technology into the curriculum, and provide
continuous support to ensure that the technology
is being used to its maximum potential in the
3Two Key Points to Our Vision
- Technology Integration must be based on
- actual needs, not just as a toy or gimmick.
- Focus should be on the curriculum, not on
- the technology itself.
4Six Main Sections of Technology Plan
- Professional Development
- Infrastructure
- Technical Support
- Funding Budget
- Monitoring Evaluation
- Curriculum
5Curriculum Goals (aligned with State standards)
- Integrate technology standards and benchmarks
into existing content standards and apply to
established district curricular content. - Demonstrate technology skills in curricular
areas throughout the students K-12 experience. - Plan where State standards and benchmarks are
to be applied by grade level. - Increase student achievement through technology
6Technology Content Standards and Benchmarks
- Included in your handouts
- CS numbers match State content standards
- (provided for State review)
- Integrate into your curriculum maps
- Some benchmarks have not been included
- (do not apply to todays activity)
7Use multimedia programs relative to
curriculum (CS2, CS3, CS4)
The student will create information products that
demonstrate retrieval, input, organization,
manipulation, evaluation and communication of
information using applications such as graphic
organizers or presentation software. Information
will be in multiple formats (voice, data, video,
still graphics, etc.)
Example Use the Internet, Electric Library
and/or Encarta to learn the physical
characteristics, reproduction, defense mechanisms
and feeding habits of a nonvertebrate and create
a PowerPoint to present them in the students own
8Word processing (CS2, CS4)
The student will find and use recorded
information and create original text to produce a
Word document explaining concepts included in the
evaluated curriculum.
Example Use textbooks, library books, magazines,
newspapers, and Internet resources to produce a
research paper using Microsoft Word.
9Desktop publishing (CS3, CS4)
The student will plan and design a document in
the form of a printed publication, create
original text, and use a desktop publishing
program such as Publisher or the Publications
functions in Word to produce a copy of an
informative newsletter, book, flyer, brochure or
other print document reflecting mastery of an
instructional standard or benchmark.
Example The student will create original
brochure or newsletter for distribution to
parents, teachers, or fellow classmates.
Students will use desktop publishing to design
and create cover letters for research papers and
other reports.
10Multi-media presentations including digital
video editing (CS4, CS5)
The student will plan and design a multimedia
presentation, write original text, and/or use
PowerPoint to display a process to improve a
product, system, or environment covered in the
core curriculum. Students will learn to use
digital video editing equipment to record
presentations and other projects.
Example Students will create short informational
public service advertisements or school
announcements for distribution to school
population. Students will create PowerPoint
presentations to enhance oral reports.
11Access to computer research tools (CS1, CS2, CS5)
The student will use electronic research tools to
transfer technological knowledge to life roles,
process information, and gain an understanding of
legal and ethical standards for use of
Example Students will gather and evaluate
information from the World Wide Web, online
libraries, and databases to demonstrate knowledge
assessed in curriculum.
12Access to external computer accessories PDA,
calculators, smart board (CS1, CS2, CD4, CS5)
The student will use external computer
accessories in the process of applying technical
knowledge and skills to life roles, using
information, practicing a systematic approach to
problem solving, and behaving legally and
ethically in technology use.
Example Use the computer scanner to add images
from books on the Commonwealth of Independent
States to papers explaining the differences
between communist and democratic government.
13Developmentally appropriate use of databases and
spreadsheets (CS2, CD3)
The student will use database and spreadsheet
software to process information and apply
technological knowledge and skills to their roles
as family member, citizen, worker, consumer, and
lifelong learner.
Example Students will gather, evaluate, and
disseminate action research using Microsoft
Access or Excel to organize and calculate data.
14Development of Web Page(Grade 9- Grade 12) (CS1,
CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6)
The student will learn various methods of
creating and posting interactive web pages using
object-based programs as well as HTML and JAVA
code, while exercising legal and ethical
Example Students will create a personal website
including portfolio work and resume.
- Do Not Focus on the Technology Itself
- Do Not Make it Too Complicated
- Avoid Redundancy
- Is There Good Linkage Between Classes?
- Do Not Force the Technology into the Lesson
- Use Peers
16Technology Integration Web Page Created for LCS
Go to Districts Home Page www.lapeerschools.org
17Click on link to Technology Plan
18Click on Link to Lesson Plans
Plan for Technology Integration  July 1, 2003-
June 30, 2006