Title: Lifestyle change: the problem and the solution
1Lifestyle change the problem and the
solution Louise Brown Unilever Corporate
Lifestyle change the problem
High caloric diets Sedentary Stress Sleep
Incidence of adult obesity (and overweight) in
the UK
1994 2003
Men 13.8 22.9 (65.4) Women 17.3 23.4
Health Survey for England, 2003
3Lifestyle change the problem
Impact of obesity
- Mortality - risk of premature death
- Morbidity - diabetes, heart disease,
hypertension, some cancers, breathing problems,
ischemic stroke, arthritis, reproductive
problems - Type 2 diabetes (UK - projections)
- -3m (6) by 2010
- -6 NHS budget in 2010 on complications of T2DM
2004 White Paper, "Choosing Health"
4Diet Health
Leave your drugs in the chemists pot if you can
heal the patient with food Hippocrates
c460-c360 BC
5Lifestyle change the solution
Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)
Control Placebo Drug Metformin (850mg twice a
day) Lifestyle Facilitated lifestyle change
aimed at reducing weight by 7 through a low-fat
diet and exercising for 150 minutes per
week Both control and drug groups received
general information on diet and exercise.
Knowler et al., 2002
6Nutrition enhancement programme- assess all
products against nutrition bench marks based on
national and WHO/FAO guidelines
- Mandatory process enhance nutritional quality
- Linked to making product claims
- 16,000 products already assessed
- In 2005 we will take out 14,000 tons of trans
fat 6,200 tons of saturated fat 1,900 tons of
sodium 6,000 tons of sugar from our global
foods portfolio